Daily Current Affairs : 30-October-2023

The 5T initiative in Odisha, emphasizing Teamwork, Transparency, Technology, Time, and Transformation, has ushered in a new era of governance. Simultaneously, the implementation of NITI Aayog-like bodies in states promises further progress by reshaping economic growth strategies.

5T Initiative Overview:
  • Teamwork:
    • Encourages collaboration among government departments for effective solutions.
    • Promotes cooperation and coordination among different agencies, fostering synergy.
  • Transparency:
    • Enhances openness and accountability in government processes.
    • Ensures public access to information, reducing bureaucratic obstacles.
    • Encourages ethical conduct, ensuring responsible governance.
  • Technology:
    • Advocates modern technology adoption for streamlined operations.
    • Enhances service delivery, improving operational efficiency.
  • Time:
    • Emphasizes timely delivery of government services, minimizing delays.
  • Transformation:
    • Revolutionizes government functioning, making it more responsive and citizen-centered.
Achievements of the 5T Initiative:

The initiative has significantly transformed high schools, leading to increased enrollment in government schools, reflecting its positive impact on education.

Mo Sarkar Initiative:

A program fostering transparency and citizen-centric governance by allowing real-time feedback, empowering citizens in the decision-making process.

Agenda for Implementing NITI Aayog-like Bodies in States:
  • NITI Aayog’s Role:
    • Assists states in establishing bodies for inclusive economic growth.
    • Encourages lateral entry of professionals, ensuring high-quality policy recommendations.
  • State Institutions for Transformation (SITs):
    • Conceptualizes SITs for policy formulation and evaluation.
    • Enhances technology and delivery models, ensuring effective implementation.
Need for Setting up NITI Aayog-like Bodies in States:
  • States as Economic Drivers:
    • States significantly contribute to the national GDP, making their development crucial.
  • Critical Areas under State Governments:
    • Key sectors like health, education, and skilling fall under state governments’ purview.
    • States play a pivotal role in improving business environment, land reforms, and infrastructure development.
  • Nonfunctional State Planning Departments:
    • Many state planning boards lack clarity and functionality, hindering progress.
Important Points:

5T Initiative Overview:

  • Emphasizes Teamwork, Transparency, Technology, Time, and Transformation in governance.
  • Encourages collaboration among government departments for effective solutions.
  • Enhances openness, accountability, and ethical behavior in government processes.
  • Advocates modern technology adoption for streamlined operations and improved service delivery.
  • Focuses on timely delivery of government services, minimizing delays.
  • Aims to revolutionize government functioning, making it more responsive and citizen-centered.

Achievements of the 5T Initiative:

  • Transformed high schools, leading to increased enrollment in government schools.

Mo Sarkar Initiative:

  • Fosters transparency and citizen-centric governance.
  • Allows real-time feedback, empowering citizens in decision-making.
  • Shifts power from bureaucracy to citizens, making governance evidence-based and efficient.

Agenda for Implementing NITI Aayog-like Bodies in States:

  • NITI Aayog assists states in establishing bodies for inclusive economic growth.
  • Encourages lateral entry of professionals for high-quality policy recommendations.
  • Conceptualizes State Institutions for Transformation (SITs) for policy formulation and evaluation.
  • Enhances technology and delivery models, ensuring effective implementation.

Need for Setting up NITI Aayog-like Bodies in States:

  • States are significant contributors to the national GDP, making their development crucial.
  • Key sectors like health, education, and skilling fall under state governments’ purview.
  • States play a pivotal role in improving the business environment, land reforms, and infrastructure development.
  • Many state planning boards lack clarity and functionality, hindering progress.
Why In News

The 5T initiative in Odisha is a groundbreaking governance model that emphasizes Teamwork, Transparency, Technology, Time, and Transformation. Launched with the aim of improving governance and ensuring efficient delivery of public services, this innovative approach has not only streamlined administrative processes but has also fostered a stronger sense of community participation and trust in the government’s ability to address the needs of its citizens effectively.

MCQs about 5T Initiative and NITI Aayog’s Vision for Change

  1. What is the primary focus of the 5T Initiative?
    A. Emphasizing Technology
    B. Promoting Transparency
    C. Encouraging Time Management
    D. Fostering Teamwork
    Correct Answer: D. Fostering Teamwork
    Explanation: The 5T Initiative emphasizes Teamwork, Transparency, Technology, Time, and Transformation in governance, with a specific focus on encouraging collaboration and synergy among government departments for effective solutions.
  2. What does the ‘Mo Sarkar’ Initiative aim to achieve?
    A. Enhancing government revenue
    B. Empowering citizens and improving transparency in governance
    C. Promoting cultural heritage
    D. Strengthening military forces
    Correct Answer: B. Empowering citizens and improving transparency in governance
    Explanation: The ‘Mo Sarkar’ Initiative focuses on empowering citizens by allowing real-time feedback and enhancing transparency and accountability in government services, fostering citizen-centric governance.
  3. What is the goal of setting up NITI Aayog-like bodies in states?
    A. To increase government expenditure
    B. To replace existing state planning boards and achieve faster economic growth
    C. To centralize power within the federal government
    D. To decrease citizen participation in governance
    Correct Answer: B. To replace existing state planning boards and achieve faster economic growth
    Explanation: The purpose of setting up NITI Aayog-like bodies in states is to replace nonfunctional state planning boards, ensuring faster and more inclusive economic growth by implementing effective policies and strategies.
  4. Why is encouraging lateral entry of professionals important in State Institutions for Transformation (SITs)?
    A. To create bureaucracy-free zones
    B. To provide jobs for the unemployed
    C. To undertake high-quality analytical work and provide policy recommendations
    D. To promote political influence in policymaking
    Correct Answer: C. To undertake high-quality analytical work and provide policy recommendations
    Explanation: Encouraging professionals’ lateral entry ensures high-quality analytical work, leading to informed policy recommendations and effective governance within State Institutions for Transformation (SITs).

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