Daily Current Affairs : 20-September-2023

In recent news, a group of researchers conducted a comprehensive analysis of customer responses to green nudges on an online food delivery platform in China. This study sheds light on the effectiveness of green nudges in encouraging environmentally responsible behavior among consumers. But what exactly are green nudges, and how do they work?

Understanding Green Nudges

Green nudges are subtle and persuasive techniques aimed at influencing individuals to adopt eco-friendly behaviors. These nudges are grounded in the principles of behavioral economics, where interventions guide people towards making specific choices without limiting their available options. A recent examination of green nudging practices categorizes them into three main groups:

  1. Nudges that Appeal to Self-Image: These nudges encourage individuals to make eco-conscious choices by appealing to their sense of identity and self-worth.
  2. Nudges that Encourage Social Conformity: People have a natural tendency to follow the crowd. Nudges in this category leverage this inclination by showing how others are making eco-friendly choices.
  3. Nudges that Reset Default Choices: Changing the default choice can be a powerful nudge. For example, a study in China found that more customers opted out of single-use cutlery in their orders simply by making the “no-cutlery” option the default choice. Users were rewarded with “green points” for selecting this option, further reinforcing their eco-friendly behavior.
Criticism of Green Nudges

Despite their potential benefits, green nudges have faced criticism. Some argue that these techniques can be manipulative, as they may not always be transparent and can rely on people’s ignorance or lack of awareness. Critics also raise concerns about the ethical implications of nudging individuals towards specific behaviors without their explicit consent.

Green Nudges in India: A Case Study

In India, Zomato, a leading online food delivery platform with over 50% market share, has implemented similar green nudges on its app. One notable initiative was aimed at reducing not only plastic waste but overall material waste by encouraging users to opt out of receiving cutlery with their orders.

Impact of the No-Cutlery Initiative
  • Zomato’s no-cutlery initiative has proven remarkably effective. Three out of every five orders now choose to opt out of receiving cutlery, leading to a substantial reduction in waste.
  • This eco-conscious choice has resulted in an estimated reduction of 1,000 metric tonnes of cutlery waste, showcasing the significant impact that green nudges can have on environmental sustainability.

Important Points:

Green Nudges

  • Green nudges are subtle methods to encourage eco-friendly behavior.
  • They are based on behavioral economics, guiding choices without limiting options.
  • Green nudges fall into three categories: self-image, social conformity, and resetting default choices.

Effectiveness and Criticism

  • Green nudges have been criticized for potential manipulation and lack of transparency.
  • Critics express concerns about ethical implications and consent.

Zomato’s No-Cutlery Initiative in India

  • Zomato, a major online food delivery platform in India, implemented green nudges.
  • The no-cutlery initiative aimed to reduce plastic and overall material waste.
  • Three out of five orders chose to opt out of cutlery, resulting in a significant reduction in waste.
  • An estimated 1,000 metric tonnes of cutlery waste have been saved.
Why In News

A team of dedicated researchers conducted an in-depth analysis of customer-level responses to green nudges on a popular online food delivery platform in China. Their findings shed light on the effectiveness of these eco-friendly prompts in encouraging sustainable choices among users.

MCQs about Influencing Eco-Friendly Behavior Through Green Nudges

  1. What are green nudges?
    A. Heavy restrictions on choices
    B. Subtle techniques to encourage eco-friendly behavior
    C. Explicit consent for behavioral change
    D. Environmental regulations
    Correct Answer: B. Subtle techniques to encourage eco-friendly behavior
    Explanation: Green nudges, as discussed in the essay, are described as subtle methods used to encourage eco-friendly behavior without heavily restricting choices.
  2. What is the primary criticism associated with green nudges?
    A. Lack of effectiveness
    B. Lack of transparency and potential manipulation
    C. Overregulation of behavior
    D. High implementation costs
    Correct Answer: B. Lack of transparency and potential manipulation
    Explanation: The green nudges have faced criticism for being potentially manipulative and lacking transparency in their approach.
  3. How did Zomato’s no-cutlery initiative impact cutlery waste?
    A. It increased cutlery waste significantly.
    B. It had no impact on cutlery waste.
    C. It resulted in a substantial reduction in cutlery waste.
    D. It led to a minor reduction in cutlery waste.
    Correct Answer: C. It resulted in a substantial reduction in cutlery waste.
    Explanation: Zomato’s no-cutlery initiative led to a significant reduction in cutlery waste, estimated at 1,000 metric tonnes.
  4. What are the three broad categories into which green nudges can be grouped?
    A. Self-regulation, external influence, and marketing
    B. Economic incentives, legal regulations, and social pressure
    C. Nudges that appeal to self-image, nudges that appeal to social conformity, and nudges that reset the default choice
    D. Environmental awareness, behavioral restrictions, and technological advancements
    Correct Answer: C. Nudges that appeal to self-image, nudges that appeal to social conformity, and nudges that reset the default choice.
    Explanation: Green nudges are grouped into three categories: those that appeal to self-image, those that appeal to social conformity, and those that reset the default choice.

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