Once you submit your application for driving licence test, you will need to take a computer-based learner’s test which will evaluate your knowledge of road rules and regulations, signals and signs, road manners, defensive driving, and other related topics. we offer a Driving Licence Test question practice facility on this website.

  1. While passing a procession, body of troops or men at work you should
    A. proceed at regular speed
    B. stop
    C. proceed with not more than 25 Km/hr and carefully
    Correct Answer: C. proceed with not more than 25 Km/hr and carefully
  2. To stop a motor cycle
    A. apply rear brakes and after slowing apply front brakes
    B. apply rear brake only
    C. apply both front and rear brakes simultaneously
    Correct Answer: C.apply both front and rear brakes simultaneously
  3. Failed to produce the P.U.C Certificate within 7 days of the detection by the Inspecting officer will attract
    A. cancellation of driving licence
    B. Cancellation of Insurance Certificates
    C. Suspension of Registration Certificates
    Correct Answer: C.Suspension of Registration Certificates
  4. While travelling together (group riding) two or more motor cycles can take the position
    A. side by side
    B. travel behind each other in a single line
    C. maintain the lane in a staggered position keeping a proper distance between motor cycle
    Correct Answer: C. maintain the lane in a staggered position keeping a proper distance between motor cycle
  5. Exhaust of your vehicle contains
    A. oxygen, Nitrogen and hydrogen
    B. carbon monoxide,nitrogen oxide, and hydro carbon
    C. carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water
    Correct Answer: B. carbon monoxide,nitrogen oxide, and hydro carbon
  6. You can conserve fuel when you drive the vehicle at
    A. a moderate uniform speed of 45-55 KMPH in top gear
    B. high speeds in high torque gears
    C. high speed in low torque gears
    Correct Answer: A. a moderate uniform speed of 45-55 KMPH in top gear
  7. The penalty for driving a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol are
    A. imprisonment upto six months, fine upto 2000 or both_x000D_
    B. strict warning from authorities
    C. a fine of Rs.5000/-
    Correct Answer: A.imprisonment upto six months, fine upto 2000 or both_x000D_
  8. Abrupt braking shall not be resorted to
    A. unless it is absolutely necessary
    B. on down hill
    C. on main road
    Correct Answer: A. unless it is absolutely necessary
  9. Before leaving your parked vehicle, you should
    A. start-gear-mirror-signalmove
    B. stop the engine, remove key and engage hand brake
    C. lock the car
    Correct Answer: B. stop the engine, remove key and engage hand brake
  10. Driving of a vehicle with the pollution values exceeding the limits.
    A. is permitted in emergency
    B. is liable for a strict warning from authorities
    C. is an offence under law
    Correct Answer: C. is an offence under law
  11. A motor driving licence issued in a State is valid
    A. athroughout India
    B. throughout the World
    C. only in the State of issue
    Correct Answer: A. throughout India
  12. Whether extra head light can be provided other than the standard head lights.
    A. yes, adding extra light brightens the road
    B. No, you should not
    C. Can be provided on the bottom part of the vehicle
    Correct Answer: B. No, you should not
  13. You can hold
    A. a maximum of 3 licence
    B. only one licence
    C. any number of licences however, each licence authorise only one class of vehicle for driving
    Correct Answer: B. only one licence
  14. Can you give a motor vehicle for driving to a person who does not have a valid licence?
    A. yes, since the driver solely is responsible
    B. No, since it is a serious offence
    C. an offence only if the vehicle involves in an accident
    Correct Answer: B. No, since it is a serious offence
  15. While on a main road, another vehicle enters from a cross road, which vehicle has the “Right of way”_x000D_
    A. the vehicle approaching
    B. Vehicle on the main road
    C. none of the cars
    Correct Answer: B. Vehicle on the main road
  16. A person affected by a motor vehicle accident can apply for compensation before
    A. RTO
    B. banker of the driver or owner
    C. Motor Accident Claims Tribunal
    Correct Answer: C. Motor Accident Claims Tribunal
  17. In lane traffic,before making a right turn you should be in
    A. any lane
    B. extreme left lane
    C. extreme right lane
    Correct Answer: C. extreme right lane
  18. While parking the vehicle, you should
    A. park the vehicle in such a way that it does not obstruct or make inconvenience to other road users
    B. parrellel to the kerb
    C. right angle to the kerb
    Correct Answer: A.park the vehicle in such a way that it does not obstruct or make inconvenience to other road users
  19. While driving a motor cycle behind a four wheeler , you should
    A. stay slightly on the right or left of the vehicle
    B. keep the motor cycle in the centre and behind the vehicle ahead
    C. none of the above
    Correct Answer: A. stay slightly on the right or left of the vehicle
  20. While driving a motor cycle or an auto rickshaw hand signals can be shown by using
    A. right hand only
    B. both hands
    C. left hand only
    Correct Answer: A. right hand only
