1. For which reactors is ANEEL specifically designed?
    A. Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs)
    B. Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactors (PHWRs)
    C. Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs)
    D. Gas-Cooled Reactors (GCRs)
    Correct Answer: B. Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactors (PHWRs)
    Explanation: ANEEL is tailored for existing Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactors (PHWRs) in India. source
  2. What is the primary characteristic of Over-the-Top (OTT) media services?
    A. Direct streaming via traditional television
    B. Offline distribution through DVDs
    C. Internet-based streaming directly to viewers
    D. Radio broadcast services
    Correct Answer: C. Internet-based streaming directly to viewers
    Explanation: OTT media services deliver streaming content directly to viewers via the Internet, bypassing traditional television platforms. source
  3. What is the broader vision of NASA’s Artemis program?
    A. Establishing a lunar base camp
    B. Mars colonization
    C. Interplanetary travel
    D. Space tourism
    Correct Answer: A. Establishing a lunar base camp
    Explanation: The Artemis program includes plans for an Artemis Base Camp on the lunar surface.
  4. According to the PPVFR Act, what is one of the key objectives related to farmers’ rights?
    A. Protecting corporate interests
    B. Recognizing and protecting farmers’ rights for their contributions
    C. Limiting access to plant genetic resources
    D. Prioritizing researchers’ rights over farmers’
    Correct Answer: B. Recognizing and protecting farmers’ rights for their contributions
    Explanation: One of the key objectives of the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001, is to recognize and protect farmers’ rights for their contributions to conserving, improving, and making available plant genetic resources. source
  5. What inspired the researchers in the delignification process of sisal fibers?
    A. Ocean currents
    B. Termite guts
    C. Solar radiation
    D. Wind patterns
    Correct Answer: B. Termite guts
    Explanation: The researchers drew inspiration from termite guts for an efficient delignification process. source
  6. Which process is unique to cyanobacteria and specific eukaryotic organelles?
    A. Cellular respiration
    B. Mitosis
    C. Oxygenic photosynthesis
    D. Anaerobic metabolism
    Correct Answer: C. Oxygenic photosynthesis
    Explanation: Oxygenic photosynthesis, involving the conversion of water and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen with sunlight, is a unique process described in the essay. source
  7. What technological advancement has been instrumental in monitoring and protecting tiger habitats?
    A. Satellite-based tracking
    B. M-STrIPES software
    C. Drones for surveillance
    D. Radio collars for tigers
    Correct Answer: B. M-STrIPES software
    Explanation: The M-STrIPES software, developed by NTCA in 2010, plays a crucial role in monitoring tiger habitats.
  8. What was the global temperature increase in 2023 compared to the pre-industrial period (1850-1900)?
    A. 0.5°C
    B. 1.0°C
    C. 1.48°C
    D. 2.0°C
    Correct Answer: C. 1.48°C
    Explanation: The global temperature in 2023 was 1.48°C higher than the pre-industrial period. source
  9. Bharat Tex 2024 primarily focuses on:
    A. Agricultural practices
    B. Technological innovations
    C. India’s entire textile value chain
    D. Traditional crafts
    Correct Answer: C. India’s entire textile value chain
    Explanation: Bharat Tex 2024 is organized to showcase India’s complete textile value chain, emphasizing traditional crafts, fashion, and sustainability. source
  10. What is a key concern in the implementation of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC)?
    A. Delayed and ineffective repayment process
    B. High interest rates for corporates
    C. Excessive government intervention
    D. Rapid resolution periods
    Correct Answer: A. Delayed and ineffective repayment process
    Explanation: The delayed and ineffective repayment process as a significant concern in the implementation of the IBC. source
  11. Which city showcased the most substantial reduction in both PM2.5 and PM10 levels from 2019 to 2023?
    A. Delhi
    B. Agra
    C. Varanasi
    D. Jodhpur
    Correct Answer: C. Varanasi
    Explanation: Varanasi demonstrated a remarkable 72% average decrease in PM2.5 levels and a 69% reduction in PM10 levels from 2019 to 2023. source
  12. What does the Green Strategic Partnership, signed in 2020, lay the groundwork for?
    A. Collaboration in space exploration
    B. Initiatives addressing environmental challenges
    C. Military alliances
    D. Economic trade agreements
    Correct Answer: B. Initiatives addressing environmental challenges
    Explanation: The Green Strategic Partnership signed in 2020 between India and Denmark lays the groundwork for initiatives addressing environmental challenges, including the GFAI. source
  13. What distinguishes the Einstein Probe’s X-ray detection technology?
    A. Infrared telescopes
    B. Lobster-eye telescopes
    C. Radio telescopes
    D. Optical telescopes
    Correct Answer: B. Lobster-eye telescopes
    Explanation: The X-ray detection technology of the Einstein Probe features innovative lobster-eye telescopes inspired by nature. source
  14. What is the potential impact of active rock glaciers on glacial lakes?
    A. Reduction in lake size
    B. Increased risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs)
    C. Enhancement of aquatic life
    D. Formation of new lakes
    Correct Answer: B. Increased risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs)
    Explanation: Active rock glaciers near glacial lakes heighten the risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) by destabilizing slopes or dams.
  15. What is the primary focus of NASA’s VIPER Rover mission?
    A. Exploration of Mars
    B. Probing the Moon’s South Pole
    C. Investigating Jupiter’s Atmosphere
    D. Studying Asteroid Belts
    Correct Answer: B. Probing the Moon’s South Pole
    Explanation: The VIPER Rover is specifically designed to closely examine the lunar South Pole, known for its potential abundance of ice and other resources. source
  16. Who first introduced the concept of “Zero Defect, Zero Effect” in the context of manufacturing quality products with minimal environmental impact?
    A. MSME Ministry
    B. Prime Minister Narendra Modi
    C. Make in India Initiative
    D. Independence Day Speech
    Correct Answer: B. Prime Minister Narendra Modi
    Explanation: The slogan was first introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his 2014 Independence Day speech. source
  17. How does the Samavesha project connect researchers and industries?
    A. By organizing conferences
    B. Through a national sharing initiative
    C. By linking stakeholders via the I-STEM portal
    D. By providing financial support for experiments
    Correct Answer: C. By linking stakeholders via the I-STEM portal
    Explanation: The project facilitates connections by acting as a bridge between researchers and industries, linking them through the I-STEM portal.
  18. What is emphasized as a significant risk during global elections in various countries, according to the Global Risk Report?
    A. Economic downturn
    B. Climate change
    C. Misinformation and disinformation
    D. Biodiversity loss
    Correct Answer: C. Misinformation and disinformation
    Explanation: AI-driven misinformation emerges as a risk during global elections in certain countries. source
  19. Which region experiences the most significant decline in real wages among G20 nations, according to the Trends 2024 Report?
    A. India
    B. Brazil
    C. Turkey
    D. Italy
    Correct Answer: B. Brazil
    Explanation: The report highlights pronounced declines in real wages in Brazil, particularly among G20 nations.
