Daily Current Affairs : 26-August-2023

In recent news, Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on an official visit to Greece, marking a significant milestone in the diplomatic relations between the two nations. During this visit, several crucial outcomes and agreements were achieved, further strengthening the bond between India and Greece.

Upgrade in Relations: A Strategic Partnership

One of the most notable outcomes of this summit was the decision to elevate the bilateral ties between Greece and India to the level of a “Strategic Partnership.” This upgrade signifies a commitment from both nations to expand cooperation across various domains, including politics, security, and economics. The move aims to foster mutual growth and stability.

Boosting Bilateral Trade

Both leaders recognized the importance of economic cooperation and directed their respective governments to work towards doubling bilateral trade by 2030. This ambitious goal reflects the shared commitment to enhancing economic ties, which will benefit both nations.

Cooperation in Agriculture

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed to facilitate cooperation in the field of agriculture. This included the establishment of a joint sub-committee on agriculture, which will enable sector-specific collaboration for mutual benefit. This cooperation holds the potential to bolster agricultural practices and yield positive outcomes for both countries.

Facilitating Workforce Mobility

Both Prime Ministers emphasized the need for finalizing a Mobility and Migration Partnership Agreement (MMPA) at the earliest convenience. Such an agreement would enable the free movement of the workforce between India and Greece, promoting economic and cultural exchanges.

Honoring the Fallen Soldiers

During his visit, Prime Minister Modi paid his respects at the ‘Tomb of Unknown Soldier’ in Athens. This poignant war memorial stands as a tribute to Greek soldiers who lost their lives in various conflicts. The visit was a gesture of solidarity and remembrance.

Grand Cross of the Order of Honour

In a significant honor, the President of Greece conferred the Grand Cross of the Order of Honour upon Prime Minister Modi. Notably, he is the first foreign Head of Government to receive this prestigious award. The Order of Honour, established in 1975, is bestowed upon individuals who have made significant contributions to enhancing Greece’s stature.

Historical Overview of India-Greece Relations

Diplomatic relations between India and Greece were initiated in 1950. Over the years, both nations have cooperated on various international platforms, including support for each other’s candidature for non-permanent seats in the United Nations Security Council. Greece has also consistently supported India’s foreign policy objectives.

Institutional Mechanisms for Bilateral Talks

The two main forums for conducting bilateral talks are the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) and Foreign Office Consultations (FOC). These platforms facilitate dialogue between India and Greece, enhancing their diplomatic and economic ties.

Economic and Military Cooperation

Economic and commercial relations have been steadily growing, with bilateral trade reaching nearly $2 billion in 2022-23. Furthermore, military cooperation has been bolstered through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Defence Cooperation signed in 1998.

Significance of India-Greece Cooperation

The strategic significance of India-Greece cooperation lies in Greece’s membership in both NATO and the EU. Its location in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea positions it as a key player in the evolving international order, linking Europe, Asia, and Africa. The partnership between India and Greece creates a powerful bloc, extending their influence across regions.

Support on Mutual Interests

Both nations can support each other on issues of mutual interest, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. Greece’s maritime strength aligns with India’s role as a leading power in the Indo-Pacific, fostering common ground for cooperation.

Joint Exercises and Strategic Partnership

The presence of Indian naval forces in the Mediterranean, along with joint exercises with Greece, sends a strong message of power projection across continents. This strategic partnership with Greece, an EU and NATO member, solidifies India’s position as a valuable partner in Asia for Europe.

Important Points:

India-Greece Summit Outcomes:

  • Upgraded bilateral ties to a “Strategic Partnership.”
  • Goal to double bilateral trade by 2030.
  • MOU on cooperation in agriculture.
  • Efforts to finalize a Mobility and Migration Partnership Agreement (MMPA).

Tomb of Unknown Soldier:

  • War memorial in Athens.
  • Tribute to Greek soldiers killed in wars.
  • Prime Minister Modi paid respects.

Grand Cross of the Order of Honour:

  • Prestigious award conferred on Prime Minister Modi.
  • First foreign Head of Government to receive it.
  • Signifies contributions to enhancing Greece’s stature.

India-Greece Relations Overview:

  • Diplomatic relations since 1950.
  • Mutual support in international platforms.
  • Economic and military cooperation.

Institutional Mechanisms for Bilateral Talks:

  • Joint Economic Committee (JEC) and Foreign Office Consultations (FOC).

Significance of India-Greece Cooperation:

  • Greece’s membership in NATO and EU.
  • Key player in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.
  • Creation of a powerful bloc linking Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Support on Mutual Interests:

  • Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Greece’s maritime strength aligns with India’s role.

Joint Exercises and Strategic Partnership:

  • Presence of Indian naval forces in the Mediterranean.
  • Joint Indo-Greek aeronautical exercises.
  • Strengthens India’s position as a valuable partner in Asia for Europe.
Why In News

During Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official visit to Greece, officially known as the Hellenic Republic, he engaged in productive discussions with Greek leaders to strengthen diplomatic ties and explore avenues for enhanced cooperation. The visit also showcased India’s commitment to fostering robust partnerships with nations across the globe.

MCQs about Elevating India-Greece Relations

  1. What is the significance of the ‘Tomb of Unknown Soldier’ in Athens?
    A. It’s a historical palace in Athens.
    B. It’s a cenotaph dedicated to Greek soldiers who lost their lives in wars.
    C. It’s a famous art museum in Greece.
    D. It’s a symbol of Greece’s economic prosperity.
    Correct Answer: B. It’s a cenotaph dedicated to Greek soldiers who lost their lives in wars.
    Explanation: The ‘Tomb of Unknown Soldier’ is a war memorial in Athens dedicated to Greek soldiers who lost their lives in wars.
  2. What prestigious honor was conferred upon Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to Greece?
    A. Nobel Peace Prize
    B. Grand Cross of the Order of Honour
    C. Olympic Gold Medal
    D. Bharat Ratna
    Correct Answer: B. Grand Cross of the Order of Honour
    Explanation: The President of Greece conferred the Grand Cross of the Order of Honour upon Prime Minister Modi during his visit.
  3. How do India and Greece intend to strengthen their economic ties?
    A. By focusing on joint space exploration projects
    B. By signing a mutual defense agreement
    C. By doubling bilateral trade by 2030
    D. By establishing a joint cultural exchange program
    Correct Answer: C. By doubling bilateral trade by 2030
    Explanation: Both leaders directed their governments to work towards doubling bilateral trade by 2030, indicating their intention to strengthen economic ties.

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