Daily Current Affairs : 19-August-2023

In a significant stride towards holistic rural development, the Government of India has recently unveiled the ‘A-HELP’ (Accredited Agent for Health and Extension of Livestock Production) programme along with an Infertility Camp. These initiatives, spearheaded by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, signify a crucial step in recognizing the pivotal role that women play in the comprehensive development of the livestock sector. Under the broader umbrella of the Pashudhan Jagriti Abhiyaan, these programs are poised to bring about inclusive development in the rural landscape.

Pashudhan Jagriti Abhiyaan: Nurturing Livestock Development

The Pashudhan Jagriti Abhiyaan stands as the foundation upon which the ‘A-HELP’ programme and Infertility Camp are built. This initiative is designed to empower farmers by equipping them with knowledge and resources to address critical areas within the livestock sector. Let’s delve into the key components and objectives of these initiatives.

The ‘A-HELP’ Programme: Women as Agents of Change

The core aim of the ‘A-HELP’ programme is to empower women by engaging them as trained agents in various aspects of livestock management. Here are the key areas where women will make a significant impact:

  1. Disease Control: Women agents will play a crucial role in disease control. They will be trained to identify, manage, and prevent diseases that affect livestock. This not only ensures healthier animals but also safeguards the livelihoods of farmers.
  2. Artificial Insemination: Under the Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM), women agents will facilitate artificial insemination. This vital step helps improve the breed quality of animals, ultimately leading to higher milk and meat production, contributing to food security.
  3. Animal Tagging: Women agents will also be responsible for animal tagging. This not only aids in animal identification but also supports livestock management practices, ensuring each animal’s specific needs are met.
  4. Livestock Insurance: Ensuring the well-being of livestock is a significant concern for farmers. The ‘A-HELP’ program includes the provision of livestock insurance, protecting the investment of farmers against unforeseen losses.
Infertility Camp: Addressing a Silent Crisis

The Infertility Camp is an integral part of this initiative, focusing on tackling a largely unaddressed issue in livestock farming – infertility. Here’s how it aims to combat this problem:

  1. Awareness and Education: The camp will provide essential education to farmers, particularly women, regarding the causes of infertility in livestock. Knowledge is the first step towards finding solutions.
  2. Diagnostic Services: Diagnostic facilities will be available at the camp to identify the reasons behind infertility in animals accurately. This will help farmers take targeted actions to resolve the issue.
  3. Treatment and Support: The camp will offer treatment and support services to address infertility problems. This includes access to veterinary care and guidance on improving animal nutrition and management.

Important Points:

A-HELP Programme:

  • Empowers women as trained agents in livestock management.
  • Focuses on disease control, artificial insemination, animal tagging, and livestock insurance.
  • Women agents play a crucial role in disease identification, management, and prevention.
  • Facilitates artificial insemination under the Rashtriya Gokul Mission for improved breed quality and higher production.
  • Involves animal tagging for identification and better livestock management.
  • Provides livestock insurance to protect farmers’ investments.

Infertility Camp:

  • Addresses the issue of infertility in livestock.
  • Raises awareness and educates farmers, particularly women, about the causes of infertility.
  • Offers diagnostic services to identify the reasons behind infertility accurately.
  • Provides treatment and support services, including veterinary care and guidance on nutrition and management.

Pashudhan Jagriti Abhiyaan:

  • Forms the foundation for the A-HELP programme and Infertility Camp.
  • Aims to empower farmers with knowledge and resources in livestock management.
  • Promotes inclusive development in the rural landscape.
  • Recognizes the significant role of women in comprehensive livestock development.

Overall Impact:

  • These initiatives empower women and promote comprehensive livestock development.
  • Engaging women as agents of change in the livestock sector.
  • Enhances disease control, artificial insemination, and animal management.
  • Addresses the critical issue of infertility in livestock farming.
  • Promotes a brighter future for both farmers and the livestock sector in rural India.
Why In News

The government has recently introduced the ‘A-HELP’ (Accredited Agent for Health and Extension of Livestock Production) program, designed to bolster healthcare accessibility and livestock production, alongside the launch of an Infertility Camp aimed at addressing reproductive health issues. These initiatives reflect the government’s commitment to improving both public health and agriculture in the region.

MCQs about A-HELP and Infertility Camp

  1. What is the primary objective of the ‘A-HELP’ programme?
    A. Enhancing crop production
    B. Empowering women in livestock management
    C. Promoting urban agriculture
    D. Providing financial aid to farmers
    Correct Answer: B. Empowering women in livestock management
    Explanation: The ‘A-HELP’ programme’s primary objective, as highlighted in the essay, is to empower women by engaging them as trained agents in various aspects of livestock management.
  2. Which initiative under the Pashudhan Jagriti Abhiyaan focuses on addressing the issue of infertility in livestock?
    A. Disease Control Program
    B. Artificial Insemination Campaign
    C. Infertility Camp
    D. Animal Tagging Project
    Correct Answer: C. Infertility Camp
    Explanation: The Infertility Camp is an integral part of the Pashudhan Jagriti Abhiyaan, specifically aimed at addressing the issue of infertility in livestock.
  3. What is the Rashtriya Gokul Mission primarily focused on within the ‘A-HELP’ programme?
    A. Livestock insurance
    B. Animal tagging
    C. Disease control
    D. Artificial insemination
    Correct Answer: D. Artificial insemination
    Explanation: The women agents in the ‘A-HELP’ programme facilitate artificial insemination under the Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM) for improving breed quality and increasing production.

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