Daily Current Affairs : 3-July-2023

In a significant development, India recently became the 27th signatory to the Artemis Accords. The Artemis Accords, named after the Greek Moon goddess, represent a comprehensive agreement initiated by the United States to foster collaboration and cooperation among nations in the field of civil space exploration. This essay delves into the significance of the Artemis Accords, outlining its objectives, key principles, and the implications of India’s participation.

Overview of the Artemis Accords:

The Artemis Accords serve as a framework for international cooperation in space exploration, building upon the foundation of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967. It brings together nations that share a common vision for advancing humanity’s presence on the Moon and beyond. The signatories of the Accords include Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States, and now India. It is important to note that the Accords are non-binding guidelines that underpin the Artemis program, a U.S.-led initiative aimed at returning humans to the Moon permanently.

Objectives and Key Components of the Artemis Program:
  1. Establishing a Lunar Presence: The Artemis program envisions the establishment of a base on the lunar surface, serving as a stepping stone for further exploration and scientific research. This lunar presence will facilitate a range of activities, including mining resources, conducting experiments, and developing technologies.
  2. Human and Cargo Transportation: Multiple spacecraft will be developed to ferry humans and cargo between Earth and the Moon. This infrastructure will enable regular transportation of astronauts, scientific equipment, and supplies, supporting sustained lunar operations.
  3. Orbiting Space Station: The Artemis program also entails the creation of an orbiting space station around the Moon. This station will serve as a crucial hub for scientific research, collaboration, and as a waypoint for future missions deeper into space.
  4. Navigation and Communication: To enhance navigation and communication, a constellation of satellites will be deployed in lunar orbit. These satellites will assist in facilitating safe and efficient travel, as well as enable seamless communication between Earth and the Moon.
Principles of the Artemis Accords:

The Artemis Accords are built upon a set of fundamental principles, aiming to ensure responsible and sustainable space exploration:

  1. Peaceful Exploration: The Accords emphasize the peaceful nature of space activities and promote international cooperation to avoid conflicts or militarization of celestial bodies.
  2. Transparency and Scientific Data: Signatories commit to full transparency in space activities and the public release of scientific data, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among nations.
  3. Interoperability and Safety: The Accords advocate for the interoperability of systems, enabling seamless cooperation between international partners and enhancing the safety and sustainability of space operations.
  4. Emergency Assistance: Participating nations agree to provide emergency assistance to personnel in distress, highlighting the importance of ensuring the well-being and safety of astronauts.
  5. Preservation of Space Heritage: The Accords underscore the significance of preserving the historic sites and artifacts on the Moon, treating them as a common human heritage.
  6. Space Resource Utilization: In compliance with the Outer Space Treaty, the Accords encourage the responsible extraction and utilization of space resources, while ensuring equitable and transparent practices.
  7. Orbital Debris Management: Signatories commit to the safe disposal of orbital debris to mitigate the risks of collisions and preserve the long-term sustainability of space activities.
Implications of India’s Participation:

India’s decision to join the Artemis Accords holds several implications for both the country and the global space community:

  1. Technological Advancement: India’s participation in the Artemis program opens avenues for collaboration with other space-faring nations, facilitating the exchange of technical expertise, research, and development of advanced space technologies.
  2. Scientific Exploration: By joining the Accords, India gains access to shared scientific data and research findings, enabling Indian scientists and researchers to contribute to global space exploration efforts and expand their knowledge base.
  3. Economic Opportunities: Through participation in the Artemis program, India can tap into potential economic opportunities associated with space exploration, including commercial partnerships, technology transfers, and the development of space-based industries.
India's Participation in the Artemis Accords
Courtesy:Drishti IAS

Important Points:

  • The Artemis Accords are a comprehensive agreement initiated by the United States to foster collaboration and cooperation in civil space exploration.
  • India recently became the 27th signatory to the Artemis Accords.
  • The Accords serve as a framework for international cooperation and are non-binding guidelines underpinning the U.S.-led Artemis program.
  • The Artemis program aims to establish a lunar presence, including a base on the lunar surface, multiple spacecraft for human and cargo transportation, an orbiting space station, and a constellation of satellites for navigation and communication.
  • The principles of the Artemis Accords include peaceful exploration, transparency in space activities, interoperability of systems, emergency assistance, preservation of outer space heritage, responsible resource utilization, and safe disposal of orbital debris.
  • India’s participation in the Artemis Accords signifies technological advancement and opportunities for collaboration, research, and development with other space-faring nations.
  • India gains access to shared scientific data and research findings, contributing to global space exploration efforts.
  • Participation in the Artemis program opens economic opportunities for India, such as commercial partnerships and the development of space-based industries.
  • India’s involvement positions the country as a key player in the global space community and demonstrates its commitment to peaceful and collaborative space exploration.
  • The Artemis Accords and international collaboration fostered by the program bring humanity closer to realizing its ambitions of exploring and inhabiting celestial bodies beyond Earth.
Why In News

Recently, India, with its commitment to space exploration, joined the prestigious ranks of the Artemis Accords, becoming the 27th signatory nation. This significant step not only strengthens international cooperation but also paves the way for India’s active participation in future lunar missions, fostering advancements in science and technology on a global scale.

MCQs about India’s Participation in the Artemis Accords

  1. What is the primary objective of the Artemis program?
    A. Establishing a base on Mars
    B. Developing a lunar transportation system
    C. Establishing a lunar presence
    D. Creating a space station in Earth’s orbit
    Correct Answer: C. Establishing a lunar presence
    Explanation: The Artemis program aims to establish a lunar presence, which includes plans for a base on the lunar surface, multiple spacecraft for transportation, an orbiting space station, and satellites for navigation and communication.
  2. Which principle of the Artemis Accords emphasizes the responsible extraction and utilization of space resources?
    A. Peaceful exploration
    B. Transparency and scientific data
    C. Interoperability and safety
    D. Space resource utilization
    Correct Answer: D. Space resource utilization
    Explanation: The principle of space resource utilization encourages signatories to extract and utilize space resources responsibly and in compliance with the Outer Space Treaty.
  3. What are the implications of India’s participation in the Artemis Accords?
    A. Access to shared scientific data and research findings
    B. Economic opportunities in space-based industries
    C. Technological advancement through collaboration
    D. All of the above
    Correct Answer: D. All of the above
    Explanation: India’s participation in the Artemis Accords brings several implications, including access to shared scientific data, economic opportunities in space-based industries, and technological advancement through collaboration with other nations.

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