Daily Current Affairs : 21-July-2023

Katchatheevu, an uninhabited island situated between Neduntheevu, Sri Lanka, and Rameswaram, India, has been a matter of contention between the two neighboring countries for several decades. As the Sri Lankan President’s visit to New Delhi approaches, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, emphasizing the need to address the issue of retrieving Katchatheevu. This explores the historical context of the island, the previous agreements and resolutions surrounding it, and the ongoing concerns raised by Tamil Nadu.

The Historical Context of Katchatheevu

Katchatheevu has a long history of being a disputed territory between India and Sri Lanka. Both nations claimed ownership of the island until 1974 when then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, accepted Katchatheevu as part of Sri Lanka under the “Indo-Sri Lankan Maritime agreement.” This decision marked a significant shift in the island’s status, causing concern among the fishermen communities from both Sri Lanka and India who had traditionally used its waters for fishing.

Previous Agreements and Resolutions

In addition to the 1974 agreement, another pact was signed in 1976, which restricted the fishermen of both countries from fishing in each other’s exclusive economic zones. This move aimed to address the fishing disputes that arose in the region due to the new demarcation of maritime boundaries. However, this agreement failed to address the concerns of Tamil Nadu fishermen, who felt their traditional fishing rights were being compromised.

In 1991, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu urged the Indian government to take steps towards the retrieval of Katchatheevu and the restoration of fishing rights for Indian fishermen. The Tamil Nadu Assembly also echoed the sentiment and adopted resolutions supporting the retrieval of the island. Despite these appeals, the matter remained unresolved, leading to further frustration and discontent among the fishing communities in the region.

Legal Efforts and the Sovereignty Issue

Over the years, various petitions were filed in the Supreme Court of India seeking the retrieval of Katchatheevu. However, in 2014, the Indian government declared that Katchatheevu was a sovereign part of Sri Lanka, stating that the island’s status had been settled through the agreements reached in the past.

Tamil Nadu’s Ongoing Concerns

The concerns of Tamil Nadu regarding Katchatheevu have persisted for years. The fishermen community in Tamil Nadu, particularly those from Rameswaram, have heavily relied on the island’s fishing grounds for their livelihoods. However, the agreements between India and Sri Lanka have limited their access to these traditional fishing areas, leading to economic hardships and increased tensions among the fishing communities.

Tamil Nadu’s demand for the retrieval of Katchatheevu rests on several key arguments:

  1. Historical Usage: Tamil Nadu asserts that its fishermen have historically used the waters around Katchatheevu for fishing and that the island’s cession to Sri Lanka has deprived them of their traditional fishing rights.
  2. Humanitarian Concerns: There have been instances where Indian fishermen inadvertently crossed into Sri Lankan waters and faced legal repercussions, leading to humanitarian concerns and further straining India-Sri Lanka relations.
  3. Security Concerns: Some voices in Tamil Nadu have raised concerns about the island’s strategic significance in terms of security, as it lies close to the Indian coast and could potentially be exploited by external forces.

Important Points:

  • Katchatheevu is an uninhabited island administered by Sri Lanka, located between Neduntheevu, Sri Lanka, and Rameswaram, India.
  • It was a disputed territory between India and Sri Lanka until 1974 when it was accepted as part of Sri Lanka under the “Indo-Sri Lankan Maritime agreement.”
  • Another agreement in 1976 restricted both countries’ fishermen from fishing in each other’s exclusive economic zones.
  • Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister and Assembly have repeatedly urged the Indian government to retrieve Katchatheevu and restore fishing rights for Indian fishermen.
  • Various petitions were filed in the Supreme Court of India seeking the retrieval of Katchatheevu, but in 2014, the Indian government declared it a sovereign part of Sri Lanka, citing past agreements.
  • Tamil Nadu’s concerns include the historical usage of the island by its fishermen, humanitarian issues of Indian fishermen facing legal repercussions in Sri Lankan waters, and potential security concerns due to the island’s proximity to the Indian coast.
  • The fishing communities in Tamil Nadu, particularly from Rameswaram, have been affected economically by the restrictions on their traditional fishing areas around Katchatheevu.
  • The ongoing concerns of Tamil Nadu and the opportunity presented by the Sri Lankan President’s visit call for a reevaluation of India’s position on the matter to address the long-standing grievances and foster peaceful relations.
Why In News

In anticipation of the upcoming visit of the Sri Lankan President to New Delhi, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has proactively penned a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging him to prioritize the matter of retrieving Katchatheevu island during their discussions.This move reflects the Chief Minister’s strong commitment to addressing the long-standing territorial concern and fostering better bilateral relations between India and Sri Lanka.

MCQs about Katchatheevu Island Dispute

  1. What was the significance of the 1974 “Indo-Sri Lankan Maritime agreement” regarding Katchatheevu?
    A. India claimed sole ownership of Katchatheevu.
    B. The island was declared an uninhabited territory.
    C. Katchatheevu became a part of Sri Lanka.
    D. Tamil Nadu gained administrative control over the island.
    Correct Answer: C. Katchatheevu became a part of Sri Lanka.
    Explanation: The 1974 “Indo-Sri Lankan Maritime agreement” marked a significant shift in the island’s status as both nations claimed ownership of the island until then. However, India accepted Katchatheevu as part of Sri Lanka through this agreement.
  2. What was the main objective of the 1976 agreement between India and Sri Lanka regarding fishing rights in the region?
    A. To promote tourism on Katchatheevu island.
    B. To establish a joint fishing zone around Katchatheevu.
    C. To address fishing disputes between the two nations.
    D. To allocate fishing rights to foreign vessels.
    Correct Answer: C. To address fishing disputes between the two nations.
    Explanation: The 1976 agreement between India and Sri Lanka restricted the fishermen of both countries from fishing in each other’s exclusive economic zones, aiming to resolve the fishing disputes that arose due to the new demarcation of maritime boundaries.
  3. How did the Indian government respond to the demands of Tamil Nadu regarding Katchatheevu in 2014?
    A. The Indian government agreed to retrieve Katchatheevu.
    B. The Indian government declared Katchatheevu as part of India.
    C. The Indian government stated that the island’s status was still disputed.
    D. The Indian government declared Katchatheevu as a sovereign part of Sri Lanka.
    Correct Answer: D. The Indian government declared Katchatheevu as a sovereign part of Sri Lanka.
    Explanation: In 2014, the Indian government asserted that Katchatheevu was a sovereign part of Sri Lanka and that the island’s status had been settled through the agreements reached in the past.
  4. What is one of the key concerns of Tamil Nadu regarding Katchatheevu?
    A. The loss of a strategic military outpost.
    B. The decline in tourism on the island.
    C. The compromise of traditional fishing rights.
    D. The depletion of natural resources on the island.
    Correct Answer: C. The compromise of traditional fishing rights.
    Explanation: One of the key concerns of Tamil Nadu regarding Katchatheevu is that the cession of the island to Sri Lanka has deprived Tamil Nadu’s fishermen, particularly those from Rameswaram, of their traditional fishing rights in the waters around Katchatheevu, leading to economic hardships and tensions among the fishing communities.

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