Daily Current Affairs : 22-September-2023

The Climate Ambition Summit (CAS), held in New York as part of the United Nations General Assembly, recently grabbed global attention. The summit aimed to showcase nations actively pursuing climate action and ensuring a just transition while aligning with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 degrees Celsius goal. However, it was marked by the conspicuous absence of major global economies, notably China, the United States, and India. This essay delves into the reasons behind their absence, the criteria for participation, and India’s commitments towards combatting climate change.

Notable Absence of Major Economies:
  1. China, the U.S., and India’s Collective Impact: China, the United States, and India, together, contribute a substantial 42% of global greenhouse gas emissions, with China leading the pack. Their absence at CAS raised concerns due to their significant influence on global emissions and climate policy.
Purpose and Participants of the Climate Ambition Summit:
  1. Showcasing Leaders in Climate Action: The CAS aimed to spotlight nations that are actively addressing climate change by implementing credible actions, policies, and plans.
  2. Participating Nations: Only representatives from 34 states and seven institutions were granted the opportunity to address the summit. Surprisingly, several smaller nations, including India’s neighbors Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Pakistan, were among the listed speakers, along with emerging economies like South Africa and Brazil.
  3. Global Representation: The European Union, Germany, France, and Canada were notable attendees, underscoring their commitment to climate action.
Criteria for Participation:

To secure a speaking slot at the summit, countries needed to meet specific criteria, including:

  • Present updated pre-2030 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as agreed upon in Glasgow.
  • Establish updated net-zero targets.
  • Develop energy transition plans with commitments to abstain from new coal, oil, and gas projects.
  • Create fossil fuel phase-out plans.
  • Set more ambitious renewable energy targets.
  • Pledge contributions to the Green Climate Fund.
  • Formulate economy-wide plans focusing on adaptation and resilience.
Future Commitments:
  1. Call for More Ambitious NDCs: The summit proposed that all main emitters and G-20 governments commit to presenting more ambitious economy-wide NDCs featuring absolute emissions cuts and covering all greenhouse gases by 2025.
Indian Climate Commitments:
  1. Recent Pledges: In 2022, India updated its climate pledges, committing to reduce emissions intensity (the volume of emissions per unit of GDP) by 45% from 2005 levels by 2030, marking a 10% increase from its 2015 commitment.
  2. Increased Renewable Energy: India vowed to meet 50% of its electricity needs from renewable, non-fossil fuel energy sources, a notable increase from the 40% commitment made during the Paris Agreement.
  3. Carbon Sink Expansion: India pledged to create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent by 2030 through the expansion of forests and tree cover.

Important Points:

Climate Ambition Summit (CAS):

  • Held in New York as part of the UN General Assembly.
  • Intended to showcase climate leaders with credible actions and policies.
  • China, the U.S., and India were notably absent, despite their significant emissions.

CAS Participants:

  • Only representatives from 34 states and seven institutions had speaking slots.
  • Smaller nations like Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Pakistan participated.
  • Emerging economies like South Africa and Brazil were also present.
  • Prominent attendees included the EU, Germany, France, and Canada.

Criteria for Participation:

  • Nations needed to present updated pre-2030 NDCs.
  • Establish net-zero targets.
  • Develop energy transition plans, avoiding new fossil fuel projects.
  • Create fossil fuel phase-out plans.
  • Set ambitious renewable energy targets.
  • Pledge contributions to the Green Climate Fund.
  • Formulate economy-wide plans for adaptation and resilience.

Future Commitments:

  • Call for more ambitious NDCs by all main emitters and G-20 governments by 2025.

Indian Climate Commitments:

  • Updated pledges in 2022 to reduce emissions intensity by 45% by 2030.
  • Committed to meeting 50% of electricity needs from renewable sources.
  • Pledged to create a 2.5 to 3 billion-ton carbon sink through forest and tree cover expansion by 2030.
Why In News

The Climate Ambition Summit (CAS) in New York, a key event during the United Nations General Assembly, highlighted a notable absence of major economies whose actions hold substantial sway over global emissions. This underscored the urgent need for stronger international cooperation and commitment to address the climate crisis, emphasizing the importance of engaging all key stakeholders in climate action.

MCQs about Climate Ambition Summit

  1. Which three major economies were notably absent from the Climate Ambition Summit (CAS)?
    A. Brazil, France, Germany
    B. Russia, Japan, Canada
    C. China, India, United States
    D. South Africa, Pakistan, Nepal
    Correct Answer: C. China, India, United States
    Explanation: China, India, and the United States were the major economies absent from the CAS.
  2. what was the main goal of the Climate Ambition Summit (CAS)?
    A. Highlight the absence of major economies in global climate efforts
    B. Promote fossil fuel projects among participating nations
    C. Showcase nations actively addressing climate change with credible actions and policies
    D. Discuss the challenges of achieving the 1.5 degrees Celsius goal
    Correct Answer: C. Showcase nations actively addressing climate change with credible actions and policies
    Explanation: The main goal of the CAS was to showcase nations actively addressing climate change with credible actions and policies.
  3. What is the primary goal of the Climate Ambition Summit (CAS) ?
    A. To showcase countries with the highest greenhouse gas emissions
    B. To criticize nations for their lack of climate commitment
    C. To promote fossil fuel extraction and use
    D. To highlight nations actively taking credible climate actions
    Correct Answer: D. To highlight nations actively taking credible climate actions
    Explanation: The main goal to showcase nations that are actively addressing climate change with credible actions and policies.

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