1. Which gene does Casgevy target for editing in sickle cell disease and thalassaemia?
    A. BCL11A
    B. FOXP2
    C. BRCA1
    D. HER2
    Correct Answer: A. BCL11A
    Explanation: Casgevy targets the BCL11A gene crucial for the transition from foetal to adult haemoglobin. source
  2. Under the RTI Act, what information can be sought from public authorities?
    A. Defense-related information
    B. Information related to national security
    C. Details on delayed IT refunds, driving licenses, infrastructure projects, and more
    D. Only A and B
    Correct Answer: C. Details on delayed IT refunds, driving licenses, infrastructure projects, and more
    Explanation: The RTI Act allows Indian citizens to seek information from public authorities, excluding defense and national security details. It covers a wide range of subjects like delayed IT refunds, driving licenses, infrastructure projects, etc. source
  3. Which organization has issued a statement acknowledging the clustering of respiratory cases in northern China?
    A. United Nations (UN)
    B. World Health Organisation (WHO)
    C. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    D. International Red Cross
    Correct Answer: B. World Health Organisation (WHO)
    Explanation: WHO has issued a statement regarding the clustering of respiratory cases. source
  4. Which major stock exchanges collaborated in the development of the IRRA platform?
    A. BSE and NSE
    B. NYSE and LSE
    C. BSE, NSE, NCDEX, MCX, and MSE
    D. NASDAQ and CME
    Correct Answer: C. BSE, NSE, NCDEX, MCX, and MSE
    Explanation: The IRRA platform is the result of joint efforts by major Indian stock exchanges, including BSE, NSE, NCDEX, MCX, and MSE.
  5. In which wavelength does DSOC encode data for communication between a deep-space probe and Earth?
    A. Visible light
    B. Ultraviolet
    C. Near-infrared
    D. Infrared
    Correct Answer: C. Near-infrared
    Explanation: DSOC encodes data in photons at near-infrared wavelengths, allowing for efficient communication between the spacecraft and Earth. source
  6. What is the primary mode of transmission for measles?
    A. Waterborne
    B. Vector-borne
    C. Airborne through respiratory droplets
    D. Foodborne
    Correct Answer: C. Airborne through respiratory droplets
    Explanation: Measles spreads easily through contact with infected nasal or throat secretions, such as coughing or sneezing. source
  7. What is the primary mission of the Conference of the Parties (COP)?
    A. Stabilize global temperatures
    B. Implement the UNFCCC
    C. Enforce emission reductions
    D. Establish international treaties
    Correct Answer: B. Implement the UNFCCC
    Explanation: COP’s primary mission is to implement the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). source
  8. What potentially contributed to the unusually large ozone hole in 2023?
    A. Wildfires in Australia
    B. Industrial pollution
    C. Volcanic eruptions in Tonga
    D. CFC emissions
    Correct Answer: C. Volcanic eruptions in Tonga
    Explanation: The large ozone hole in 2023 may be linked to volcanic eruptions at Hunga Tonga in Tonga, releasing water vapor and impacting the ozone layer through chemical reactions.
  9. Which region reported the highest number of intimate partner/family-related homicides in 2022?
    A. Asia
    B. Europe
    C. Africa
    D. The Americas
    Correct Answer: C. Africa.
    Explanation: The Africa reported the highest number of intimate partner/family-related homicides in 2022, surpassing Asia for the first time in 13 years. source
  10. what is a key challenge faced by social audit units in MGNREGS?
    A. Excessive funding
    B. Overstaffing
    C. Lack of training and resources
    D. High recovery rates
    Correct Answer: C. Lack of training and resources
    Explanation: The inadequate training and resources hinder the effectiveness of social audit units. source
  11. Which cells are revealed to be key players in perceiving volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in plants?
    A. Root cells
    B. Guard cells
    C. Xylem cells
    D. Mesophyll cells
    Correct Answer: B. Guard cells
    Explanation: Guard cells, responsible for stomatal function, are identified as pivotal in the perception of VOCs in plant-plant communication. source
  12. What is the etymological meaning of “Kanchipuram”?
    A. City of Gold
    B. Place of Learning
    C. Brahma Worship
    D. Silk Haven
    Correct Answer: C. Brahma Worship
    Explanation: The name “Kanchipuram” is derived from the Sanskrit words “Kanchi” (Brahma worship) and “-puram” (residential place). source
  13. What distinguishes NISAR, the joint venture between NASA and ISRO, in terms of technology?
    A. Dual frequencies for radar imaging
    B. Infrared imaging capabilities
    C. Solar-powered satellite
    D. Geostationary orbit positioning
    Correct Answer: A. Dual frequencies for radar imaging
    Explanation: NISAR stands out for utilizing dual frequencies for radar imaging, marking a technological advancement in Earth observation capabilities. source
  14. What is the primary cause of Walking Pneumonia?
    A. Influenza virus
    B. Streptococcus bacteria
    C. Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria
    D. Respiratory syncytial virus
    Correct Answer: C. Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria
    Explanation: Walking Pneumonia is primarily caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria. source
  15. What is the primary working principle of optical fibres in communication?
    A. Electromagnetic induction
    B. Total internal reflection
    C. Radiofrequency modulation
    D. Conduction through metal wires
    Correct Answer: B. Total internal reflection
    Explanation: Optical fibres rely on total internal reflection to guide light through glass strands for efficient signal transmission. source
  16. Which type of rat-hole mining involves digging narrow tunnels on hill slopes?
    A. Side-cutting procedure
    B. Box-cutting
    C. Vertical extraction
    D. Slope mining
    Correct Answer: A. Side-cutting procedure
    Explanation: In side-cutting, narrow tunnels are dug on hill slopes. source
  17. Which country was not among the dissenting voters in the UNGA regarding the Syrian Golan?
    A. Australia
    B. Canada
    C. Israel
    D. India
    Correct Answer: D. India
    Explanation: The India voted in favor of the draft resolution, aligning with the majority expressing concerns over Israel not withdrawing from the Syrian Golan. source
  18. Which principle of the Gujral Doctrine emphasizes resolving disputes through peaceful bilateral negotiations?
    A. Principle of Non-reciprocity
    B. Mutual Non-aggression
    C. Non-Interference
    D. Peaceful Co-existence
    Correct Answer: D. Peaceful Co-existence
    Explanation: The principle of Peaceful Co-existence in the Gujral Doctrine highlights the commitment to settling disputes through peaceful bilateral negotiations.
  19. Who are eligible beneficiaries under PMGKAY?
    A. Only urban households
    B. Families above the poverty line
    C. Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and Priority Households (PHH)
    D. High-income earners
    Correct Answer: C. Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and Priority Households (PHH)
    Explanation: Eligible beneficiaries include Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and Priority Households (PHH), targeting those below the poverty line. source
  20. What is the new tagline associated with Ayushman Bharat – Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs)?
    A. “Health is Wealth”
    B. “Arogya for All”
    C. “Arogyam Parmam Dhanam”
    D. “Wellness Beyond Borders”
    Correct Answer: C. “Arogyam Parmam Dhanam”
    Explanation: The new tagline is mentioned as “Arogyam Parmam Dhanam.” source
  21. What is one potential benefit of dollarization ?
    A. Increased hyperinflation
    B. Stabilization of the economy
    C. Dependency on fluctuating exchange rates
    D. Lack of foreign investor attraction
    Correct Answer: B. Stabilization of the economy
    Explanation: Stabilization is a potential benefit of dollarization as it introduces the stable United States Dollar, breaking the cycle of hyperinflation and fostering economic confidence. source
  22. Which of the following is NOT a focus area of PM JANMAN’s 11 critical interventions?
    A. Vocational education
    B. Solar off-grid systems
    C. Space exploration
    D. Agricultural subsidies
    Correct Answer: C. Space exploration
    Explanation: PM JANMAN focuses on key areas such as housing, infrastructure, healthcare, education, and connectivity, but not on space exploration.
  23. What is the primary objective of the Central Sector Scheme for providing drones to Women Self Help Groups (SHGs)?
    A. Enhancing urban infrastructure
    B. Promoting women’s empowerment in agriculture
    C. Supporting industrial development
    D. Improving healthcare facilities
    Correct Answer: B. Promoting women’s empowerment in agriculture
    Explanation: The scheme aims to empower women in agriculture by providing drones to Women Self Help Groups.
  24. What does the participation of over 50 countries in Exercise Milan 2024 signify?
    A. Decreasing global interest in naval collaborations
    B. Limited appeal of Exercise Milan
    C. Growing global recognition and appeal of the event
    D. The exercise is losing significance over time
    Correct Answer: C. Growing global recognition and appeal of the event
    Explanation: The participation of over 50 countries reflects the growing global recognition and appeal of Exercise Milan. source
  25. What existing system does the Green Credits Programme seek to replicate?
    A. Renewable Energy Market
    B. Carbon Credit Market
    C. Water Trading System
    D. Green Energy Certification
    Correct Answer: B. Carbon Credit Market
    Explanation: The Green Credits Programme seeks to replicate the success of the carbon credit market by applying a similar mechanism to other environmental actions. source
  26. Which method of raising political funding in India allows for anonymous donations to registered political parties?
    A. State Funding
    B. Corporate Funding
    C. Section 29B of RPA
    D. Electoral Bonds Scheme
    Correct Answer: D. Electoral Bonds Scheme
    Explanation: Introduced in 2017, electoral bonds allow for anonymous donations to registered political parties.
  27. What is the primary aim of the agreement between Sri Lanka, India, and the Paris Club?
    A. Increase government debt
    B. Facilitate the release of the next IMF tranche
    C. Establish a new trade deficit
    D. Decrease foreign exchange reserves
    Correct Answer: B. Facilitate the release of the next IMF tranche
    Explanation: The agreement aims to pave the way for the release of the next tranche of the IMF’s nearly $3 billion recovery package for Sri Lanka. source
  28. What are the primary objectives of the Mahe class ships within the ASW Shallow Water Craft project?
    A. Airborne Surveillance
    B. Coastal Defense
    C. Mine Laying Operations
    D. Submarine Construction
    Correct Answer: C. Mine Laying Operations
    Explanation: The Mahe class ships are designed for Mine Laying Operations as part of the project’s objectives. source
