1. What is a significant challenge faced by businesses in India when setting up manufacturing units?
    A. High import duties
    B. Advanced regulatory policies
    C. Skilled labor shortage
    D. Favorable growth conditions
    Correct Answer: C. Skilled labor shortage
    Explanation: The unskilled labor and inadequate infrastructure are key factors that businesses consider before setting up manufacturing hubs in India. Therefore, the challenge faced by businesses is the shortage of skilled labor, which impacts productivity and efficiency. source
  2. Under the 2023 amendment bill, who will exclusively conduct the auction for certain critical minerals?
    A. State Government
    B. Central Government
    C. Private Companies
    D. District Mineral Foundation (DMF)
    Correct Answer: B. Central Government
    Explanation: The Central Government will exclusively conduct the auction for certain critical minerals under the 2023 amendment bill. source
  3. Where were 62 species of desiccation-tolerant vascular plants discovered?
    A. Sahara Desert
    B. Amazon Rainforest
    C. India’s Western Ghats
    D. Australian Outback
    Correct Answer: C. India’s Western Ghats
    Explanation: The study discovered 62 species of desiccation-tolerant vascular plants in India’s Western Ghats region. These plants have adapted to survive in specific habitats like rock outcrops and partially shaded tree trunks inside forests. source
  4. What is LK-99?
    A. A copper-doped lead apatite
    B. A revolutionary power plant
    C. A new type of superconductor discovered in 1999
    D. A room-temperature refrigerator
    Correct Answer: A. A copper-doped lead apatite
    Explanation: LK-99 is a compound, a copper-doped lead apatite, named after its two discoverers, Lee and Kim, and the year of its discovery, 1999. source
  5. What role do SMRs play in industrial decarbonization?
    A. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
    B. Enhancing nuclear fission technology
    C. Increasing power capacity
    D. Expanding factory-assembled components
    Correct Answer: A. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
    Explanation: SMRs help in industrial decarbonization by producing low-carbon electricity, which contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and addresses climate change. source
  6. What is the primary objective of the Ayush (AY) visa introduced by the Ministry of Home Affairs?
    A. Promoting international trade
    B. Encouraging foreign investment
    C. Facilitating medical treatment under Ayush systems
    D. Supporting cultural exchange
    Correct Answer: C. Facilitating medical treatment under Ayush systems
    Explanation: The Ayush Visa is specifically designed to enable foreign nationals to seek medical treatment under the Ayush systems or Indian systems of medicine. source
  7. How is Voyager 2 powered, and what makes its power source unique?
    A. It is powered by solar panels and batteries.
    B. It relies on wind energy from cosmic winds.
    C. It uses a nuclear power plant fueled by plutonium.
    D. It generates energy from the gravitational pull of planets.
    Correct Answer: C. It uses a nuclear power plant fueled by plutonium.
    Explanation: Voyager 2 is powered by a small nuclear power plant that draws energy from the decay of plutonium. This unique power source allows it to operate in the cold and dark depths of interstellar space where solar panels are not effective.
  8. Which organization’s portal will be utilized for the implementation of the ‘Vivad se Vishwas II – Contractual Disputes’ scheme?
    A. Government Taxation Portal
    B. National Legal Dispute Platform
    C. GeM Portal
    D. Business Resolution Network
    Correct Answer: C. GeM Portal
    Explanation: The Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal will be used for implementing the scheme to facilitate a smooth and transparent process. The other options are not relevant to the scheme.
  9. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for data fiduciaries under the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill?
    A. Specifying the purpose of data collection
    B. Appointing a data protection officer
    C. Granting users the right to modify any collected data
    D. Providing contact information of the data principal
    Correct Answer: C. Granting users the right to modify any collected data
    Explanation: The data fiduciaries must specify the purpose of data collection, appoint a data protection officer, and grant users the right to delete or modify their personal data. source
  10. What is the consequence of publishing a periodical without registration under the new bill?
    A. Warning letter from the Press Registrar.
    B. Suspension of registration for up to 180 days.
    C. Immediate cancellation of registration.
    D. Fine of up to five lakh rupees.
    Correct Answer: D. Fine of up to five lakh rupees.
    Explanation: Publishing a periodical without registration can lead to a fine of up to five lakh rupees, as mentioned in the essay.
  11. What is the role of vultures in maintaining ecosystem balance?
    A. They contribute to pollination of plants.
    B. They control the population of predatory animals.
    C. Their acidic stomachs neutralize pathogens, breaking the chain of infection.
    D. They assist in the dispersal of seeds.
    Correct Answer: C. Their acidic stomachs neutralize pathogens, breaking the chain of infection.
    Explanation: The vultures play a crucial role in infection control due to their highly acidic stomachs, which neutralize pathogens present in the carcasses they consume, thus helping to maintain ecosystem cleanliness.
  12. What is a major drawback of incandescent light bulbs in terms of energy efficiency?
    A. They emit harmful radiation.
    B. They produce too much heat.
    C. They have a short lifespan.
    D. They have low luminous efficacy.
    Correct Answer: D. They have low luminous efficacy.
    Explanation: The incandescent bulbs have low luminous efficacy, producing only about 15 lumens per watt, which makes them inefficient in converting electricity into visible light.
  13. Which minerals will be allocated exclusively to government entities or Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) under the amendment?
    A. All offshore minerals.
    B. Atomic minerals.
    C. Critical and sensitive minerals.
    D. Non-critical minerals.
    Correct Answer: B. Atomic minerals.
    Explanation: Atomic minerals will be allocated exclusively to government entities or PSUs under the amendment, as mentioned in the essay.
  14. What distinguishes Perucetus from the heaviest recorded blue whale?
    A. It was longer but lighter.
    B. It was shorter but heavier.
    C. It was both longer and heavier.
    D. It was neither longer nor heavier.
    Correct Answer: C. It was both longer and heavier.
    Explanation: Perucetus was approximately 20 meters long and could weigh up to 340 metric tons, significantly larger than the heaviest recorded blue whale, which weighed only 180 metric tons.
  15. Which designation was bestowed upon Manas National Park by UNESCO?
    A. World Heritage Site.
    B. Biosphere Reserve.
    C. Elephant Sanctuary.
    D. Bird Watching Reserve.
    Correct Answer: A. World Heritage Site.
    Explanation: The essay states that UNESCO declared Manas Wildlife Sanctuary as a World Heritage Site due to its exceptional biodiversity, scenery, and variety of habitats.
  16. What is one challenge faced by semiconductor manufacturing in India?
    A. Limited consumer demand in the domestic market
    B. Excessive reliance on taxpayer subsidies
    C. Easy access to the latest cutting-edge technology
    D. Abundance of ultrapure water for chip-making
    Correct Answer: B. Excessive reliance on taxpayer subsidies
    Explanation: The need to drive consumer demand in the semiconductor industry and avoid a situation where ventures remain successful only due to taxpayer-funded subsidies. source
  17. What is the purpose of the Hydrogen Breakthrough Agenda in which India and the US are co-leading?
    A. Promoting renewable energy solutions
    B. Advancing space exploration missions
    C. Developing sustainable transportation systems
    D. Enhancing cybersecurity measures
    Correct Answer: A. Promoting renewable energy solutions
    Explanation: The India and the US are co-leading the multilateral Hydrogen Breakthrough Agenda, which aims to make affordable renewable and low-carbon hydrogen globally available by 2030.
  18. Which of the following bioactive compounds are found in Joha rice?
    A. Vitamin C and calcium
    B. Iron and zinc
    C. Oryzanol and ferulic acid
    D. Protein and fiber
    Correct Answer: C. Oryzanol and ferulic acid
    Explanation: Joha rice contains bioactive compounds such as oryzanol and ferulic acid, which have reported antioxidant, hypoglycemic, and cardio-protective effects.
  19. What is one of the achievements of the Food Corporation of India (FCI)?
    A. Enhancing agricultural productivity
    B. Promoting organic farming practices
    C. Ensuring price stability for essential commodities
    D. Facilitating international trade of food grains
    Correct Answer: C. Ensuring price stability for essential commodities.
    Explanation: One of the achievements of the FCI is ensuring price stability by implementing price support operations to protect the interests of farmers and stabilize prices of essential commodities.
  20. Which ancient Indian Emperor had diplomatic interactions with the Egyptian ruler?
    A. Ashoka the Great
    B. Chandragupta Maurya
    C. Harsha Vardhana
    D. Akbar the Great
    Correct Answer: A. Ashoka the Great
    Explanation: Indian Emperor Ashoka the Great dispatched his envoys to the court of the Egyptian ruler Ptolemy II Philadelphus, establishing early diplomatic interactions between the two civilizations. source
