Daily Current Affairs : 15-December-2023

In the Shannan prefecture of the Tibetan Autonomous Region in China, near the Brahmaputra River and the Indian border, lies the archaeological treasure trove of Bangga. Recent findings shed light on an ancient practice that shaped human-animal relationships around 2,500 years ago.

Yak and Taurine Cattle Coexistence: A Fascinating Discovery

In the heart of Bangga, researchers unearthed evidence of a dual domestication effort involving not only yaks but also taurine cattle, a breed distinct from the familiar Indian Zebu varieties. This revelation challenges our understanding of ancient pastoralism and opens a window into the dynamics of early human societies.

Hybrid Offspring: Crossbreeding Yaks and Taurine Cattle

One of the most intriguing aspects of this discovery is the evidence of hybrid offspring resulting from the intentional crossing of yaks and taurine cattle. This practice hints at a sophisticated understanding of animal breeding among the ancient residents of Bangga, showcasing their mastery in manipulating domestication processes.

  • Genetic Analysis: Unraveling the Past

To unravel the mysteries of Bangga’s past, scientists conducted genetic analyses on unearthed bones. The results unveiled a fascinating detail: male yaks and female taurine cattle coexisted in this ancient settlement, providing insights into the intentional nature of crossbreeding practices.

  • Silk Route Connection: Taurine Cattle’s Surprising Journey

The unexpected proximity of taurine cattle to the Indian subcontinent raises questions about their migration routes. The researchers propose a hypothesis: these cattle might have reached central and eastern Tibet through the intricate network of the Silk Route. This not only underscores the interconnectedness of ancient civilizations but also highlights the role of trade routes in shaping the distribution of domesticated species.

Important Points:
  • Location and Time Frame:
    • Bangga, Shannan prefecture, Tibetan Autonomous Region, China
    • Approximately 2,500 years ago
  • Dual Domestication Effort:
    • Yaks and taurine cattle domesticated in Bangga
    • Taurine cattle distinct from Indian Zebu breeds
  • Hybrid Offspring and Breeding Practices:
    • Evidence of intentional crossbreeding between yaks and taurine cattle
    • Indication of a sophisticated understanding of animal breeding in ancient Bangga
    • Genetic analysis on bones revealing coexistence of male yaks and female taurine cattle
  • Genetic Analysis Insights:
    • Bones analyzed to unravel the mysteries of Bangga’s past
    • Confirmation of intentional crossbreeding through genetic studies
  • Silk Route Connection:
    • Taurine cattle’s surprising proximity to the Indian subcontinent
    • Hypothesis suggesting the possible arrival of taurine cattle in central and eastern Tibet through the Silk Route
    • Illustrates the interconnectedness of ancient civilizations and the role of trade routes in species distribution
  • Historical Significance:
    • Unveiling a rare glimpse into ancient human-animal interactions
    • Evolving understanding of past domestication practices
    • Highlighting the rich tapestry of history awaiting discovery
Why In News

The oldest evidence of yak domestication by humans, dating back thousands of years, has been discovered in Bangga, a settlement in the Shannan prefecture of the Tibetan Autonomous Region in China, near the Brahmaputra River and the Indian border, shedding light on the ancient practices of early communities in the region.

MCQs about Domestication Journey with Yaks

  1. What did the recent archaeological findings in Bangga reveal about domestication practices?
    A. Domestication of yaks only
    B. Domestication of taurine cattle only
    C. Dual domestication of yaks and taurine cattle
    D. Domestication of Indian Zebu breeds
    Correct Answer: C. Dual domestication of yaks and taurine cattle
    Explanation: The discoveries in Bangga highlight the simultaneous domestication of both yaks and taurine cattle, challenging previous notions about the region’s pastoral practices.
  2. What is the significance of the hybrid offspring discovered in Bangga?
    A. Unintentional mating between yaks and taurine cattle
    B. Proof of ancient residents’ mastery in intentional crossbreeding
    C. Evidence of a natural evolutionary process
    D. Confirmation of Zebu cattle in the region
    Correct Answer: B. Proof of ancient residents’ mastery in intentional crossbreeding
    Explanation: The discovery of hybrid offspring suggests intentional crossbreeding, showcasing the ancient residents’ advanced understanding of animal breeding.
  3. What was the result of the genetic analysis conducted on bones from Bangga?
    A. Presence of female yaks and male taurine cattle
    B. Evidence of random crossbreeding without intention
    C. Confirmation of dual domestication
    D. Absence of any significant findings
    Correct Answer: C. Confirmation of dual domestication
    Explanation: Genetic analysis revealed the intentional coexistence of male yaks and female taurine cattle, supporting the notion of dual domestication.

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