Daily Current Affairs : 2-September-2023

The Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant-3 in Gujarat has marked a significant milestone by commencing its operations at full capacity. This achievement is noteworthy not only for its technical prowess but also for its contribution to India’s three-stage nuclear power program, initiated by Dr. Homi Bhaba in 1954. This essay delves into the significance of the Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant in the context of India’s energy security and the three stages of its nuclear program.

The Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant

Pioneering 700 MWe Plant

The Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant stands as a testament to India’s indigenous nuclear capabilities. It is the nation’s first 700 MWe (megawatt electric) plant, representing a major leap in energy generation capacity.

Innovative PHWR Variant

Notably, this plant is based on the Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) technology, showcasing India’s prowess in designing and developing its nuclear reactors. It is the largest indigenously developed PHWR variant.

Enhanced Safety Features

One of the standout features of the Kakrapar plant is its advanced safety measures. These include a steel-lined inner containment to mitigate leakages, a passive decay heat removal system, containment spray system, and a hydrogen management system. These features ensure both operational safety and environmental protection.

Criticality Achievement

In 2020, the Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant achieved criticality, signifying that each fission event releases sufficient neutrons to sustain an ongoing series of reactions. This was a crucial step towards full-scale operation.

India’s Three-Stage Nuclear Program

Energy Security Objectives

Dr. Homi Bhaba conceived India’s three-stage nuclear power program with the primary objective of ensuring energy security for the nation. This program was devised to address the dual challenge of India having substantial thorium reserves but limited uranium reserves.

Thorium Reserves vs. Uranium Reserves

India’s resource scenario is unique in that it holds 25% of the world’s thorium reserves while possessing only 2% of the world’s uranium reserves. This disparity necessitated a novel approach to harnessing nuclear energy.

Three Stages

India’s three-stage nuclear program consists of the following stages:

  1. Natural Uranium-Fueled PHWRs: In the initial stage, India relied on natural uranium-fueled Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) to produce nuclear energy. This phase served as a foundation for subsequent developments.
  2. Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs): The second stage involves the use of fast breeder reactors (FBRs) powered by plutonium-based fuel. These reactors have the capacity to produce more fissile material than they consume, thus amplifying India’s nuclear fuel resources.
  3. Advanced Thorium-Based Systems: The third and final stage envisions the development of advanced nuclear power systems using thorium as the primary fuel. This stage holds the key to fully utilizing India’s abundant thorium reserves, paving the way for sustainable long-term energy generation.

Important Points:

Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant

  • The Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant-3 in Gujarat is India’s first 700 MWe plant, showcasing indigenous nuclear capabilities.
  • It’s the largest Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) variant developed domestically.
  • Advanced safety features include steel-lined containment, passive decay heat removal, containment spray, and hydrogen management.
  • Achieved criticality in 2020, a crucial step toward full-scale operation.

India’s Three-Stage Nuclear Program

  • Initiated in 1954 by Dr. Homi Bhaba to ensure India’s energy security.
  • Addresses India’s large thorium reserves and limited uranium reserves.
  • Comprises three stages:
    1. Natural Uranium-Fueled PHWRs: Initial stage using natural uranium in PHWRs.
    2. Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs): Utilizes plutonium-based fuel, producing more fissile material than consumed.
    3. Advanced Thorium-Based Systems: Focuses on thorium as the primary fuel for sustainable energy generation.
Why In News

The Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant-3, the largest indigenously developed variant of the Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) in Gujarat, has successfully commenced operations at full capacity, marking a significant milestone in India’s nuclear energy sector. With its state-of-the-art technology and robust safety measures, it is set to contribute significantly to the nation’s clean energy production and energy security for years to come.

MCQs about Kakrapar Power Plant and Three-Stage Program

  1. What is the primary objective of India’s three-stage nuclear power program?
    A. To maximize uranium reserves
    B. To achieve criticality in nuclear reactors
    C. To harness thorium reserves while addressing limited uranium reserves
    D. To promote the use of coal-based power generation
    Correct Answer: C. To harness thorium reserves while addressing limited uranium reserves
    Explanation: The India’s three-stage nuclear power program was designed to harness its abundant thorium reserves while addressing the challenge of limited uranium reserves.
  2. What advanced safety features are mentioned for the Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant?
    A. Passive decay heat removal and containment spray system
    B. Steel-lined inner containment and hydrogen management system
    C. Plutonium-based fuel and fast breeder reactors
    D. Natural uranium-fueled Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs)
    Correct Answer: B. Steel-lined inner containment and hydrogen management system
    Explanation: The Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant has advanced safety features like steel-lined inner containment and a hydrogen management system.
  3. What is the third stage of India’s three-stage nuclear power program focused on?
    A. Maximizing natural uranium reserves
    B. Utilizing plutonium-based fuel in fast breeder reactors
    C. Harnessing solar energy for power generation
    D. Developing advanced nuclear power systems using thorium
    Correct Answer: D. Developing advanced nuclear power systems using thorium
    Explanation: The third stage of India’s three-stage nuclear power program envisions the development of advanced nuclear power systems using thorium as the primary fuel.

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