1. Which of the following is the objective of the GOBAR-Dhan Scheme launched by the GoI?
    A. To promote a circular economy through waste-to-wealth plants
    B. To provide financial aid to farmers
    C. To increase the production of fossil fuels
    D. To improve the quality of education in rural areas
    Correct Answer: A. To promote a circular economy through waste-to-wealth plants.
    Explanation: The GOBAR-Dhan Scheme was launched in 2018 as a national priority project under the Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin – Phase II programme with the objective of promoting a circular economy through waste-to-wealth plants.
  2. What is the impact of the increased tax on royalty or technical fees earned by foreign non-resident companies?
    A. May increase the cost of imports without a bilateral treaty
    B. Will decrease the cost of imports
    C. Will not have any impact on the cost of imports
    D. May decrease the cost of exports
    Correct Answer: A. May increase the cost of imports without a bilateral treaty
    Explanation: The essay states that the tax on royalty or technical fees earned by foreign non-resident companies has been increased from 10% to 20%, which may increase the cost of imports without a bilateral treaty.
  3. Which of the following initiatives has the Indian government launched to support the transgender community?
    A. The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2022
    B. The SMILE Scheme
    C. The National Council for Cisgender Persons
    D. The National Portal for Heteronormative Persons
    Correct Answer: B. The SMILE Scheme
    Explanation: The Indian government has launched various initiatives to support the transgender community, including the SMILE Scheme, the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019, the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Rules, 2020, the National Council for Transgender Persons, reservations for the transgender community under the OBC category in employment, and the National Portal for Transgender Persons. The Garima Greh scheme aims to provide shelter, food, medical care, and recreational facilities for transgender persons.
  4. What are the risks of using depleted uranium munitions?
    A. High levels of radiation and risk of developing a range of cancers
    B. No risks as depleted uranium is not radioactive
    C. Risk of explosions and collateral damage
    D. Risk of causing earthquakes and tsunamis
    Correct Answer: A. High levels of radiation and risk of developing a range of cancers
    Explanation: Even though depleted uranium munitions aren’t considered nuclear weapons, such weapons emit low levels of radiation and can cause severe diseases. Ingesting or inhaling quantities of uranium – even depleted uranium – is dangerous. It depresses renal function and raises the risk of developing a range of cancers.
  5. What is the aim of the Electronics Manufacturing Clusters (EMC) scheme?
    A. To make India a global player in the field of Electronics Manufacturing.
    B. To provide subsidies to small-scale electronic manufacturers.
    C. To provide support for the creation of solar power plants.
    D. To provide support for the creation of telecom infrastructure.
    Correct Answer: A. To make India a global player in the field of Electronics Manufacturing.
    Explanation: The aim of the Electronics Manufacturing Clusters (EMC) scheme is to make India a global player in the field of Electronics Manufacturing and to offset disabilities faced by industries for reliable infrastructure. Source
  6. What is the primary purpose of the GST Appellate Tribunal?
    A. To issue GST registrations to taxpayers
    B. To provide a specialized forum for resolving GST disputes
    C. To audit GST returns filed by taxpayers
    D. To collect GST dues from taxpayers
    Correct Answer: B. To provide a specialized forum for resolving GST disputes
    Explanation: The GST Appellate Tribunal is a specialized forum for resolving disputes related to GST laws at the appellate level.
  7. What is the purpose of regulating online gaming platforms as intermediaries?
    A. To promote fraudulent activities
    B. To encourage addiction
    C. To safeguard users and promote the online gaming sector
    D. None of the above
    Correct Answer: C. To safeguard users and promote the online gaming sector
    Explanation: The essay suggests that regulating online gaming platforms as intermediaries and placing due diligence requirements on them can safeguard users and promote the online gaming sector, encouraging innovation.
  8. What is the importance of the Anji Khad bridge?
    A. Provides a faster and more efficient way of transporting goods and people.
    B. Boosts economic activity in the region.
    C. Provides employment opportunities for the local population.
    D. All of the above.
    Correct Answer: D. All of the above.
    Explanation: The completion of the bridge will provide a faster and more efficient way of transporting goods and people, reducing the travel time between the two regions, boosting economic activity in the region, and providing employment opportunities for the local population.
  9. The Indian government has launched which of the following initiatives to tackle plastic pollution caused by single-use plastics?
    A. Plastic waste management gazette
    B. Ban on double-use plastics
    C. National Dashboard on Elimination of Double Use Plastic
    D. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) portal
    Correct Answer: A. Plastic waste management gazette
    Explanation: The Indian government has introduced a plastic waste management gazette to help tackle plastic pollution caused by single-use plastics.
  10. What is the Armed Forces (Special) Powers Act (AFSPA)?
    A. An act that provides special powers to the armed forces in certain areas
    B. An act that provides special powers to the police in certain areas
    C. An act that provides special powers to the judiciary in certain areas
    D. None of the above
    Correct Answer: A. An act that provides special powers to the armed forces in certain areas
    Explanation: The AFSPA is a law that provides special powers to the armed forces in certain areas of India. These powers include the power to arrest without a warrant and to use force if necessary.
  11. What is the aim of the Aravalli Green Wall Project?
    A. To improve the ecological health of the Aravalli range
    B. To promote the use of single-use plastic in the Aravalli range
    C. To increase the expansion of Thar Desert
    D. To decrease the number of native tree species in the Aravalli region
    Correct Answer: A. To improve the ecological health of the Aravalli range
    Explanation: The main aim of the Aravalli Green Wall Project is to improve the ecological health of the Aravalli range by creating green barriers that will prevent soil erosion, desertification and dust storms. Additionally, the project aims to enhance biodiversity, ecosystem services, and promote sustainable development and livelihood opportunities for local communities.
  12. What is the impact of the guillotine on parliamentary democracy?
    A. It ensures timely passage of financial business
    B. It curtails the time available for members to discuss and debate
    C. It provides an opportunity for members to scrutinize the government’s policies
    D. It promotes democratic deliberation and debate
    Correct Answer: B. It curtails the time available for members to discuss and debate
    Explanation: While the guillotine process ensures timely passage of important financial business during the Budget Session, it curtails the time available for members to discuss and debate the Demands for Grants, which are budgetary allocations for various ministries. This can limit the opportunity for members to scrutinize the government’s policies and working and to raise important issues and concerns.
  13. What is the significance of India’s Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, 2018?
    A. It helps in the extradition of economic offenders who have fled the country.
    B. It has increased corruption in the Indian banking sector.
    C. It allows for amnesty to economic offenders who have fled the country.
    D. It promotes economic offenses in the country.
    Correct Answer: A. It helps in the extradition of economic offenders who have fled the country.
    Explanation: The Act’s significance lies in the fact that it helps in recovering loan defaults, provides a mechanism for international cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of economic offenses, brings transparency and accountability to the Indian banking sector, and acts as a strong deterrence for economic offenders from absconding.
  14. What is the regulatory framework for conservation and management of wetlands across India?
    A. Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017
    B. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
    C. Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
    D. Forest Conservation Act, 1980
    Correct Answer: A. Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017
    Explanation: The essay states that MoEF&CC has notified Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017 under the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 as regulatory framework for conservation and management of wetlands across the country.
  15. What is one of the problems with the PARIVESH portal?
    A. Low discoverability
    B. Too much information available
    C. Inaccurate project tagging
    D. Lack of user authentication
    Correct Answer: A. Low discoverability
    Explanation: One of the problems with the PARIVESH portal is that navigating through it can be complicated as information is not organized uniformly across types/categories and regions, leading to low discoverability.
  16. What is the purpose of NASA’s AIM spacecraft mission?
    A. To study noctilucent clouds and the mesosphere
    B. To explore Mars
    C. To study black holes in deep space
    D. To search for extraterrestrial life
    Correct Answer: A. To study noctilucent clouds and the mesosphere
    Explanation: The AIM spacecraft was launched to study noctilucent clouds and the mesosphere, which is a region of Earth’s atmosphere between 50 and 85 kilometers above the surface.
  17. What is the benefit of DigiClaim platform for farmers?
    A. Receive claims digitally in a faster, time-bound and automated manner
    B. Sell their crops online
    C. Track their crops on real-time basis
    D. Receive premium for their crops
    Correct Answer: A. Receive claims digitally in a faster, time-bound and automated manner
    Explanation: DigiClaim will help farmers receive their claims digitally, in a faster, time-bound and automated manner. Farmers will be able to track the claim settlement process on a real-time basis on their mobile phones.
  18. Which type of reactor uses a liquid mixture of salt and fuel as both coolant and fuel?
    A. Fast Neutron Reactor (FNR)
    B. Molten Salt Reactor (MSR)
    C. Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor (AGR)
    D. Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
    Correct Answer: B. Molten Salt Reactor (MSR)
    Explanation: The Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) uses a liquid mixture of salt and fuel as both coolant and fuel.
  19. What is an affinity test?
    A. A process to determine an individual’s caste or tribe by assessing their knowledge of customs and practices
    B. A physical examination to determine an individual’s caste or tribe
    C. A personality test to determine an individual’s caste or tribe
    D. A written exam to determine an individual’s caste or tribe
    Correct Answer: A. A process to determine an individual’s caste or tribe by assessing their knowledge of customs and practices.
    Explanation: An affinity test is a process used to determine an individual’s caste or tribe by assessing their knowledge of the customs, traditions, and practices of the said community.
  20. What is the primary responsibility of the Fed?
    A. Conducting monetary policy
    B. Regulating the stock market
    C. Providing loans to individuals
    D. Promoting international trade
    Correct Answer: A. Conducting monetary policy
    Explanation: As mentioned in the essay, the primary responsibilities of the Fed include conducting monetary policy to promote price stability and full employment, supervising and regulating banks and other financial institutions, and providing financial services to the US government and other banks.
  21. What is the purpose of establishing conservation breeding centers for the Great Indian Bustard?
    A. To provide a safe environment for the birds to thrive.
    B. To reduce human interference in their habitats.
    C. To increase their population.
    D. To monitor their population.
    Correct Answer: C. To increase their population.
    Explanation: The essay mentions that conservation breeding centers are being established for the Great Indian Bustard to increase their population.
  22. What is the purpose of the committee formed by the Indian government regarding tur dal?
    A. To facilitate easy imports of tur dal
    B. To ensure a steady supply of tur dal
    C. To regulate the price of tur dal
    D. To promote fair trade practices
    Correct Answer: B. To ensure a steady supply of tur dal. Explanation: The committee was formed to monitor the stock of tur dal held by importers, mills, stockists, and traders to prevent hoarding and speculation.
  23. What is the primary issue with the IOE scheme?
    A. Lack of interest among private institutions to apply for the scheme
    B. Multiplicity of regulators in the higher education sector
    C. Inadequate funding for private campuses
    D. Difficulty in attracting students from other countries
    Correct Answer: B. Multiplicity of regulators in the higher education sector
    Explanation: The issue of the multiplicity of regulators in the higher education sector as a major challenge in realizing the objectives of the IOE scheme.
  24. What is the goal of OneWeb Constellation project?
    A. To provide high-speed, low-latency internet connectivity worldwide.
    B. To launch satellites into space for scientific exploration.
    C. To create a new form of transportation using space technology.
    D. To establish a permanent human settlement on the Moon.
    Correct Answer: A. To provide high-speed, low-latency internet connectivity worldwide.
    Explanation: The OneWeb Constellation project is a collaboration between OneWeb Group, ISRO, and NSIL, with the aim of providing high-speed, low-latency internet connectivity worldwide.
  25. What is the eligibility for the Special Marriage Act?
    A. Only for Hindus and Muslims
    B. Only for inter-faith or inter-caste couples
    C. Only for females
    D. Only for people above the age of 30
    Correct Answer: B. Only for inter-faith or inter-caste couples
    Explanation: The Special Marriage Act is applicable to the people of all faiths, including Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists, across India. The Act enables marriage between inter-faith or inter-caste couples without them giving up their religious identity or resorting to conversion.
  26. What is the drawback of clean and renewable energy that makes it unreliable?
    A. Lack of power during the nights or windless days.
    B. High initial investment cost.
    C. Difficulty in finding suitable locations.
    D. Limited availability of renewable resources.
    Correct Answer: A. Lack of power during the nights or windless days.
    Explanation: As mentioned in the essay, the drawback of clean and renewable energy is the lack of power during the nights or windless days.
  27. What is the reason why India is looking to reduce its dependence on coal?
    A. It is expensive
    B. It is inefficient
    C. It contributes to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
    D. It is difficult to transport
    Correct Answer: C. It contributes to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
    Explanation: Coal-based power generation is a major contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Coal combustion releases harmful pollutants, which have adverse effects on human health and the environment.
  28. What is the impact of the SAA on satellites and spacecraft passing through it?
    A. It can harm life on the surface of the Earth
    B. It can cause malfunctioning of technological systems onboard satellites
    C. It can affect the weather patterns on Earth
    D. It can cause earthquakes in the region
    Correct Answer: B. It can cause malfunctioning of technological systems onboard satellites
    Explanation: The charged particles from the Sun that satellites and spacecraft are exposed to as they pass through the SAA can cause short-circuiting or malfunctioning of the technological systems onboard satellites.
  29. What is an IMF bailout?
    A. Assistance provided to a country facing bankruptcy
    B. A loan provided to a country to improve its economy
    C. Funds provided to a country to improve its infrastructure
    D. A grant provided to a country to improve its education system
    Correct Answer: A. Assistance provided to a country facing bankruptcy
    Explanation: An IMF bailout is provided as assistance to a country that faces bankruptcy. The essay explains that when nations face macroeconomic concerns, currency crises, or need help to pay off their external debt, they turn to the IMF for support.
  30. Which of the following is not an insurance intermediary?
    A. Corporate agents
    B. Insurance brokers
    C. Customers who buy insurance policies
    D. Web aggregators
    Correct Answer: C. Customers who buy insurance policies
    Explanation: Insurance intermediaries include corporate agents, insurance brokers, web aggregators, insurance marketing firms and a common public service centre. Customers who buy insurance policies are not intermediaries.
  31. What is the main challenge faced by India in managing PV waste?
    A. Lack of storage facilities
    B. Lack of recycling facilities
    C. Growing informal handling of PV waste
    D. Lack of awareness
    Correct Answer: C. Growing informal handling of PV waste
    Explanation: India’s challenge is the growing informal handling of PV waste.
  32. Which of the following Acts is not included in the list of scheduled offences that the NIA investigates?
    A. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act
    B. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act
    C. Anti-Hijacking Act
    D. Prevention of Corruption Act
    Correct Answer: D. Prevention of Corruption Act
    Explanation: The essay mentions that the NIA investigates scheduled offences that include the Explosive Substances Act, Atomic Energy Act, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, Anti-Hijacking Act, Suppression of Unlawful Acts against Safety of Civil Aviation Act, SAARC Convention (Suppression of Terrorism) Act, Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against Safety of Maritime Navigation and Fixed Platforms on Continental Shelf Act, Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, and relevant offences under the Indian Penal Code, Arms Act, and the Information Technology Act. In 2020, the Centre empowered the NIA to also probe offences under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act that are connected to terror cases. The Prevention of Corruption Act is not included in the list. Source
  33. What is India’s stand on the One China policy?
    A. India does not recognize the One China policy.
    B. India officially recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign state.
    C. India officially recognizes the One China policy and maintains diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China.
    D. India has not taken a clear stand on the One China policy.
    Correct Answer: C. India officially recognizes the One China policy and maintains diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China.
    Explanation: India officially recognizes the One China policy and maintains diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. India has not recognized Taiwan as a sovereign state and instead refers to it as a “part of China” which has remained consistent over the years. However, India maintains unofficial and non-governmental contacts with Taiwan including business, cultural, and people-to-people exchanges.
  34. What are the functions of SEBI?
    A. Draft regulations, conduct inquiries, pass rulings and impose penalties
    B. Promote the interests of mutual fund companies
    C. Regulate the prices of stocks
    D. Promote the growth of specific industries in India
    Correct Answer: A. Draft regulations, conduct inquiries, pass rulings and impose penalties
    Explanation: SEBI is a quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial body which can draft regulations, conduct inquiries, pass rulings and impose penalties. Its aim is to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and regulate the securities market. It is the regulator of the securities and commodity market in India owned by the Government of India.
  35. What is the most famous piezoelectric crystal?
    A. Quartz
    B. Diamond
    C. Sapphire
    D. Emerald
    Correct Answer: A. Quartz
    Explanation: The essay specifically states that quartz is the most famous piezoelectric crystal and provides a detailed description of its structure and properties.
  36. What is the significance of the IAEA’s rotating team at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant?
    A. To promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy
    B. To inhibit the use of nuclear energy for military purposes
    C. To avoid any nuclear risk
    D. To ensure that Ukraine complies with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
    Correct Answer: C. To avoid any nuclear risk
    Explanation: The essay states that the IAEA has a rotating team permanently based at the plant to avoid any nuclear risk.
  37. What is the major challenge facing DPI?
    A. Digital colonization and weaponization of data and technology.
    B. Incompatibility and lack of scalability.
    C. Insufficient funding from the government.
    D. Slow adoption rate by the public.
    Correct Answer: A. Digital colonization and weaponization of data and technology.
    Explanation: One of the significant challenges facing DPI is the weaponization of data and technology or Digital Colonization, resulting in a loss of agency, sovereignty, and privacy.
  38. What is NSIL’s LMV3 mission?
    A. To develop and manufacture advanced communication satellites
    B. To transfer technologies developed by DoS/ISRO to Indian industries
    C. To provide launch services to global satellite customers
    D. To manufacture SSLV through Indian Industry partners
    Correct Answer: C. To provide launch services to global satellite customers
    Explanation: NSIL’s LMV3 mission involves providing launch services to global satellite customers on board SSLV, PSLV, GSLV, and GSLV MkIII launchers.
  39. What is the interchange fee?
    A. The transaction fee paid by the merchant when a customer carries out a transaction
    B. The transaction fee paid by the customer when making a payment
    C. The fee charged by banks for using UPI
    D. The fee charged for withdrawing money from an ATM
    Correct Answer: A. The transaction fee paid by the merchant when a customer carries out a transaction
    Explanation: The interchange fee is the transaction fee paid by the merchant when a customer carries out a transaction. In this case, it is the fee paid by the merchant to the payment service provider for accepting UPI transactions of over Rs. 2000.
  40. What is one challenge that the NMMS app may face in its implementation?
    A. Concerns about data privacy and security
    B. Real-time uploading of attendance and wage data
    C. Transparency and accountability
    D. Capturing attendance and geo-tagged photographs of workers
    Correct Answer: A. Concerns about data privacy and security
    Explanation: There may be concerns about data privacy and security when personal information such as photographs and biometric data are collected through the NMMS app.
  41. Which organization is responsible for issuing the certificate for the QCO?
    A. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
    B. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
    C. The National Standards Body of India
    D. The Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016
    Correct Answer: B. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
    Explanation: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the National Standards Body of India under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, established by the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016. The BIS is responsible for issuing the certificate for the QCO.
  42. What is the Indira Gandhi Canal also known as?
    A. Rajasthan Canal
    B. Beas Canal
    C. Ravi Canal
    D. Satluj Canal
    Correct Answer: A. Rajasthan Canal
    Explanation: The Indira Gandhi Canal is also known as the Rajasthan Canal and it is the longest canal in India.
  43. What is the primary application of satellites in geostationary orbit?
    A. Weather monitoring
    B. Studying other planets
    C. Mapping the Earth’s surface
    D. Tracking asteroids and comets
    Correct Answer: A. Weather monitoring
    Explanation: Satellites in geostationary orbit allow for uninterrupted coverage of over 1/3 of the Earth per satellite, and are mainly used for meteorological satellites.
  44. What kind of information can be sought under the RTI Act?
    A. Only information related to defense and national security
    B. Only personal information of individuals
    C. Any information related to the government or public authorities, except for defense and national security
    D. Only information related to infrastructure projects
    Correct Answer: C. Any information related to the government or public authorities, except for defense and national security
    Explanation: Any Indian citizen is free to seek any information from any public or government authority under the RTI Act. However, the information sought must not be related to defense, national security, or personal details.
