Daily Current Affairs : 11-December-2023

The recently released Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) for 2024, unveiled during COP28 in Dubai, places India in the 7th position, a step up from its previous ranking. This underlines the nation’s growing commitment to environmental stewardship and climate action.

India’s Climate Action: Fourth Strongest

Germanwatch Annual Performance Index

According to the Germanwatch Annual Performance Index, India’s climate actions are ranked as the fourth strongest globally. Noteworthy performers ahead include Denmark, Estonia, and the Philippines. India’s score of 70.25% places it firmly among the frontrunners in combating climate change.

Top and Bottom Performers

  • Top Performers:
    • Denmark retains the top spot with a score of 75.59%.
    • Estonia and the Philippines secure the second and third positions.
    • India follows closely in the fourth position.
  • Worst Performers:
    • Developed nations like the United Kingdom, the United States, and Italy show poor performance.
    • Saudi Arabia occupies the bottom spot.
Global Climate Action Observations

Urgent Decarbonization Imperative

Despite the pressing need for global decarbonization, greenhouse gas emissions increased in 2022. The urgent call for reducing carbon footprints is reflected in the CCPI goals, demanding emissions peak by 2025 and a halving by 2030.

CO2 Levels and Challenges

  • Atmospheric CO2 levels are now 50% higher than pre-industrial times.
  • The global community faces the challenge of meeting the CCPI goals to limit the temperature rise to 1.5°C.
India-Specific Observations

Population Impact and Category Rankings

India’s high population plays a significant role in its climate performance ranking. Notable category rankings include 9th in GHG emissions, 10th in energy use, 10th in climate policy, and 37th in renewable energy.

Progress and Challenges

  • India is on track to meet the benchmark of well below 2°C in per capita GHG emissions.
  • However, concerns persist about heavy reliance on coal, oil, and gas, impacting efforts to meet Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
  • Air pollution remains a challenge, with India ranking among the most polluted countries globally.
About Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)

Monitoring Climate Protection Globally

  • The CCPI is a collaborative effort by New Climate Institute, Germanwatch, and the Climate Action Network (CAN) International.
  • Covering 57 countries and the European Union, it monitors 90%+ of global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The index aims to enhance transparency in international climate politics, enabling a comparative analysis of climate protection efforts using four categories and 14 indicators.
Important Points:
  • Ranking and Progress:
    • India rises to 7th place in the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2024, a notable improvement from the previous year.
    • Germanwatch’s Annual Performance Index ranks India’s climate actions as the fourth strongest globally.
  • Top and Bottom Performers:
    • Denmark retains the top spot with a score of 75.59%.
    • India secures the fourth position, closely following Estonia and the Philippines.
    • Developed nations like the United Kingdom and the United States show poor performance, with Saudi Arabia at the bottom.
  • Global Climate Action Observations:
    • Despite the urgent need for decarbonization, global greenhouse gas emissions increased in 2022.
    • Atmospheric CO2 levels are now 50% higher than pre-industrial times.
    • CCPI sets goals, demanding emissions peak by 2025 and a halving by 2030.
  • India-Specific Observations:
    • India’s high population contributes significantly to its climate performance ranking.
    • Category rankings include 9th in GHG emissions, 10th in energy use, 10th in climate policy, and 37th in renewable energy.
    • India is on track to meet the benchmark of well below 2°C in per capita GHG emissions.
  • Progress and Challenges:
    • Concerns persist about India’s heavy reliance on coal, oil, and gas, impacting efforts to meet Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
    • Air pollution remains a significant challenge, with India ranking among the most polluted countries globally.
  • About CCPI:
    • CCPI is released by three environmental NGOs: New Climate Institute, Germanwatch, and the Climate Action Network (CAN) International.
    • It covers 57 countries and the European Union, monitoring 90%+ of global greenhouse gas emissions.
    • The index aims to enhance transparency in international climate politics, enabling a comparative analysis of climate protection efforts using four categories and 14 indicators.
Why In News

The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2024, unveiled during the COP28 in Dubai, showcased India’s noteworthy commitment to addressing climate change, as the nation secured the 7th position, marking a commendable ascent from its previous ranking.

MCQs about India’s Climate Action

  1. What is India’s rank in the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2024?
    A. 4th
    B. 7th
    C. 10th
    D. 2nd
    Correct Answer: B. 7th
    Explanation: The India secured the 7th position in CCPI 2024.
  2. Which country retained the top spot in the CCPI 2024?
    A. India
    B. Denmark
    C. Estonia
    D. Philippines
    Correct Answer: B. Denmark
    Explanation: The Denmark retained the top spot with a score of 75.59%.
  3. What is the main concern regarding India’s climate action mentioned in the essay?
    A. Excessive reliance on renewable energy
    B. Heavy dependence on coal, oil, and gas
    C. Lack of progress in meeting benchmarks
    D. Minimal focus on air pollution
    Correct Answer: B. Heavy dependence on coal, oil, and gas
    Explanation: The concerns about India’s efforts being impacted by a reliance on these sources.
  4. What is the aim of the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)?
    A. Ranking countries based on GDP
    B. Monitoring climate protection efforts globally
    C. Promoting coal and gas usage
    D. Focusing on air pollution control
    Correct Answer: B. Monitoring climate protection efforts globally
    Explanation: The CCPI aims to enhance transparency in international climate politics and enable a comparative analysis of climate protection efforts.

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