Hindu Editorial Analysis : 7-December-2023

In March 2023, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s visit to India marked a significant turning point, with both leaders issuing a joint statement that laid the groundwork for enhanced collaboration. The momentum continued with PM Meloni’s return in September for the G-20 summit, solidifying the commitment to strengthen ties.

Evolving Facets of Bilateral Relations

1. Common Indo-Pacific Vision

The strategic partnership is based on a shared perspective of the challenges in the Indo-Pacific region. PM Meloni’s vision of an “enlarged Mediterranean” aligns Italy’s geostrategic interests with the Indian Ocean, establishing a natural bridge between regions.

2. Private Sector Collaboration in Indo-Pacific

Italian companies, known for innovative solutions, are eager to expand their footprint in India, contributing to stability in the Indo-Pacific. This collaboration focuses on technological advancements and economic growth.

3. Maritime Security Priority

The Italian Navy’s visit to Mumbai and a subsequent seminar on maritime security highlighted a common interest in safeguarding underwater infrastructure. Maritime cooperation will be pivotal for the renewed defense collaboration.

4. Trade and Connectivity Initiatives

  • Connectivity: The Blue-Raman project and the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) underscore joint efforts to enhance both digital and physical infrastructure.
  • Trade: Bilateral trade has reached record levels, showcasing the exchange of goods and services. Italy’s expertise in maritime and railway sectors aligns with India’s need for efficient trade routes.

5. People-to-People Contact

A Migration and Mobility Agreement signed during the Indian External Affairs Minister’s visit emphasizes the importance of fostering people-to-people connections. This agreement facilitates mobility and strengthens ties between the Indian community in Italy and vice versa.

6. Space Collaboration

Growing interest in India’s space initiatives is evident, with Italy celebrating the success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission. Collaboration between ASI and ISRO opens up opportunities in earth observation, space exploration, and helio-physics.

Challenges: Addressing Issues in the Relationship

1. Lack of Separate Trade Agreements

The absence of a specific trade agreement between India and Italy, unlike with England, poses a challenge. The engagement with Italy currently falls under the broader EU framework.

2. Incidents Straining Relations

Historical incidents, such as the treatment of Italian Marines and the cancellation of the VVIP chopper deal, have strained the relationship. Resolving these issues is crucial for building a more robust and sustainable partnership.

Why In News

The year 2023 has been a bright one considering the positive trajectory of bilateral relations between Italy and India, fostering greater collaboration and mutual understanding.

MCQs about Italy-India Relations in 2023

  1. What was the primary focus of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s visit to India in March 2023?
    A. Cultural exchange
    B. Strengthening maritime security
    C. Space exploration collaboration
    D. Enhancing diplomatic ties
    Correct Answer: D. Enhancing diplomatic ties
    Explanation: The visit aimed to mark a breakthrough in bilateral relations and set the framework for collaboration in various sectors.
  2. Which region does Italy view as an “enlarged Mediterranean,” forming a geostrategic unit with the Indian Ocean?
    A. Arctic region
    B. South China Sea
    C. Indo-Pacific
    D. Atlantic Ocean
    Correct Answer: C. Indo-Pacific
    Explanation: PM Meloni’s perspective emphasizes the strategic unity between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.
  3. What initiative aims to bring Italy and India closer through the exchange of digital data using a submarine cable system?
    A. Blue-Raman project
    B. India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC)
    C. Maritime Security Seminar
    D. G-20 summit
    Correct Answer: A. Blue-Raman project
    Explanation: This initiative focuses on strengthening digital infrastructure between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.
  4. What recent agreement facilitates improved people-to-people contact and mobility between India and Italy?
    A. Space Collaboration Agreement
    B. Migration and Mobility Agreement
    C. Indo-Pacific Security Pact
    D. Trade Enhancement Accord
    Correct Answer: B. Migration and Mobility Agreement
    Explanation: This agreement, signed during the Indian External Affairs Minister’s visit, underscores the importance of fostering people-to-people connections.

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