Daily Current Affairs : 17-August-2023

In a significant development, India, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), is set to introduce the Global Initiative on Digital Health during the ongoing G-20 summit in Gandhinagar. This pioneering initiative, the first of its kind on a global scale, seeks to address various aspects of digital health and is anticipated to have far-reaching implications for healthcare systems worldwide.

Addressing Global Health Challenges

The main objective of the Global Initiative on Digital Health is to foster data convergence, enhance the interface of health platforms, and promote investments in the digital health domain across the globe. In a world increasingly interconnected by technology, this initiative holds the promise of revolutionizing healthcare delivery and management by leveraging the power of digital solutions.

Interim Medical Countermeasure (MCM)

As part of the summit’s agenda, a critical focus is on establishing an interim medical countermeasure (MCM), referred to as the ‘network of networks approach’. This approach seeks to create a collaborative network that brings together various medical and health-related networks, facilitating streamlined communication, information sharing, and coordination during times of medical crises or emergencies.

Components of the Global Digital Platform

The Global Initiative on Digital Health encompasses several key components that collectively contribute to its effectiveness:

  1. Investment Tracker: A cornerstone of the initiative is the introduction of an investment tracker. This tool will monitor and document investments made in the digital health sector globally. By tracking financial inflows, policymakers and stakeholders can gain insights into the allocation of resources and the growth trajectory of digital health initiatives.
  2. Ask Tracker: Understanding the needs of different regions and healthcare systems is crucial for effective implementation. The ask tracker component of the initiative will serve as a platform to identify specific requirements for products and services. This information can guide targeted efforts to bridge gaps and fulfill essential healthcare needs.
  3. Library of Existing Digital Health Platforms: The initiative recognizes the value of existing digital health platforms. To facilitate knowledge sharing and learning, a comprehensive library of these platforms will be curated. This repository will serve as a valuable resource for policymakers, practitioners, and innovators looking to build upon established solutions.
Global Partnerships and Funding

One of the notable aspects of the Global Initiative on Digital Health is its strong foundation of global partnerships. The initiative has garnered support and funding from various international stakeholders who share a common vision of enhancing healthcare through digital means. This collaborative approach ensures a diverse range of perspectives and expertise are brought to the table, fostering a holistic and well-rounded strategy.

Important Points:

Global Initiative on Digital Health Launched at G-20 Summit:

  • India and WHO collaborate to launch Global Initiative on Digital Health.
  • Aims to address digital health challenges and enhance healthcare systems worldwide.

Objectives of the Initiative:

  • Focus on data convergence, health platform interface, and global digital health investments.
  • Introduce innovative solutions for healthcare delivery and management through digital means.

Interim Medical Countermeasure (MCM):

  • ‘Network of networks approach’ to establish collaborative communication during medical crises.
  • Facilitates coordinated responses among various medical and health networks.

Components of Global Digital Platform:

  • Investment Tracker: Monitors and documents investments in global digital health sector.
  • Ask Tracker: Identifies specific product and service needs in different regions.
  • Library of Existing Digital Health Platforms: Curates a repository of established digital health solutions.

Global Partnerships and Funding:

  • Supported by international stakeholders and partners.
  • Ensures diverse perspectives and expertise for a comprehensive strategy.
Why In News

In a landmark partnership, India and the World Health Organization (WHO) are set to unveil the Global Initiative on Digital Health during the prestigious G-20 summit in Gandhinagar. This visionary effort aims to harness the power of technology for advancing healthcare accessibility and innovation on a global scale.

MCQs about Digital Health Initiative at G-20

  1. What is the main objective of the Global Initiative on Digital Health launched by India and WHO at the G-20 summit?
    A. Enhancing global trade relations
    B. Fostering data convergence and digital health investments
    C. Establishing a network of network approach for climate change
    D. Promoting traditional healthcare practices
    Correct Answer: B. Fostering data convergence and digital health investments
    Explanation: The initiative aims to address data convergence, enhance health platform interface, and promote investments in the digital health domain globally.
  2. What is the purpose of the ‘Ask Tracker’ component of the Global Initiative on Digital Health?
    A. Tracking global investments in the digital health sector
    B. Monitoring existing digital health platforms
    C. Identifying specific product and service needs in different regions
    D. Curating a library of traditional healthcare solutions
    Correct Answer: C. Identifying specific product and service needs in different regions
    Explanation: The ‘Ask Tracker’ serves as a platform to understand who needs what kind of products and services in various regions.
  3. What does the ‘network of networks approach’ refer to in the context of the G-20 summit’s agenda?
    A. A strategy for improving transportation networks
    B. A collaborative network for sharing scientific research
    C. Coordinated communication and information sharing during medical crises
    D. Enhancing global internet connectivity
    Correct Answer: C. Coordinated communication and information sharing during medical crises
    Explanation: The ‘network of networks approach’ aims to create a collaborative network that brings together various medical and health-related networks for coordinated responses during emergencies.
  4. What is the significance of the Global Initiative on Digital Health’s global partnerships and funding?
    A. It promotes traditional healthcare practices
    B. It ensures financial gains for India and WHO
    C. It brings diverse perspectives and expertise for a comprehensive strategy
    D. It focuses exclusively on data convergence
    Correct Answer: C. It brings diverse perspectives and expertise for a comprehensive strategy
    Explanation: Global partnerships and funding ensure a wide range of perspectives and expertise are involved in the initiative, contributing to a holistic and well-rounded strategy.

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