Once you submit your application for driving licence test, you will need to take a computer-based learner’s test which will evaluate your knowledge of road rules and regulations, signals and signs, road manners, defensive driving, and other related topics. we offer a Driving Licence Test question practice facility on this website.

  1. If you drive while drunk, you can face a term of imprisonment of up to…?
    A. Four months
    B. Three months
    C. Six months
    Correct Answer: C. Six months
  2. A passenger may not be carried on a motorcycle unless it has…?
    A. Mudguards
    B. A large engine
    C. Proper foot rests
    Correct Answer: C.Proper foot rests< br>
  3. You’ve moved house. You must inform the RTO of your new address within what period?
    A. 1 week
    B. 1 year
    C. 30 days
    Correct Answer: C.30 days
  4. Under which of these circumstances is it permissible to use a mobile phone while driving a motor vehicle?
    A. If the traffic is light
    B. If it is an important call
    C. None of them
    Correct Answer: C. None of them
  5. Who is the only person a learner driver may carry on a motorcycle as a passenger?
    A. A child
    B. An instructor
    C. A family member
    Correct Answer: B. An instructor
  6. If you start to feel drowsy when driving, which of these should you do?
    A. Close the windows
    B. Pull over and take a nap
    C. Increase your speed
    Correct Answer: B. Pull over and take a nap
  7. You should not park within what distance of the entrance to a fire station?
    A. 10 m
    B. 7 m
    C. 5 m
    Correct Answer: A.10 m
  8. If you’re involved in an accident, other involved parties have a right to ask for what?
    A. Your name and address
    B. Financial compensation on the spot
    C. A written confession of guilt
    Correct Answer: A. Your name and address
  9. A driver ahead of you puts out their right arm and makes a circular motion with it. What are they indicating?
    A. They intend to slow down
    B. They intend to turn right
    C. They intend to move or turn left
    Correct Answer: C. They intend to move or turn left
  10. If you need eyeglasses in order to see clearly, you should wear them…?
    A. In busy traffic
    B. In poor weather
    C. In all driving conditions
    Correct Answer: C. In all driving conditions
  11. There is a traffic holdup ahead. What should you do?
    A. Stay in your lane
    B. Look for space up the left of it
    C. Move into the opposite carriageway
    Correct Answer: A. Stay in your lane
  12. The one-time tax for a new vehicle is valid for ___.
    A. 15 years
    B. 5 years
    C. Until the registration for that vehicle is cancelled
    Correct Answer: C. Until the registration for that vehicle is cancelled
  13. Using an unregistered vehicle in public place is ___.
    A. legal
    B. Illegal
    C. legal in emergency situations only
    Correct Answer: B. Illegal
  14. When a school bus is stopped for loading/unloading students
    A. Blow your horn and proceed.
    B. Proceed slowly and cautiously since there is a chance of students suddenly crossing the road.
    C. Proceed at the same speed.
    Correct Answer: B. Proceed slowly and cautiously since there is a chance of students suddenly crossing the road.
  15. When a vehicle behind you has begun to overtake you
    A. you may overtake another vehicle.
    B. you must not overtake another vehicle.
    C. you may overtake another vehicle only if you blow the horn.
    Correct Answer: B. you must not overtake another vehicle.
  16. The pedestrians must NOT cross the road at sharp bends or near the stopped vehicles. Why?
    A. It is inconvenient for the drivers.
    B. The bends and stopped vehicles would obstruct the drivers from seeing the pedestrians.
    C. It is inconvenient for the other road users.
    Correct Answer: B. The bends and stopped vehicles would obstruct the drivers from seeing the pedestrians.
  17. On a three lane single carriageway, the middle lane is only for what?
    A. Turning left
    B. Overtaking and turning right
    C. Overtaking
    Correct Answer: B. Overtaking and turning right
  18. If your accelerator sticks when you are driving, how should you react?
    A. Shift gear into neutral
    B. Stamp on the brakes as hard as possible
    C. Pull on the parking brake
    Correct Answer: A.Shift gear into neutral
  19. Maximum distance allowed between a towing and the towed vehicles is
    A. 5 meters.
    B. 15 meters.
    C. 10 meters.
    Correct Answer: A. 5 meters.
  20. Maximum speed limit for motorcycles on ghat roads is___.
    A. 40 km/h
    B. 35 km/h
    C. 30 km/h
    Correct Answer: A. 40 km/h 5
