Daily Current Affairs : 16-October-2023

The recent interaction between the Vice President of India and the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) at the G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit highlights the significant role of IPU in global politics and diplomacy. This essay explores the various dimensions of IPU, shedding light on its structure and its contributions to promoting democracy and peace worldwide.

About Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU):
  • Historical Roots and Objectives:
    • Founded in 1889 in Paris, IPU aimed at fostering representative democracy and global peace.
    • Pioneering multilateral political organization fostering cooperation among nations.
    • Slogan: “For democracy. For everyone.”
  • Membership and Advocacy:
    • Comprising 179 member parliaments and 13 associate members, IPU advocates for peace, democracy, and sustainable development globally.
    • Empowers parliamentarians to defend human rights and supports gender-balanced, diverse parliaments.
Structure of Inter-Parliamentary Union:
  • IPU Assembly:
    • Principal body addressing international issues and making recommendations for action.
    • Gathers parliamentarians to discuss global matters.
  • Governing Council:
    • Policymaking body consisting of three representatives from each member parliament.
    • Responsible for establishing annual programs, budgets, and thematic resolutions.
  • Executive Committees:
    • Administers IPU and advises the Governing Council.
    • President of IPU serves as the Committee’s President.
  • Standing Committees:
    • Established to support the Assembly’s work and report to the Governing Council.
  • Meeting of Women Parliamentarians:
    • A distinct body focusing on substantive debate topics related to the Assembly’s competence.
    • Inclusive of both male and female parliamentarians, promoting gender equality in politics.
Relevance in Global Politics:
  • Parliamentary Diplomacy:
    • IPU plays a pivotal role in parliamentary diplomacy, encouraging dialogue and cooperation among nations.
    • Advocates for peacebuilding, democracy, and sustainable development on a global scale.
  • Advancing Gender Equality:
    • IPU actively promotes gender-balanced parliaments, empowering women in political leadership roles.
    • The Meeting of Women Parliamentarians fosters discussions on women’s issues, ensuring their representation in policymaking.

Important Points:

  • Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Overview:
    • Global organization founded in 1889 promoting representative democracy and peace.
    • First multilateral political organization fostering cooperation among nations.
    • Comprises 179 member parliaments and 13 associate members.
    • Slogan: “For democracy. For everyone.”
  • IPU’s Objectives and Advocacy:
    • Empowers parliamentarians to advocate for peace, democracy, and sustainable development.
    • Promotes diverse, gender-balanced parliaments and defends human rights of parliamentarians.
    • Encourages dialogue and cooperation through parliamentary diplomacy.
  • IPU’s Organizational Structure:
    • IPU Assembly:
      • Principal body addressing international issues and making recommendations.
      • Gathers parliamentarians to discuss global matters.
    • Governing Council:
      • Policymaking body with representatives from member parliaments.
      • Establishes annual programs, budgets, and thematic resolutions.
    • Executive Committees:
      • Administers IPU and advises the Governing Council.
      • IPU President serves as the Committee’s President.
    • Standing Committees:
      • Support the Assembly’s work and report to the Governing Council.
    • Meeting of Women Parliamentarians:
      • Focuses on substantive debate topics related to the Assembly’s competence.
      • Inclusive of both male and female parliamentarians, promoting gender equality in politics.
  • IPU’s Relevance in Global Politics:
    • Prominent role in parliamentary diplomacy, fostering cooperation and dialogue among nations.
    • Advocacy for peacebuilding, democracy, and sustainable development on a global scale.
    • Actively promotes gender-balanced parliaments, empowering women in political leadership roles.
  • Recent Interaction Significance:
    • Vice President of India’s interaction with IPU President highlights IPU’s role in global democracy.
    • Underscores the importance of organizations like IPU in shaping inclusive and harmonious global societies.
Why In News

The Vice President of India, in a significant diplomatic move, recently engaged in a fruitful discussion with the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union on the sidelines of the G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit (P20). During this interaction, both leaders emphasized the importance of international cooperation and parliamentary dialogue in addressing global challenges, reinforcing India’s commitment to fostering strong ties with the global community.

MCQs about IPU

  1. What is the primary objective of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)?
    A. To promote economic cooperation among member nations
    B. To foster representative democracy and global peace
    C. To provide military assistance to conflict regions
    D. To advocate for corporate interests worldwide
    Correct Answer: B. To foster representative democracy and global peace
    Explanation: The IPU was founded with the goal of promoting representative democracy and global peace.
  2. How many member parliaments does the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) currently comprise?
    A. 150 member parliaments
    B. 200 member parliaments
    C. 179 member parliaments
    D. 100 member parliaments
    Correct Answer: C. 179 member parliaments
    Explanation: The IPU comprises 179 member parliaments.
  3. What does the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians focus on?
    A. Environmental issues
    B. Global economic policies
    C. Substantive debate topics related to the Assembly’s competence
    D. Technological advancements
    Correct Answer: C. Substantive debate topics related to the Assembly’s competence
    Explanation: The Meeting of Women Parliamentarians focuses on substantive debate topics related to the Assembly’s competence.
  4. What is the role of IPU in parliamentary diplomacy?
    A. To promote nationalism and isolationism
    B. To discourage dialogue and cooperation among nations
    C. To foster cooperation and dialogue among nations
    D. To advocate for military interventions in conflicts
    Correct Answer: C. To foster cooperation and dialogue among nations
    Explanation: IPU plays a pivotal role in parliamentary diplomacy by fostering cooperation and dialogue among nations.

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