Daily Current Affairs : 23-September-2023

India’s decision to halt visa services in Canada has not only raised concerns about its potential impact on trade and immigration but has also drawn attention to its implications for the countries that are part of the Five Eyes Alliance. The Five Eyes, comprised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, is a longstanding intelligence-sharing alliance. This essay explores the origins and functioning of the Five Eyes Alliance and examines its role in the current India-Canada visa issue.

The Five Eyes Alliance: A Brief Overview

Origin and History:

The origins of the Five Eyes Alliance can be traced back to the Second World War. In 1943, the Britain-USA (BRUSA) agreement laid the groundwork for what would later become the UK-USA (UKUSA) agreement. BRUSA aimed to share intelligence information between the United Kingdom and the United States to support US forces in Europe, exchange personnel, and establish joint regulations for handling highly sensitive material. Canada joined the alliance in 1949, followed by New Zealand and Australia in 1956, solidifying the alliance’s formation.

How the Five Eyes Alliance Operates:

The Five Eyes countries engage in intelligence gathering and security cooperation. In recent years, they have grown closer due to shared interests, such as addressing the rise of China. They regularly exchange intelligence, share best practices, hold conference calls, and convene in-person meetings annually.

The Role of the Five Eyes Alliance in the India-Canada Issue:
  1. Historical Closeness:
    • The United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia are considered close to India.
    • These countries have significant Indian and Indian-origin populations, similar to Canada.
    • Some of these nations have witnessed pro-Khalistan activities in recent years.
  2. Balancing Act:
    • Given their historical ties to Canada and membership in the Five Eyes Alliance, overtly supporting either India or Canada may be challenging for these countries.
    • India is increasingly assertive in global affairs, making it a delicate diplomatic situation.
  3. Mediation Potential:
    • Once these countries have access to clear intelligence and information regarding the India-Canada visa issue, they could potentially play a mediating role.
    • The United States, in particular, possesses significant diplomatic influence and resources.
  4. Information Sharing:
    • Canada may consider approaching the United States and other Five Eyes partners to share information related to the investigation.
    • These countries have extensive intelligence networks and capabilities that could aid in resolving the issue.

Important Points:

  • India’s decision to halt visa services in Canada has raised concerns about its impact on trade, immigration, and broader diplomatic relations.
  • The Five Eyes Alliance consists of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and is a long-standing intelligence-sharing alliance.
  • The alliance’s origins date back to the Second World War, with the BRUSA agreement between the UK and the USA serving as its foundation. Canada, New Zealand, and Australia later joined, solidifying the alliance.
  • The Five Eyes countries engage in intelligence gathering, security cooperation, and the exchange of best practices, with recent years seeing closer alignment due to shared interests, including addressing the rise of China.
  • In the context of the India-Canada visa issue, countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia are considered close to India. They also have significant Indian populations, similar to Canada, and have witnessed pro-Khalistan activities.
  • Balancing diplomatic ties with both India and Canada presents a challenge for these countries, given their historical connections to Canada and membership in the Five Eyes Alliance.
  • These countries, particularly the United States, could potentially play a mediating role in the India-Canada visa issue once they have access to clear intelligence and information.
  • Canada may consider approaching the United States and other Five Eyes partners to share information related to the investigation, benefiting from their extensive intelligence networks and capabilities.
  • The India-Canada visa issue not only impacts bilateral relations but also has broader implications within the Five Eyes Alliance, as it tests the alliance’s cooperative framework and intelligence-sharing mechanisms.
  • The resolution of the issue will depend on how the Five Eyes partners navigate the complex diplomatic challenge and work towards a solution that benefits all parties involved.
Why In News

India’s decision to suspend visa services in Canada has not only raised concerns about its potential ramifications for trade and immigration but also casts a significant shadow over the diplomatic relations shared between these two nations. Moreover, this situation holds the potential to impact the close-knit bonds these countries maintain with their Western allies, who together comprise the Five Eyes Alliance, a formidable intelligence-sharing coalition.

MCQs about Five Eyes Alliance

  1. What is the primary concern arising from India’s decision to halt visa services in Canada?
    A. Impact on diplomatic relations
    B. Effect on trade and immigration
    C. Increase in intelligence sharing
    D. Strengthening of the Five Eyes Alliance
    Correct Answer: B. Effect on trade and immigration
    Explanation: The primary concern is the potential impact on trade and immigration due to the visa services halt.
  2. Which countries are part of the Five Eyes Alliance?
    A. India, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom
    B. China, Russia, Japan, Germany, France
    C. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States
    D. Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile
    Correct Answer: C. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States
    Explanation: The Five Eyes Alliance consists of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
  3. What was the original purpose of the BRUSA agreement during World War II?
    A. To promote international trade
    B. To facilitate cultural exchanges
    C. To share intelligence information between the UK and the USA
    D. To establish a military alliance against common enemies
    Correct Answer: C. To share intelligence information between the UK and the USA .
    Explanation: The BRUSA agreement was designed to share intelligence information between the UK and the USA during World War II.
  4. How might the United States and other Five Eyes partners contribute to resolving the India-Canada visa issue?
    A. By providing military support
    B. By sharing intelligence and playing a mediating role
    C. By imposing economic sanctions on India
    D. By supporting Canada without intervention
    Correct Answer: B. By sharing intelligence and playing a mediating role
    Explanation: The United States and other Five Eyes partners could potentially contribute to resolving the issue by sharing intelligence and playing a mediating role, given their diplomatic influence and intelligence capabilities.

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