The Arctic region is experiencing climate heating at an alarming rate, surpassing any other part of the planet. One of the significant consequences of this heating is the melting of Arctic sea ice. The ice that remains at the end of summer is known as multiyear sea ice and is considerably thicker than the seasonal ice. This multiyear sea ice acts as a barrier, preventing the transfer of both moisture and heat between the ocean and the atmosphere.

Over the past 40 years, the multiyear sea ice has been shrinking rapidly, decreasing from around 7 million square kilometers to just 4 million square kilometers. This loss is equivalent to the size of India or 12 times the size of the United Kingdom. Such a significant reduction in sea ice has grave implications for the Arctic region and beyond.

The “Blue Ocean Event” and its Significance

The projected consequence of the ongoing ice melt is the possibility of the Arctic Ocean becoming ice-free in summer, a scenario often referred to as a “blue ocean event.” This event occurs when the sea ice area drops below 1 million square kilometers. It is important to note that even after the rest of the Arctic Ocean becomes ice-free, older and thicker ice is expected to persist along parts of Canada and northern Greenland.

Consequences of an Ice-Free Arctic Ocean
  1. Impact on Polar Bears: Polar bears heavily rely on sea ice as a platform for hunting their primary prey, seals. With the disappearance of sea ice, polar bears will face significant challenges in finding food, leading to potential impacts on their survival and overall population.
  2. Climate System Changes: Arctic sea ice plays a crucial role in the climate system. It acts as a reflector, reducing the amount of sunlight absorbed by the ocean. Therefore, removing this ice will further accelerate warming through a process known as positive feedback. Consequently, the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, a major contributor to rising sea levels, will occur at an accelerated pace.
  3. Changes in Atmospheric Circulation and Oceanic Activity: The loss of sea ice in summer will not only disrupt the balance of the climate system but also result in changes in atmospheric circulation and storm tracks. Additionally, fundamental shifts in ocean biological activity can be expected. These changes can have wide-ranging impacts on ecosystems, marine life, and even weather patterns in distant regions.
Understanding Phototropism and Auxin Hormone in Plants (Irrelevant information)

On a separate note, phototropism is a growth-mediated response exhibited by plants in response to directional blue light. This response allows plants to optimize their photosynthetic light capture in the aerial parts and acquire water and nutrients in the roots. The response is triggered by a hormone called auxin, present in the stem of plants. Auxins promote the elongation of plant cells and play a role in their growth. The production of auxin is stimulated on the darker side of a positively phototropic plant, causing that side to grow faster. Sunflowers are an example of plants that exhibit pronounced phototropism, causing their flowers to turn toward the Sun.

Melting Arctic: What You Should Know
Courtesy: The Conversation

Important Points:

  • The Arctic Ocean is experiencing climate heating at a faster rate than any other region.
  • The multiyear sea ice, which is thicker than seasonal ice, has decreased from 7 million sq. km to 4 million sq. km in the past 40 years.
  • The shrinking sea ice acts as a barrier to moisture and heat transfer between the ocean and atmosphere.
  • The Arctic Ocean may become ice-free in summer, known as a “blue ocean event,” when the sea ice area drops below 1 million sq. km.
  • Polar bears will be significantly impacted as they rely on sea ice for hunting and survival.
  • The loss of Arctic sea ice will lead to further warming and accelerate the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, contributing to rising sea levels.
  • Changes in atmospheric circulation and storm tracks, as well as shifts in ocean biological activity, can be expected with the loss of sea ice.
  • Phototropism is a growth-mediated response in plants to directional blue light, allowing them to optimize photosynthesis and nutrient acquisition.
  • The hormone auxin plays a role in plant growth and elongation, promoting lengthwise growth in response to shading.
  • Positive phototropic plants exhibit increased auxin production on the darker side, causing that side to grow faster.
Why In News

Recent studies suggest that due to accelerating climate change, the Arctic Ocean is on track to become ice-free during the summer months as early as the 2030s, posing significant ecological and geopolitical implications. As the ice cover rapidly diminishes, the fragile Arctic ecosystem faces unprecedented challenges, while the region’s strategic importance grows, triggering intense international debates on resource extraction, shipping routes, and environmental preservation.

MCQs about Melting Arctic

  1. Which term is used to describe the event when the Arctic Ocean becomes ice-free in summer?
    A) Blue Ocean Event
    B) Ice Melt Phenomenon
    C) Arctic Ocean Transition
    D) Melting Point
    Correct Answer: A) Blue Ocean Event
    Explanation: The term used to describe the event when the Arctic Ocean becomes ice-free in summer is the “Blue Ocean Event,” as mentioned in the essay. It signifies the reduction of sea ice area below 1 million sq. km.
  2. Which animal is expected to be significantly affected by the loss of Arctic sea ice?
    A) Polar bears
    B) Seals
    C) Penguins
    D) Dolphins
    Correct Answer: A) Polar bears
    Explanation: The polar bears heavily rely on sea ice for hunting and survival. Therefore, the loss of Arctic sea ice would significantly impact polar bears.
  3. What role does Arctic sea ice play in the climate system?
    A) Reducing sunlight absorption
    B) Increasing ocean heat transfer
    C) Stabilizing atmospheric circulation
    D) Regulating storm tracks
    Correct Answer: A) Reducing sunlight absorption
    Explanation: Arctic sea ice acts as a reflector, reducing the amount of sunlight absorbed by the ocean. This plays a crucial role in the climate system by affecting the overall energy balance.
  4. What is the hormone responsible for the growth-mediated response of plants to directional blue light?
    A) Auxin
    B) Gibberellin
    C) Cytokinin
    D) Ethylene
    Correct Answer: A) Auxin
    Explanation: The growth-mediated response of plants to directional blue light is triggered by a hormone called auxin. Auxin promotes plant growth and elongation.
