Hindu Editorial Analysis : 27-July-2023

In recent news, India made headlines for successfully hosting the 23rd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The summit witnessed significant developments, including the signing of the New Delhi Declaration, statements on countering radicalisation and digital transformation, and the adoption of the SCO’s economic development strategy until 2030. Moreover, Iran was granted full SCO membership, while Belarus signed the memorandum of obligations to become a member-state. This essay explores the highlights of the summit, the significance of the SCO, and its implications for India.

Highlights of the 23rd SCO Summit
  1. New Delhi Declaration: The leaders of SCO member-states came together to sign the New Delhi Declaration, reaffirming their commitment to shared interests and regional cooperation.
  2. Countering Radicalisation and Digital Transformation: The summit issued statements on countering radicalisation, emphasizing the importance of cooperation in tackling this global challenge. Additionally, the leaders explored ways to foster cooperation in digital transformation to harness the potential of technology for mutual benefit.
  3. SCO’s Economic Development Strategy: The summit adopted a comprehensive economic development strategy that will guide the organization’s growth and initiatives until 2030, promoting shared prosperity among member-states.
Significance of the SCO
  1. Shared Interests and Cooperation: The SCO aims to become a community with shared interests, fostering good neighborliness, and building partnerships based on dialogue and cooperation instead of confrontation and alliance.
  2. Peace, Development, and Win-Win Cooperation: The SCO has played a crucial role in ensuring regional peace, stability, and prosperity, aligning with the common aspirations of member-states for peaceful development and cooperation.
Significance of the SCO for India
  1. Enhanced Security: Membership in the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) of the SCO enables India to improve its counterterrorism abilities through intelligence sharing, law enforcement, and the adoption of best practices and technologies. Additionally, the SCO provides a platform for India to address issues related to anti-drug trafficking and small arms proliferation.
  2. Geopolitical Advantage: The SCO offers India an opportunity to pursue its “Connect Central Asian Policy,” strengthening ties with Central Asian countries. It also allows India to keep a check on China’s growing influence in the Eurasian region.
Suggestions for the SCO’s Future
  1. Strengthening Strategic Communication: The SCO member-states must enhance strategic communication to foster mutual understanding and trust.
  2. Deepening Practical Cooperation: The organization should focus on concrete initiatives and collaborations to ensure tangible benefits for all member-states.
  3. Supporting Development and Rejuvenation: The SCO should extend support to member-states in their development endeavors, contributing to the rejuvenation of the region.
Security and Cooperation
  1. Upgrading Security Cooperation: The SCO must take decisive action against terrorism, separatism, extremism, and transnational organized crimes to safeguard regional stability.
  2. Cooperation in Digital, Biological, and Outer Space Security: Collaboration in these areas is crucial to address emerging security challenges effectively.
  3. Facilitating Political Settlement: The SCO should actively engage in finding political resolutions to international and regional hot-spot issues.
Shared Trade, Economic Growth, and Prosperity
  1. Embracing Win-Win Cooperation: The SCO member-states should focus on collaborative efforts in trade, investment, technology, climate actions, infrastructure, and people-to-people engagement to achieve shared prosperity.
  2. Countering Protectionism and Unilateral Sanctions: By rejecting protectionist policies and unilateral sanctions, the SCO can contribute to the well-being of people worldwide.
  3. Strengthening Economic Institutions: Establishing an SCO development bank and promoting local currency settlement and sovereign digital currency cooperation can bolster economic growth and resilience in the region.
Advocating Multilateralism
  1. Engaging with Observer States and Dialogue Partners: The SCO should strengthen ties with observer states, dialogue partners, and international organizations like the United Nations to uphold the international order based on international law.
Why In News

Recently, India proudly welcomed leaders from SCO member countries as it successfully hosted the 23rd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), showcasing its commitment to fostering regional cooperation and diplomacy. The event served as a platform for constructive dialogues, paving the way for deeper economic and cultural ties among participating nations and reinforcing India’s role as a key player in the SCO’s collective pursuit of stability and progress.

MCQs about India’s Successful Hosting of 23rd SCO Summit

  1. What was the main focus of the 23rd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)?
    A. Strengthening regional defense alliances
    B. Embracing multilateralism and global governance
    C. Countering radicalisation and exploring digital cooperation
    D. Promoting bilateral trade agreements
    Correct Answer: C. Countering radicalisation and exploring digital cooperation
    Explanation: The 23rd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) focused on countering radicalisation and exploring cooperation in digital transformation. The summit issued statements on these topics, emphasizing the importance of tackling global challenges and harnessing technology for mutual benefit.
  2. Which country was granted full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) during the 23rd Summit?
    A. Belarus
    B. Russia
    C. India
    D. Iran
    Correct Answer: D. Iran
    Explanation: The 23rd SCO Summit granted full membership to Iran, expanding the organization’s membership to include this country. This marks a significant step in enhancing regional cooperation and influence for all member-states.
  3. What is one significance of the SCO membership for India?
    A. Gaining access to European markets
    B. Strengthening ties with South American countries
    C. Enhancing security through counterterrorism cooperation
    D. Expanding influence in East Asia
    Correct Answer: C. Enhancing security through counterterrorism cooperation
    Explanation: India’s membership in the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) of the SCO enables the country to enhance its security by improving counterterrorism abilities through intelligence sharing, law enforcement, and adopting best practices and technologies.
  4. Which area of cooperation did the essay suggest needs to be pursued to promote shared prosperity among SCO member-states?
    A. Strengthening military alliances
    B. Encouraging unilateral sanctions
    C. Promoting local currency settlement and sovereign digital currency cooperation
    D. Focusing on territorial disputes resolution
    Correct Answer: C. Promoting local currency settlement and sovereign digital currency cooperation
    Explanation: To promote shared prosperity among SCO member-states, there needs to be collective efforts to scale up local currency settlement between SCO members and expand cooperation on sovereign digital currency. This will contribute to high-quality and resilient economic growth of the region.

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