Daily Current Affairs : 1-December-2023

In a significant move towards women’s empowerment in agriculture, the Union Cabinet has approved a Central Sector Scheme that will provide drones to Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) from the fiscal year 2024-25 to 2025-26. This essay explores the key features and implications of this pioneering initiative.

Holistic Interventions for Comprehensive Impact

The scheme takes a holistic approach by integrating efforts from multiple government departments, including the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Rural Development, and Department of Fertilizers. Collaboration with Women Self Help Groups and Lead Fertilizer Companies forms an integral part of this comprehensive strategy.

Cluster-Based Approach for Targeted Implementation

One of the distinctive features is the identification of economically feasible clusters for drone usage. Within these clusters, 15,000 Women SHGs are carefully selected for the provision of drones. This cluster-based approach ensures focused interventions and maximizes the impact of the scheme.

Financial Assistance for Sustainable Implementation

Financial empowerment is a key aspect, with Women SHGs receiving 80% of the drone cost as Central Financial Assistance. The remaining amount can be raised by SHGs as a loan under the National Agriculture Infra Financing Facility, with a 3% interest subvention. This financial model promotes self-sufficiency and sustainability.

Training for Skill Development

Elected members of SHGs undergo a 15-day training program, encompassing mandatory drone pilot training and additional sessions for agricultural applications. Another member is trained as a drone technician/assistant for repairs and maintenance. This training component not only enhances skills but also ensures the effective utilization of the provided technology.

Role of Lead Fertilizer Companies in Facilitating Procurement

Lead Fertilizer Companies (LFCs) play a crucial role as intermediaries between drone suppliers and SHGs, facilitating procurement and maintenance. The scheme emphasizes the promotion of Nano Fertilizers, aligning technological advancements with sustainable agricultural practices.

Income Generation for Sustainable Livelihoods

The ultimate goal of the scheme is to enable SHGs to rent out drone services to farmers for Nano fertilizer and pesticide applications, thereby creating a sustainable business model. This not only supports income generation but also contributes to the broader objective of promoting livelihoods in rural areas.

Technological Advancement for Agricultural Development

By infusing advanced technology into agriculture, the scheme aims to enhance efficiency, improve crop yield, and reduce operational costs. The adoption of drones represents a significant leap towards technological advancement in agriculture, benefitting farmers and contributing to overall agricultural development.

Important Points:
  • Holistic Interventions for Comprehensive Impact:
    • Integration of efforts from various government departments
    • Collaboration with Women Self Help Groups and Lead Fertilizer Companies
  • Cluster-Based Approach for Targeted Implementation:
    • Identification of economically feasible clusters for drone usage
    • Selection of 15,000 Women SHGs within these clusters for drone provision
  • Financial Assistance for Sustainable Implementation:
    • 80% Central Financial Assistance for Women SHGs
    • Remaining amount raised as a loan under the National Agriculture Infra Financing Facility with 3% interest subvention
  • Training for Skill Development:
    • 15-day training program for elected SHG members
    • Mandatory drone pilot training and additional sessions for agricultural applications
    • Training of another member as a drone technician/assistant for repairs and maintenance
  • Role of Lead Fertilizer Companies in Facilitating Procurement:
    • LFCs act as intermediaries between drone suppliers and SHGs
    • Emphasis on the promotion of Nano Fertilizers
  • Income Generation for Sustainable Livelihoods:
    • SHGs rent out drone services to farmers for Nano fertilizer and pesticide applications
    • Aim to create a sustainable business model supporting income generation
  • Technological Advancement for Agricultural Development:
    • Infusion of advanced technology into agriculture
    • Improved efficiency, enhanced crop yield, and reduced operational costs
    • Contribution to overall agricultural development and benefitting farmers
Why In News

The Union Cabinet, having recognized the transformative potential of empowering Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) through technology, has approved a Central Sector Scheme for providing drones to Women SHGs from 2024-25 to 2025-26, fostering innovation and economic growth among women entrepreneurs.

MCQs about Drone-Boosted Agriculture: Women’s Empowerment Takes Flight

  1. What is the primary objective of the Central Sector Scheme for providing drones to Women Self Help Groups (SHGs)?
    A. Enhancing urban infrastructure
    B. Promoting women’s empowerment in agriculture
    C. Supporting industrial development
    D. Improving healthcare facilities
    Correct Answer: B. Promoting women’s empowerment in agriculture
    Explanation: The scheme aims to empower women in agriculture by providing drones to Women Self Help Groups.
  2. What is the financial assistance provided to Women SHGs for acquiring drones under the scheme?
    A. 50% Central Financial Assistance
    B. 80% Central Financial Assistance
    C. Full financial coverage
    D. No financial support
    Correct Answer: B. 80% Central Financial Assistance
    Explanation: Women SHGs receive 80% of the drone cost as Central Financial Assistance.
  3. How is the cluster-based approach utilized in the implementation of the scheme?
    A. Identification of economically feasible clusters for drone manufacturing
    B. Selection of urban clusters for drone usage
    C. Identification of economically feasible clusters for drone usage and selection of SHGs within these clusters
    D. No specific clustering approach
    Correct Answer: C. Identification of economically feasible clusters for drone usage and selection of SHGs within these clusters
    Explanation: The scheme identifies economically feasible clusters for drone usage and selects Women SHGs within these clusters.
  4. What role do Lead Fertilizer Companies (LFCs) play in the scheme?
    A. Providing financial assistance to SHGs
    B. Directly supplying drones to SHGs
    C. Acting as intermediaries between drone suppliers and SHGs, facilitating procurement and maintenance
    D. Conducting training programs for drone pilots
    Correct Answer: C. Acting as intermediaries between drone suppliers and SHGs, facilitating procurement and maintenance
    Explanation: LFCs act as intermediaries between drone suppliers and SHGs, facilitating procurement and maintenance.

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