Daily Current Affairs : 23-August-2023

In recent times, the United States has witnessed a surge in the number of cases involving Candida Auris infections, a type of yeast that can lead to severe health issues. Candida Auris, often abbreviated as C. Auris, is known for its ability to spread rapidly and resist conventional antifungal treatments, making it a significant cause for concern within healthcare settings.

Understanding Candida Auris

Candida Auris is a specific strain of yeast that can cause serious illnesses in individuals. One alarming characteristic of this yeast is its remarkable ability to spread with ease. What’s even more troubling is its resistance to common antifungal treatments, making it difficult to control once it infects an individual. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the mortality rate associated with Candida Auris infections is estimated to be between 30% and 60%, highlighting the seriousness of this health threat.

Modes of Transmission

The transmission of Candida Auris primarily occurs through person-to-person contact, especially within healthcare environments like hospitals and nursing homes. It can establish itself in various parts of the body, such as the skin, rectum, or mouth, often without causing any noticeable symptoms. This ability to colonize without generating symptoms makes it particularly challenging to identify and control its spread.

Symptoms and Impact

Candida Auris can lead to infections in different parts of the body, including the bloodstream, open wounds, and ears. Among the various symptoms associated with this infection, the most common are persistent fever and chills, which may not subside even with antibiotic treatment. This relentless nature of the symptoms further emphasizes the urgency of addressing Candida Auris infections effectively.


The diagnosis of Candida Auris infections typically involves a blood test. This test helps medical professionals identify the presence of the fungus in the bloodstream, aiding in prompt and accurate diagnosis. Early detection plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of the infection and initiating appropriate treatment measures.

Treatment Challenges

While many fungal infections respond well to antifungal medications like echinocandins, Candida Auris has shown an increasing resistance to these drugs. This resistance complicates treatment strategies and necessitates the combination of various medications in high doses. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of these combinations varies from case to case, making treatment a complex and demanding process for healthcare providers.

Important Points:

  • Candida Auris (C. Auris) is a yeast that causes severe illness and is resistant to antifungal treatments.
  • Its mortality rate is estimated at 30% to 60%.
  • It spreads easily, especially in healthcare environments.
  • It can colonize the body without generating symptoms.
  • Common symptoms include persistent fever and chills.
  • Diagnosis is done through a blood test.
  • Treatment is challenging due to increasing drug resistance.
  • Combining multiple medications in high doses is often required.
Why In News

In recent times, the United States has witnessed a surge in Candida Auris infections. This emerging trend of Candida Auris infections has raised concerns among healthcare professionals, prompting heightened surveillance and preventive measures nationwide

MCQs about Candida Auris

  1. How is Candida Auris primarily transmitted?
    A. Through contaminated food and water.
    B. By airborne particles.
    C. Person-to-person in healthcare environments.
    D. Via mosquito bites.
    Correct Answer: C. Person-to-person in healthcare environments.
    Explanation: Candida Auris is primarily transmitted person-to-person in healthcare environments such as hospitals and nursing homes.
  2. What are the most common symptoms of Candida Auris infection?
    A. Skin rashes and itching.
    B. Persistent fever and chills.
    C. Headache and dizziness.
    D. Nausea and vomiting.
    Correct Answer: B. Persistent fever and chills.
    Explanation: The most common symptoms of Candida Auris infection are persistent fever and chills, which do not go away despite antibiotic treatment.
  3. How is Candida Auris diagnosed?
    A. Urine test.
    B. X-ray examination.
    C. Blood test.
    D. Physical examination.
    Correct Answer: C. Blood test.
    Explanation: Candida Auris is diagnosed through a blood test, which helps identify the presence of the fungus in the bloodstream.

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