Daily Current Affairs : 24-July-2023

Recently, the Union Minister for Women and Child Development made an announcement, emphasizing the government’s commitment to provide all necessary support for the establishment of Child Care Institutions (CCIs). These institutions play a crucial role in providing care and protection to children who are in need of such services. In this essay, we will delve deeper into the concept of CCIs and the significance of their registration under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015.

Child Care Institutions (CCIs) Explained:

Child Care Institutions (CCIs) encompass a variety of facilities that cater to the needs of vulnerable children. These include Children’s Homes, Open Shelters, Observation Homes, Special Homes, Specialised Adoption Agencies (SAAs), and Fit Facilities, all of which are recognized under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015.

Purpose and Role of CCIs:

The primary purpose of CCIs is to provide care and protection to children who find themselves in vulnerable and challenging situations. They offer a safe and nurturing environment for children in need, ensuring their physical and emotional well-being. CCIs play a crucial role in ensuring that children are not left to fend for themselves but receive the support and care they deserve.

Empowerment of Child Welfare Committees:

The Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 empowers Child Welfare Committees to make important decisions regarding children in need of care and protection. These committees are entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring the functioning of CCIs to ensure that the children’s best interests are being served.

Inclusivity of Government and Non-Government Organizations:

The Juvenile Justice Act allows both government and non-government organizations (NGOs) to establish institutional facilities for children in need. This inclusivity ensures that the responsibility of caring for vulnerable children is shared between various stakeholders, ultimately benefiting the children’s well-being.

Compulsory Registration and Obligations:

Under the provisions of the JJ Act, all CCIs are mandated to be compulsorily registered within six months of the Act being enacted. This registration process applies not only to institutions receiving government funds but also to those operating without government support. It emphasizes that registration is an obligation and not merely a privilege or right.

Importance of Registration:

Registration serves as a crucial step in ensuring that CCIs adhere to the necessary standards and guidelines outlined in the law. It acts as a formal recognition of the institution’s commitment to providing proper care and protection to the children in their care.

Consequences of Non-Compliance:

The Act takes non-compliance seriously and imposes penalties on those in charge of institutions failing to adhere to its provisions. Such individuals may face imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of not less than one lakh rupees, or both. This provision acts as a deterrent against any negligence or mistreatment of the children.

Safety Measures for Children:

In cases where an institution’s registration is canceled due to non-compliance, the responsibility of managing the institution is transferred to the State Government. This measure ensures that the children within the institution are not displaced and continue to receive the necessary care and support.

Important Points:

  • The Union Minister for Women and Child Development announced government support for establishing Child Care Institutions (CCIs).
  • CCIs include Children’s Home, Open Shelter, Observation Home, Special Home, Specialised Adoption Agency (SAA), and a Fit Facility recognized under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015.
  • CCIs provide care and protection to children in need of such services.
  • Child Welfare Committees have the authority to make decisions regarding children in need of care and protection and to monitor CCIs’ functioning.
  • Both government and non-government organizations (NGOs) can set up institutional facilities for children under the JJ Act, 2015.
  • All CCIs are required to be registered under JJ Act, 2015 within six months of enactment, irrespective of government funding.
  • Registration is an obligation and not a right, and State Governments may refuse or withhold it if necessary standards are not met.
  • In case of cancellation of registration, the State Government takes over the institution’s management to ensure children are not displaced and continue to receive care.
  • Those in charge of institutions failing to comply with the JJ Act may face imprisonment or a fine.
  • CCIs play a vital role in ensuring the well-being and protection of vulnerable children.
Why In News

The Union Minister for Women and Child Development recently made a significant announcement, pledging unwavering governmental support to not only establish Child Care Institutions (CCIs) but also to ensure their effective functioning and provision of essential resources for the holistic development and well-being of every child in their care.Furthermore, the Minister emphasized the Government’s commitment to implementing comprehensive policies that prioritize child welfare and protection, aiming to create a safe and nurturing environment where every child can thrive and realize their full potential.

MCQs about Empowering Child Care Institutions

  1. What is the primary purpose of Child Care Institutions (CCIs) under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015?
    A. To offer specialized education to children in need.
    B. To provide care and protection to vulnerable children.
    C. To train children for future employment opportunities.
    D. To rehabilitate juvenile offenders.
    Correct Answer: B. To provide care and protection to vulnerable children.
    Explanation: CCIs aim to offer a safe and nurturing environment for children in need, ensuring their physical and emotional well-being.
  2. Who has the authority to make important decisions regarding children in need of care and protection, and also monitor the functioning of CCIs?
    A. The State Government.
    B. The Union Minister for Women and Child Development.
    C. Child Welfare Committees.
    D. Non-Government Organizations (NGOs).
    Correct Answer: C. Child Welfare Committees.
    Explanation: The Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 empowers Child Welfare Committees to make important decisions regarding children in need of care and protection and to monitor the functioning of CCIs.
  3. What is the consequence of non-compliance with the registration process for Child Care Institutions (CCIs) under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015?
    A. A warning will be issued to the institution.
    B. The institution will be fined an amount of one lakh rupees.
    C. Those in charge may face imprisonment, a fine, or both.
    D. The State Government will take over the institution without any consequences for the officials.
    Correct Answer: C. Those in charge may face imprisonment, a fine, or both.
    Explanation: The Act imposes penalties on individuals in charge of institutions failing to comply with its provisions. They may face imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of not less than one lakh rupees, or both.
  4. Why is the registration of Child Care Institutions (CCIs) important under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015?
    A. It provides a legal framework for the establishment of CCIs.
    B. It ensures that children within CCIs are not displaced.
    C. It serves as a formal recognition of the institution’s commitment to proper care.
    D. It allows the government to provide financial support to the CCIs.
    Correct Answer: C. It serves as a formal recognition of the institution’s commitment to providing proper care and protection to the children in their care.
    Explanation: Registration is a crucial step in ensuring that CCIs adhere to the necessary standards and guidelines outlined in the law. It signifies the institution’s dedication to fulfilling its responsibilities towards the children in need.

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