Daily Current Affairs : 28-October-2023

The International Migration Outlook 2023 report sheds light on the unprecedented surge in migration to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, revealing intriguing patterns and challenges faced by new immigrants, especially mothers. With over 6 million permanent immigrants in 2022, this phenomenon demands a closer examination.

India: A Leading Contributor to OECD Migration:

India has taken the lead in contributing to this wave, with 4 lakh new migrants (excluding students) making OECD countries their new home in 2021. This demographic shift raises questions about the factors driving such mass migration and its implications for both the home country and the destination nations.

Challenges Faced by Immigrant Mothers:

High Fertility Rates, Low Employment: Migrant women tend to have more children than their native-born counterparts, although fertility rates across OECD countries still hover below replacement levels (2.1 children per woman). Despite their vital role in population growth, immigrant mothers face a significant disadvantage in employment compared to both immigrant women without children and native-born peers. Across OECD countries, there exists a substantial 20% gap in employment rates for immigrant mothers, a concerning trend that demands policy attention.

Childcare Responsibilities and Inactivity: A critical aspect affecting immigrant mothers’ employment is their entrapment in inactivity due to childcare responsibilities. Balancing work and family life is a challenge faced globally, but immigrant mothers encounter unique hurdles, often leading to job inactivity. Addressing this issue is essential for ensuring the economic integration and well-being of immigrant families in host countries.

Understanding the OECD:

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), established in 1961, serves as a crucial platform for 38 democratic, market-based economies to collaborate. Although India is not a member, the OECD plays a pivotal role in shaping global economic policies. Its objectives include developing policy standards, finding solutions to common challenges, establishing global standards, and facilitating the sharing of experiences and best practices among member nations.

Important Points:
  • Migration to OECD Countries:
    • Over 6 million new permanent immigrants in 2022.
    • India emerged as the top country of origin, contributing significantly to this migration wave with 4 lakh new migrants (excluding students) in 2021.
  • Challenges Faced by Immigrant Mothers:
    • High Fertility Rates, Low Employment:
      • Immigrant women tend to have more children than native-born counterparts.
      • Fertility rates across OECD countries remain below replacement levels (2.1 children per woman).
      • Immigrant mothers face a 20% employment gap compared to immigrant women without children and native-born peers.
    • Childcare Responsibilities and Inactivity:
      • Immigrant mothers often become inactive in the job market due to childcare responsibilities.
      • Balancing work and family life is a global challenge, but immigrant mothers face unique hurdles, impacting their employment opportunities significantly.
  • Understanding the OECD:
    • Established in 1961, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) serves as a collaborative platform for 38 democratic, market-based economies.
    • Key Objectives:
      • Developing policy standards to promote sustainable economic growth.
      • Finding solutions to common challenges faced by member nations.
      • Establishing global standards for economic practices.
      • Facilitating the sharing of experiences and best practices among member countries.
Why In News

According to the International Migration Outlook 2023 report, migration to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries has reached record levels, with over 6 million new permanent immigrants in 2022. This influx of newcomers has not only contributed to cultural diversity but also stimulated economic growth in these nations, reflecting the ongoing global trend of increased migration.

MCQs about Challenges and Solutions in OECD Nations

  1. What is the primary focus of the International Migration Outlook 2023 report?
    A. Global Population Trends
    B. OECD Member Countries
    C. Challenges Faced by Immigrant Mothers
    D. Educational Migration
    Correct Answer: C. Challenges Faced by Immigrant Mothers
    Explanation: The challenges faced by immigrant mothers in OECD countries, including their low employment rates and inactivity due to childcare responsibilities.
  2. Which country emerged as the top contributor to migration in OECD countries in 2021?
    A. China
    B. India
    C. United States
    D. Brazil
    Correct Answer: B. India
    Explanation: India is mentioned as the leading country of origin for new citizens in OECD countries in 2021, with a significant number of migrants.
  3. What percentage employment gap do immigrant mothers face compared to their peers in OECD countries?
    A. 10%
    B. 15%
    C. 20%
    D. 25%
    Correct Answer: C. 20%
    Explanation: Immigrant mothers face a 20% employment gap compared to immigrant women without children and native-born peers in OECD countries, highlighting the challenges they encounter in the job market.
  4. What is the main objective of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)?
    A. Promoting Cultural Exchange
    B. Facilitating Economic Collaboration
    C. Providing Humanitarian Aid
    D. Protecting Environmental Resources
    Correct Answer: B. Facilitating Economic Collaboration
    Explanation: The OECD aims to facilitate economic collaboration among 38 democratic, market-based economies, making it a pivotal platform for international economic cooperation.

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