Daily Current Affairs : 30-October-2023

The Rashtriya Gokul Mission, launched in 2014, aimed to enhance indigenous cattle breeds in India. However, the mission has predominantly focused on the Gir cow, raising concerns about diminishing breed diversity and sustainability.

About the Rashtriya Gokul Mission:
  • Launched in December 2014, extended until 2026 under the Rashtriya Pashudhan Vikas Yojana.
  • Objectives:
    • Enhancing Productivity: Utilizing advanced technologies for sustainable productivity.
    • Increased Milk Production: Facilitating efficient bovine management practices.
    • High-Quality Breeding: Advocating the use of high genetic merit bulls.
    • Widening Insemination Coverage: Strengthening breeding networks and artificial insemination services.
    • Holistic Conservation: Dedicated to comprehensive conservation of indigenous cattle and buffalo breeds.
Issues with Rashtriya Gokul Mission:
  • Focus on Gir Cow: Preference for Gir cows due to milk production, neglecting other indigenous breeds.
  • Declining Diversity: 2019 census shows a decline in other indigenous breeds, raising concerns about genetic diversity.
Issues with Indigenous Gir Cow Breed:
  • Inconsistent Performance: Graded Gir cows show varying performance across regions.
  • Factors Influencing Performance: Adaptability to microclimatic conditions and herd environment.
Possible Solutions:
  • Selective Breeding: Shift focus to selectively breeding genetically superior cows within indigenous breeds.
  • Maharashtra’s Success: Maharashtra’s experiments with genetically superior indigenous breeds demonstrate the potential of this approach.
  • Avoiding Crossbreeding Pitfalls: Avoid repeating mistakes of the White Revolution by preserving region-specific traits.
  • Caution with Crossbreeding: Avoid altering physiology by crossbreeding with exotic breeds like Gir and Badri cows.
  • Learning from History: Emphasize the importance of learning from past mistakes and ensuring the well-being of livestock rearers.
Important Points:

Rashtriya Gokul Mission:

  • Launched in December 2014, extended until 2026 under Rashtriya Pashudhan Vikas Yojana.
  • Objectives:
    • Enhancing Productivity through advanced technologies.
    • Increased Milk Production via efficient bovine management practices.
    • High-Quality Breeding using high genetic merit bulls.
    • Widening Insemination Coverage by strengthening breeding networks and artificial insemination services.
    • Holistic Conservation dedicated to comprehensive conservation of indigenous cattle and buffalo breeds.

Issues with Rashtriya Gokul Mission:

  • Focus primarily on Gir cow due to milk production, neglecting other indigenous breeds.
  • Concerns about declining genetic diversity of indigenous cattle breeds in India.

Issues with Indigenous Gir Cow Breed:

  • Graded Gir cows show inconsistent performance across regions.
  • Performance influenced by adaptability to microclimatic conditions and herd environment.

Possible Solutions:

  • Shift focus to Selective Breeding: Emphasize selectively breeding genetically superior cows within indigenous breeds.
  • Maharashtra’s Success: Learn from Maharashtra’s experiments with genetically superior indigenous breeds.
  • Avoiding Crossbreeding Pitfalls: Preserve region-specific traits to avoid the mistakes of the White Revolution.
  • Caution with Crossbreeding: Avoid altering physiology by crossbreeding with exotic breeds like Gir and Badri cows.
  • Learning from History: Emphasize the importance of learning from past mistakes and ensuring the well-being of livestock rearers.
Why In News

After nearly a decade of the Rashtriya Gokul Mission, it has become evident that the scheme, initially aimed at enhancing the quality of various indigenous cattle breeds, has primarily focused on promoting a single breed, the Gir cow, throughout the country. While the emphasis on Gir cows has led to significant improvements in their population and productivity, it is crucial for the mission to broaden its scope, ensuring the conservation and development of other indigenous breeds to preserve the rich diversity of India’s cattle heritage.

MCQs about Balanced Cattle Conservation: Beyond the Gir Cow Focus

  1. What is the primary objective of the Rashtriya Gokul Mission?
    A) Enhancing crop productivity
    B) Boosting indigenous bovine breeds’ productivity and sustainability
    C) Increasing poultry production
    D) Promoting fishery industry
    Correct Answer: B. Boosting indigenous bovine breeds’ productivity and sustainability
    Explanation: The Rashtriya Gokul Mission’s primary objective is to enhance the productivity and sustainability of indigenous bovine breeds in India.
  2. Why has the Rashtriya Gokul Mission faced criticism?
    A) Lack of funding
    B) Focusing primarily on the Gir cow, neglecting other indigenous breeds
    C) Inefficient implementation
    D) Limited technology adoption
    Correct Answer: B. Focusing primarily on the Gir cow, neglecting other indigenous breeds
    Explanation: The mission has faced criticism for primarily focusing on the Gir cow, neglecting other indigenous breeds.
  3. What factor influences the performance of graded Gir cows in different regions?
    A) Availability of fodder
    B) Adaptability to microclimatic conditions and herd environment
    C) Farmer’s expertise
    D) Economic policies
    Correct Answer: B. Adaptability to microclimatic conditions and herd environment
    Explanation: The performance of graded Gir cows is influenced by their adaptability to microclimatic conditions and herd environment.
  4. What lesson should be learned from the White Revolution to avoid similar pitfalls in cattle conservation?
    A) Promoting crossbreeding without considering indigenous traits
    B) Focusing on one specific breed exclusively
    C) Neglecting technological advancements
    D) Ignoring the importance of artificial insemination
    Correct Answer: A. Promoting crossbreeding without considering indigenous traits
    Explanation: The lesson to be learned from the White Revolution is promoting crossbreeding without considering indigenous traits, as highlighted in the essay to avoid similar pitfalls in cattle conservation.

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