India and Italy have been celebrating the 75th anniversary of their bilateral ties in 2022. During this celebration, their relationship has been elevated to a “Strategic Partnership” due to their converging political, economic, and strategic interests. This move marks a significant step forward in the collaboration between these two countries.

2020-24 Action Plan for Enhanced Partnership

The India-Italy relationship has recently adopted the 2020-24 Action Plan for an enhanced partnership. This plan is designed to deepen cooperation between the two nations in several areas, including defense, trade, and technology. It is an agreement to work together to achieve common goals and objectives.

Strategic Partnership in Energy Transition

India and Italy have also entered into a Strategic Partnership in Energy Transition. This partnership aims to work towards achieving sustainable development and promoting renewable energy sources. It is an essential step towards a greener and cleaner future.

Key Outcomes of the Strategic Partnership

Some of the key outcomes of the India-Italy Strategic Partnership include:

  1. Deepening Defense Cooperation: The two countries have agreed to deepen their defense cooperation through co-development and co-production in India. They will also hold regular exercises and training courses between their armed forces.
  2. Startup Bridge: India and Italy have established a “Startup Bridge” to promote entrepreneurship and innovation between the two nations. This initiative will help startups in both countries to access new markets, capital, and resources.
  3. Declaration of Intent on Migration and Mobility: The two countries have signed a Declaration of Intent (DOI) on Migration and Mobility. This agreement will enhance people-to-people ties by concluding a Migration and Mobility Partnership Agreement.
  4. Science, Technology, and Academic Cooperation: Italy has joined the Science, Technology, and Academic Cooperation Pillar of the Indo Pacific Oceans’ Initiative (IPOI). Launched by India at the East Asia Summit in 2019, IPOI is an open global initiative to manage, conserve, sustain, and secure the maritime domain.

Significance of India-Italy Relations

The India-Italy relationship has great significance for both countries. With India holding the G-20 Presidency and Italy set to have the G-7 Presidency in 2024, cooperation between the two nations can help reform multilateral institutions for global prosperity and development. It can also help in fighting terrorism and resolving humanitarian crises, among other things.

MCQs on Key Outcomes of India-Italy Strategic Partnership.

  1. What is the India-Italy Strategic Partnership aimed at achieving?
    A. Deepening cooperation in defense and trade
    B. Promoting renewable energy sources and sustainable development
    C. Enhancing people-to-people ties through migration and mobility
    D. All of the above
    Correct Answer: D. All of the above
    Explanation: The India-Italy Strategic Partnership aims to deepen cooperation in defense, trade, and technology, promote renewable energy sources and sustainable development, and enhance people-to-people ties through migration and mobility.
  2. What is the Startup Bridge initiative between India and Italy?
    A. A program to promote entrepreneurship and innovation
    B. A joint venture to develop renewable energy sources
    C. A training program for armed forces personnel
    D. An agreement on academic and scientific cooperation
    Correct Answer: A. A program to promote entrepreneurship and innovation
    Explanation: The Startup Bridge is an initiative to promote entrepreneurship and innovation between India and Italy. It aims to help startups in both countries access new markets, capital, and resources.
  3. What is the Indo Pacific Oceans’ Initiative (IPOI)?
    A. A global initiative to manage and secure the maritime domain
    B. A program to deepen academic and scientific cooperation
    C. A training program for startups and entrepreneurs
    D. An agreement on migration and mobility
    Correct Answer: A. A global initiative to manage and secure the maritime domain
    Explanation: IPOI is an open global initiative to manage, conserve, sustain, and secure the maritime domain. It was launched by India at the East Asia Summit in 2019 and aims to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
