Daily Current Affairs : 24-June-2023

Recently, a Joint Statement was issued by India and the United States, affirming a vision of the two countries as “among the closest partners in the world.” This statement highlights the growing cooperation and collaboration between India and the US across various domains, including technology, defense, people-centric efforts, cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, and sustainable development. Let’s delve into the key agreements and initiatives that have been established between the two nations.

Technology Partnership

The technology partnership between India and the US has witnessed significant advancements and commitments. Some key agreements include:

Strengthening Semiconductor Supply Chains: Micron Technology, with support from the India Semiconductor Mission, will invest over $800 million in a new $2.75 billion semiconductor assembly and test facility in India. This investment aims to enhance the semiconductor supply chain and promote diversification. Additionally, a Semiconductor Centre for Commercialization and Innovation will be established in India. The “Semiverse Solution” will train 60,000 Indian engineers to accelerate semiconductor education and workforce development goals.

Critical Minerals Partnership: India has become the newest partner of the US-led Minerals Security Partnership (MSP), which focuses on developing diverse and sustainable critical energy minerals supply chains globally. The MSP includes 12 other partner countries and the European Union.

Advanced Telecommunications: Joint Task Forces have been launched to develop and deploy Open RAN systems and advance telecoms research and development. The Bharat 6G initiative in India and the US Next G Alliance will work together to reduce costs, enhance security, and improve the resiliency of telecommunication networks.

NASA-ISRO Collaboration in Space: India has signed the Artemis Accords, joining 26 other countries committed to peaceful, sustainable, and transparent cooperation in space exploration. NASA will provide advanced training to Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) astronauts, with plans for a joint effort to the International Space Station in 2024. A strategic framework for human spaceflight cooperation is also being developed.

Quantum, Advanced Computing, and Artificial Intelligence: The two countries have established a Joint Indo-US Quantum Coordination Mechanism to facilitate joint research between the public and private sectors. An implanting arrangement has been signed to support joint research on quantum, artificial intelligence (AI), and advanced wireless technologies.

Cutting-edge Research: The US National Science Foundation has announced 35 joint research collaborations with India’s Department of Science and Technology. A cooperative arrangement with India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has also been signed to focus on emerging technologies.

Innovation Handshake: The US-India Commercial Dialogue will launch the “Innovation Handshake” to connect the startup ecosystems of both countries. This initiative will support the US-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET).

Fiber Optics Investments: India has invested $100 million in the construction of an optical fiber cable manufacturing unit in South Carolina, USA. This investment will facilitate $150 million in annual exports of optical fiber from India.

Defence Partnership

The defense partnership between India and the US is aimed at enhancing security and cooperation. Some key agreements and initiatives include:

GE F414 Engine Co-Production: India and the US will jointly produce the F414 jet engine in India. This initiative allows for a greater transfer of US jet engine technology and strengthens the defense manufacturing capabilities of India.

General Atomics MQ-9Bs: India intends to procure armed MQ-9B SeaGuardian UAVs, which will enhance its intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities.

Service and Repair of US Navy Ships: Master Ship Repair Agreements (MSRA) have been concluded between the US Navy and Indian shipyards. This arrangement enables mid-voyage US Navy ships to undergo service and repair in Indian shipyards.

More Robust Defense Cooperation: Steps have been taken to increase defense cooperation, including strengthening undersea domain awareness cooperation and placing Indian liaison officers in US commands for the first time. Negotiations are also underway for a Security of Supply Arrangement and Reciprocal Defense Procurement Arrangement to enable the supply of defense goods in the event of supply chain disruptions.

Defense “Innovation Bridge”: The India-US Defense Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) has been inaugurated. This program brings together stakeholders from universities, incubators, corporates, think tanks, and private investors to facilitate joint innovation on defense technologies.

People-centric Efforts

India and the US are committed to enhancing people-to-people ties and educational collaborations. Some key initiatives include:

Domestic Visa Renewals: The US will pilot a program to adjudicate domestic renewals of certain petition-based temporary work visas, including for Indian nationals. This program eliminates the need for Indian nationals to leave the US for visa renewal in eligible categories.

New Consulates: The US intends to open new consulates in Bengaluru and Ahmedabad, while India plans to open its consulate in Seattle. These consulates will further strengthen diplomatic and cultural ties between the two nations.

Student Exchanges and Scholarships: The US has issued a record 125,000 visas to Indian students, with Indians on track to become the largest foreign student community in the US. A Joint Task Force comprising leading Indian educational institutions and the Association of American Universities has been launched. Additional Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowships and the Benjamin A Gilman International Scholarship Program will further promote educational cooperation.

Agreement on Cultural Property: Negotiations are ongoing for a Cultural Property Agreement between the US and India. This agreement aims to prevent the illegal trafficking of cultural property from India and enhance cooperation on its protection and lawful exchange.

Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

India and the US recognize the importance of a free, open, inclusive, and rules-based Indo-Pacific region. Some notable collaborations include:

Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean: The US will join the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative, a regional initiative initiated by India to promote a safe, secure, and stable maritime domain. India will continue participating as an observer in the Partners in the Blue Pacific. An Indian Ocean Dialogue will be held to promote greater regional coordination.

Sustainable Development

Both nations are committed to addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development. Some significant collaborations include:

Energy Collaboration: The US welcomes India’s decision to co-lead the multilateral Hydrogen Breakthrough Agenda, aimed at making affordable renewable and low-carbon hydrogen globally available by 2030.

Green Technology: Initiatives have been established to decarbonize the transportation sector. India has formed the Global Biofuels Alliance, with the US as a founding member, to promote the use of biofuels.

Important Points:

Technology Partnership:

  • Investment of over $800 million by Micron Technology in a new semiconductor assembly and test facility in India
  • Establishment of a Semiconductor Centre for Commercialization and Innovation in India
  • Training of 60,000 Indian engineers through the “Semiverse Solution” for semiconductor education and workforce development
  • India joining the US-led Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) for critical minerals supply chains
  • Collaboration on advanced telecommunications, including the development of Open RAN systems

Defense Partnership:

  • Joint production of F414 jet engines in India
  • Procurement of armed MQ-9B SeaGuardian UAVs by India
  • Master Ship Repair Agreements (MSRA) allowing US Navy ships to undergo service and repair at Indian shipyards
  • Strengthening defense cooperation through undersea domain awareness and liaison officers placement
  • Negotiations for Security of Supply Arrangement and Reciprocal Defense Procurement Arrangement

People-centric Efforts:

  • Pilot program for domestic visa renewals for Indian nationals in the US
  • Planned opening of new consulates in Bengaluru and Ahmedabad
  • Record issuance of visas to Indian students and establishment of joint task forces for educational collaboration
  • Efforts to prevent illegal trafficking of cultural property and enhance cooperation in cultural exchange

Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific:

  • US joining the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative initiated by India
  • Indian Ocean Dialogue to promote regional coordination
  • Commitment to a free, open, inclusive, and rules-based Indo-Pacific region

Sustainable Development:

  • Co-leadership by India and the US in the multilateral Hydrogen Breakthrough Agenda
  • Collaboration on decarbonizing the transportation sector and promotion of biofuels through the Global Biofuels Alliance
Why In News

Recently, a historic Joint Statement was released by India and the United States, solidifying their vision of an unbreakable bond, positioning both nations as unparalleled partners on the global stage. This strategic declaration marks a significant milestone in the journey towards a future where India and the United States stand as beaconsof collaboration, trust, and shared values.

MCQs about India and US Collaborations for Progress

  1. What is the main focus of the India-US Joint Task Forces in the field of telecommunications?
    A. Developing satellite communication technologies
    B. Advancing research in artificial intelligence (AI)
    C. Enhancing cybersecurity measures
    D. Developing and deploying Open RAN systems
    Correct Answer: D. Developing and deploying Open RAN systems
    Explanation: The Joint Task Forces between India and the US are focused on the development and deployment of Open RAN systems and advanced telecoms research and development.
  2. What is the objective of the India-US Defense Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X)?
    A. Enhancing cooperation in space exploration
    B. Strengthening defense manufacturing capabilities
    C. Promoting cultural exchange programs
    D. Coordinating efforts in sustainable development
    Correct Answer: B. Strengthening defense manufacturing capabilities
    Explanation: The INDUS-X, the India-US Defense Acceleration Ecosystem, aims to facilitate joint innovation on defense technologies and accelerate the integration of India’s private sector defense industry with the US defense sector.
  3. What is the purpose of the Hydrogen Breakthrough Agenda in which India and the US are co-leading?
    A. Promoting renewable energy solutions
    B. Advancing space exploration missions
    C. Developing sustainable transportation systems
    D. Enhancing cybersecurity measures
    Correct Answer: A. Promoting renewable energy solutions
    Explanation: The India and the US are co-leading the multilateral Hydrogen Breakthrough Agenda, which aims to make affordable renewable and low-carbon hydrogen globally available by 2030.
  4. What is the significance of the Master Ship Repair Agreements (MSRA) between the US Navy and Indian shipyards?
    A. Facilitating joint military exercises in the Indo-Pacific region
    B. Allowing US Navy ships to undergo service and repair in Indian shipyards
    C. Promoting cultural exchange between naval personnel
    D. Enhancing cooperation in counterterrorism efforts
    Correct Answer: B. Allowing US Navy ships to undergo service and repair in Indian shipyards
    Explanation: The MSRA enables mid-voyage US Navy ships to undergo service and repair at Indian shipyards, strengthening the defense partnership between India and the US.

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