Daily Current Affairs : 19-July-2023

In the past, Uttar Pradesh, along with Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan, was collectively referred to as the “BIMARU” states due to their economic and social backwardness in the 1980s and 1990s. The term, coined by economist Ashish Bose, highlighted their low per capita income, high poverty rates, low literacy rates, poor healthcare indicators, agriculture-based economy, and significant population. However, in recent times, Uttar Pradesh has risen from its BIMARU tag and is now playing a vital role in India’s development. This essay explores the transformation of Uttar Pradesh and its positive contribution to the country’s progress.

Understanding the BIMARU States

The BIMARU states comprised Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. They were characterized by their underdeveloped status in various aspects of life, making them a cause of concern for policymakers.

  1. Low Per Capita Income: These states had a significantly lower average income per person compared to other regions in India.
  2. High Poverty Rates: Poverty levels in BIMARU states were alarmingly high, hindering overall growth and development.
  3. Low Literacy Rates: Educational opportunities were limited, leading to low literacy rates and a lack of skilled workforce.
  4. Poor Healthcare Indicators: The states faced challenges in providing adequate healthcare facilities to their large populations.
  5. Agriculture-Based Economy: The economy of these states relied heavily on agriculture, making them vulnerable to fluctuations in the agricultural sector.
  6. Significant Population: BIMARU states had a substantial share of India’s population, further straining their resources and infrastructure.
Role of BIMARU States in Population Growth

The population growth in BIMARU states has been a significant demographic factor in India.

  1. Share of Total Population: In 2001, BIMARU states accounted for 41% of India’s total population, which increased to 43.5% by 2026.
  2. Contribution to Population Increase: Between 2001 and 2026, BIMARU states are projected to contribute 50.4% of India’s population increase, while the southern states will account for only 12.6%.
  3. Population Increase Forecast: A report by the National Commission on Population indicated that BIMARU states, excluding newly carved-out states, would contribute to 49.1% of India’s population increase between 2011 and 2036.
Uttar Pradesh’s Progress: A Glance at the Healthcare Sector
  1. Gaps in Medical Facilities: A 2015 study by IIM Ahmedabad assessed medical facilities in BIMARU states and found notable gaps in their healthcare infrastructure.
  2. Government Hospitals per Million People: Uttar Pradesh, along with Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, was below the national average of total and rural government hospitals per million people.
  3. NITI Aayog’s Health Index Ranking: In the 2019-20 Health Index Round IV by NITI Aayog, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh were ranked at the last four positions among 19 large states, with Rajasthan being the highest and Uttar Pradesh the lowest.
Uttar Pradesh’s Positive Contribution

In recent years, Uttar Pradesh has made commendable progress, shedding its BIMARU image and contributing positively to India’s development.

  1. Economic Reforms: The state has implemented economic reforms to attract investments, boost industrialization, and create employment opportunities.
  2. Infrastructure Development: Infrastructure projects, such as highways, railways, and airports, have been undertaken to improve connectivity and promote economic growth.
  3. Educational Initiatives: The government has focused on improving the education sector, leading to increased literacy rates and a skilled workforce.
  4. Healthcare Initiatives: Uttar Pradesh has invested in healthcare infrastructure to enhance medical facilities and improve health indicators.
  5. Employment Opportunities: Efforts to encourage entrepreneurship and support small businesses have resulted in a rise in job opportunities.
A Beacon of Development Beyond BIMARU: What You Should Know

Important Points:

  • BIMARU states (Bihar, MP, Rajasthan, UP) were economically and socially backward in the past.
  • They had low per capita income, high poverty rates, low literacy rates, poor healthcare indicators, agriculture-based economy, and significant population.
  • Uttar Pradesh has risen from its BIMARU tag and is now contributing positively to India’s development.
  • BIMARU states’ population growth plays a significant role in India’s demographic landscape.
  • BIMARU states accounted for 41% of India’s population in 2001, which increased to 43.5% by 2026.
  • They are projected to contribute 50.4% of India’s population increase between 2001 and 2026.
  • A report indicated that BIMARU states (excluding newly carved-out states) will contribute to 49.1% of India’s population increase between 2011 and 2036.
  • Uttar Pradesh and other BIMARU states face challenges in healthcare infrastructure.
  • They have gaps in medical facilities, with government hospitals per million people below the national average.
  • NITI Aayog’s Health Index ranked Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh at the last four positions among 19 large states.
  • Uttar Pradesh’s progress includes economic reforms, infrastructure development, educational initiatives, and improvements in healthcare and employment opportunities.
  • The state’s determination and efforts are crucial in changing its fate and contributing positively to India’s development.
Why In News

Uttar Pradesh’s Chief Minister proudly declared that the State has successfully shed its BIMARU tag, emerging as a dynamic contributor to India’s rapid development. With renewed vigor and progressive policies, Uttar Pradesh has become a vital driving force, propelling the nation towards a brighter future.

MCQs about A Beacon of Development Beyond BIMARU

  1. What does the term “BIMARU” refer to?
    A. A group of Indian states contributing positively to India’s development.
    B. Economically and socially advanced states in India.
    C. States with poor economic and social indicators in the 1980s and 1990s.
    D. A region in India known for its rich cultural heritage.
    Correct Answer: C. States with poor economic and social indicators in the 1980s and 1990s.
    Explanation: The term “BIMARU” was coined by economist Ashish Bose to describe states with poor economic and social indicators in the 1980s and 1990s, including Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh.
  2. What is the main reason for the population growth in BIMARU states?
    A. High literacy rates leading to increased birth rates.
    B. Improved healthcare facilities resulting in higher life expectancy.
    C. Large-scale immigration from other states.
    D. Their significant share in India’s total population.
    Correct Answer: D. Their significant share in India’s total population.
    Explanation: The BIMARU states have a significant share in India’s total population, contributing to their role in the country’s population growth.
  3. According to the NITI Aayog’s Health Index Ranking, which BIMARU state was ranked the highest among the four?
    A. Bihar
    B. Madhya Pradesh
    C. Rajasthan
    D. Uttar Pradesh
    Correct Answer: C. Rajasthan
    Explanation: According to the NITI Aayog’s Health Index Ranking, Rajasthan was ranked the highest among the four BIMARU states.

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