Hindu Editorial Analysis : 27-June-2023

India and Egypt recently upgraded their ties to a Strategic Partnership, marking a significant development in their bilateral relations. Egypt’s strategic location and importance in the West Asia-North Africa (WANA) region make it a crucial partner for India. This essay explores the historical context of India-Egypt relations and the various aspects of their partnership, including trade, cultural links, and defense cooperation.

The Significance of Egypt
  1. Geopolitical Importance: Egypt, as the most populous country in West Asia, holds a vital geo-strategic location. Approximately 12% of global trade passes through the Suez Canal, making it a key player in international trade routes.
  2. Gateway to Europe and Africa: Egypt serves as a major market for India and can act as a gateway to both Europe and Africa, presenting excellent opportunities for economic collaboration and expansion.
  3. Bilateral Trade Pacts: Egypt has established bilateral trade agreements with significant West Asian and African nations, further enhancing India’s potential for trade and economic engagement in these regions.
Upgrading the Ties

The decision to elevate the bilateral relationship to a Strategic Partnership is a timely move, given the historical ties between India and the WANA region. The two nations are also pursuing cooperation in green energy, pharmaceuticals, and defense, with several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) in different sectors.

India-Egypt Ties: A Historical Perspective
  1. Ancient Times: India’s relations with Egypt trace back to ancient times when trade contacts between the two civilizations flourished along the banks of the river Nile and the river Indus.
  2. Nehru’s Leadership: During the Cold War, India and Egypt shared a common stance of non-alignment, refraining from aligning with either the U.S. or the Soviet Union. In 1955, both countries were the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement.
  3. South-South Cooperation: India and Egypt played pivotal roles in initiatives like the G-77 grouping and South-South Cooperation, fostering cooperation among developing nations.
  4. Friendship Treaty: Strengthening their ties, India and Egypt concluded a historic Friendship Treaty in 1955. In recent years, high-level meetings and contacts have intensified, further deepening their bilateral relations.
Trade and Commerce
  1. Important Trading Partners: Egypt has historically been one of India’s significant trading partners in Africa.
  2. Bilateral Trade Agreement: The India-Egypt Bilateral Trade Agreement, based on the Most Favored Nation clause, has been in operation since March 1978, facilitating smooth trade relations.
  3. Major Exports and Imports: Egyptian exports to India include raw cotton, fertilizers, oil products, chemicals, leather, and iron products. India exports cotton yarn, sesame, coffee, herbs, tobacco, and lentils to Egypt, along with other commodities.
  4. Technical and Scientific Cooperation: Technical and scientific cooperation has been a crucial aspect of the bilateral relationship. Egypt’s participation in India’s ITEC program and the cooperation in agricultural research are notable examples.
Cultural Links and ‘India by the Nile’ Festival
  1. Maulana Azad Centre for Indian Culture (MACIC): The center was established in Cairo to promote cultural cooperation between the two countries through various activities, including language classes, film screenings, and cultural festivals.
  2. ‘India by the Nile’ Festival: This annual cultural festival in Egypt showcases the richness of Indian classical and contemporary arts, culinary delights, and popular culture, fostering cultural exchange and understanding.
Defense Partnership

The defense partnership between India and Egypt has been revitalized with recent developments, including visits by naval and air force officials and joint military exercises, strengthening their defense cooperation.

Why In News

Recently, India and Egypt took their bilateral relations to new heights by elevating their ties to a Strategic Partnership, signifying their shared commitment to deepening cooperation across various domains. This enhanced partnership reflects the growing recognition of the immense potential for collaboration between the two nations and lays a solid foundation for fostering mutual understanding, economic growth, and regional stability in the years to come.

MCQs about India and Egypt Strategic Partnership

  1. Which aspect of Egypt makes it significant in the India-Egypt Strategic Partnership?
    A. Its historical ties with India
    B. Its strategic location and role in global trade
    C. Its cultural links with India
    D. Its defense capabilities
    Correct Answer: B. Its strategic location and role in global trade
    Explanation: Egypt’s strategic location and the fact that 12% of global trade passes through the Suez Canal make it a crucial partner for India in terms of trade and economic engagement.
  2. During the Cold War, what stance did India and Egypt adopt?
    A. They were aligned with the United States
    B. They were aligned with the Soviet Union
    C. They pursued a non-aligned stance
    D. They engaged in territorial disputes
    Correct Answer: C. They pursued a non-aligned stance
    Explanation: India and Egypt shared a common desire during the Cold War to remain non-aligned, avoiding alignment with either the United States or the Soviet Union.
  3. What is the purpose of the ‘India by the Nile’ festival?
    A. To strengthen defense cooperation between India and Egypt
    B. To promote cultural exchange and understanding
    C. To enhance bilateral trade and commerce
    D. To facilitate technical and scientific cooperation
    Correct Answer: B. To promote cultural exchange and understanding
    Explanation: The ‘India by the Nile’ festival is aimed at celebrating Indian culture through various art forms, food, and popular culture, with the goal of fostering cultural exchange and understanding between India and Egypt.

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