Hindu Editorial Analysis : 7-September-2023

India’s relationship with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has been a subject of interest and scrutiny due to its unique position as a country with the world’s second-largest Muslim population. Over the years, India’s involvement with OIC has evolved, marked by invitations, rejections, and diplomatic intricacies. This essay delves into India’s journey with OIC, highlighting its significance, challenges, and the way forward.

India’s OIC Journey

Historical Background

In 1969, India received an invitation to the founding conference of OIC in Rabat, Morocco, but Pakistan’s influence led to the embarrassing dis-invitation of India’s Agriculture Minister, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, upon arrival. This initial rejection set the stage for a complex relationship.

Observer Status

In 2006, as India’s economic fortunes improved, Saudi Arabia extended an invitation for India to join OIC as an observer. However, India chose to stay away for various reasons, including its commitment to secularism and concerns that OIC’s religious foundation might jeopardize bilateral relations with member states, especially regarding the Kashmir issue.

Guest of Honour

In 2018, at the 45th Foreign Ministers’ Summit, India’s proposal for observer status faced opposition from Pakistan. Nonetheless, in 2019, India made its maiden appearance at an OIC Foreign Ministers’ meeting as a “guest of honour,” marking a significant development in its relationship with the organization.

OIC’s Significance and Challenges for India

Shadowed by Pakistan – Kashmir Issue

Pakistan’s influence within OIC, fueled by its status as the only Islamic nuclear-armed nation, has led to the organization issuing statements supportive of Pakistan and critical of India on Kashmir-related matters. In 2019, OIC criticized India’s abrogation of Article 370, escalating tensions.

Recent Criticism

In a recent event, OIC’s Secretary-General, Hissein Brahim Taha, visited Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and was briefed by the country’s military. India’s foreign ministry spokesperson criticized OIC, arguing that it had “no locus standi in matters related to Jammu and Kashmir” and accused Taha of becoming Pakistan’s mouthpiece.

Meddling in Internal Affairs

India has long voiced its displeasure with OIC’s interference in its internal affairs, notably on issues like the Karnataka hijab controversy and Kashmir. Driven by Pakistan’s prodding, the intergovernmental organization has sought to condemn India on multiple fronts.

The Way Ahead for India

Deepening Bilateral Ties

India’s invitation as a “guest of honour” in 2019 can be attributed to its strengthened cooperation with influential OIC members, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. These deepening bilateral ties, driven by mutual interests and economic cooperation, have paved the way for India’s enhanced standing within OIC.

Neighbourhood First Policy

Bangladesh and the Maldives, two OIC members, play pivotal roles in India’s “Neighbourhood First” foreign policy. Strengthened relations with these nations have contributed to India’s improved ties with OIC.

Trade and Economic Cooperation

India’s trade with Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, all OIC members, witnessed substantial growth. In a single year, from 2020-21 to 2021-22, bilateral trade surged from $87.4 billion to $154.7 billion. Additionally, India’s trade with ASEAN, which includes OIC members Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei, crossed the $100 billion mark in the 2021-22 financial year.

India’s Stand on Kashmir

India maintains that Jammu and Kashmir is an “integral part of India” and an internal matter, emphasizing that OIC holds no authority over the issue.

Why In News

In a recent statement, India’s foreign ministry spokesperson issued a strong rebuke to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Expressing deep concern, they emphasized the need for constructive dialogue and cooperation among nations. This development underscores the evolving dynamics of India’s diplomatic relations with OIC member states.

MCQs about India’s Evolving Relationship with the OIC

  1. What was the main reason India initially chose not to join the OIC as a member?
    A. India was not invited to join.
    B. India did not want to join a religious-based organization.
    C. India had a conflict with Saudi Arabia.
    D. India was not ready for international cooperation.
    Correct Answer: B. India did not want to join a religious-based organization.
    Explanation: India’s decision to stay away from OIC as a member was primarily due to its commitment to secularism and its reluctance to join an organization founded on religion.
  2. What significant event allowed India to participate in an OIC Foreign Ministers’ meeting as a “guest of honour”?
    A. India’s successful resolution of the Kashmir issue.
    B. India’s strengthening cooperation with Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
    C. India’s request for observer status being accepted.
    D. Pakistan’s withdrawal from OIC.
    Correct Answer: B. India’s strengthening cooperation with Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
    Explanation: India’s improved ties with influential OIC members, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, led to its participation as a “guest of honour” in an OIC Foreign Ministers’ meeting.
  3. What has been a major source of tension between India and OIC over the years?
    A. OIC’s criticism of India’s secularism.
    B. OIC’s interference in India’s internal affairs, including the Kashmir issue.
    C. India’s refusal to trade with OIC member states.
    D. India’s reluctance to join OIC as a full member.
    Correct Answer: B. OIC’s interference in India’s internal affairs, including the Kashmir issue.
    Explanation: OIC’s involvement in matters like Kashmir and other internal affairs of India has been a consistent source of tension between India and the organization.
  4. How has India’s deepening bilateral ties contributed to its improved standing within the OIC?
    A. India’s bilateral ties with China.
    B. India’s strengthened cooperation with Russia.
    C. India’s cooperation with influential OIC members like Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
    D. India’s withdrawal from international organizations.
    Correct Answer: C. India’s cooperation with influential OIC members like Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
    Explanation: India’s enhanced cooperation and strengthened bilateral ties with influential OIC members like Saudi Arabia and the UAE have played a pivotal role in improving its standing within the organization.

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