Daily Current Affairs : 25-September-2023

In the lush landscapes of Maharashtra, a fascinating natural phenomenon unfolds with the arrival of the monsoon season. Certain plant species, known as ephemerals, patiently bide their time throughout the year, only to burst into vibrant bloom when the rains grace the land. This enchanting display of nature’s timing and resilience has garnered attention for its ecological significance and the threats it faces.

Understanding Ephemerals

Ephemerals are plants that exhibit a unique behavior by blooming exclusively during the monsoon. They come in two main categories:

1. Annual Ephemerals:

  • These ephemerals start anew each year.
  • Their life cycle involves producing seeds that remain dormant until the following year.
  • Annual ephemerals are visible for a brief period.

2. Perennial Ephemerals:

  • Perennials have a persistent part, like a tuber or bulb, in the soil.
  • While these underground parts endure, the above-ground parts, including stems and flowers, are newly formed.
Monsoon Magic Unveiled

The monsoon ephemerals cast their spell, enchanting onlookers from late May through June, July, August, and September. Some of these botanical wonders initially sprout leaves and small branch structures after a few showers. These leaves can linger for over a month, paving the way for a spectacular burst of blossoms that graces the landscape until July and August. As the monsoon bids adieu, these ephemeral leaves gracefully fade away.

In some instances, plants such as Nervilia and wild yam defy convention by unveiling their flowers before their leaves, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the monsoon bloom.

Exquisite Examples of Monsoon Ephemerals

The monsoon’s arrival ushers in a procession of ephemeral beauty, including:

  • Ground orchids (Nervilia and Eulophia)
  • Lilies (crinum lily, pancratium lily, grass lily, star lily)
  • Wild yam (suran)
  • Indian squill

As the monsoon progresses, a second wave of ephemerals graces the scene:

  • Ground orchids (Habenaria and Peristylus)
  • Various balsams
  • Hill meadow rue
  • Dipcadi species
  • Spider-flowers (Corynandra)
  • Pond-weeds (Aponogeton)
  • Lantern flowers (Ceropegia)
  • Bladderworts (Utricularia)
  • Pipeworts (Eriocaulon)
  • Species of grasses
The Ephemerals’ Role in Ecosystem Harmony

Monsoon ephemerals are not just nature’s ephemeral beauties; they play a vital role in the ecosystem:

  • They serve as a crucial source of nectar and pollen, supporting native pollinators.
  • These plants are distributed across various microhabitats on plateaus, contributing to soil stability and ensuring water retention, a precious resource in the dry season.
Facing Threats

While monsoon ephemerals dazzle with their ephemeral splendor, they are not immune to threats:

  • Land use changes and the expansion of roadways and infrastructure are encroaching upon their habitats.
  • Human activities, if unchecked, can disrupt the delicate balance that allows these ephemerals to thrive.

Important Points:

  • Ephemerals in Maharashtra
    • Certain plant species in Maharashtra bloom exclusively during the monsoon.
    • These plants are known as ephemerals.
  • Types of Ephemerals
    • Ephemerals are categorized into two types:
      • Annual ephemerals start fresh each year, forming seeds that remain dormant.
      • Perennial ephemerals have underground parts that persist while above-ground parts are newly formed.
  • Monsoon Blooms
    • Monsoon ephemerals bloom from late May through September.
    • Some plants initially produce leaves and branches, followed by a burst of flowers.
    • Others, like Nervilia and wild yam, display flowers before leaves.
  • Examples of Monsoon Ephemerals
    • Early monsoon ephemerals include ground orchids, lilies, wild yam, and Indian squill.
    • Late monsoon ephemerals include ground orchids, various balsams, hill meadow rue, and more.
  • Role in the Ecosystem
    • Monsoon ephemerals are crucial for the ecosystem:
      • They provide nectar and pollen for native pollinators.
      • They help stabilize soil and retain water in microhabitats on plateaus.
  • Threats
    • Some monsoon ephemerals are threatened by land use changes, roadway expansion, and infrastructure development.
Why In News

In parts of Maharashtra, certain plant species patiently await the arrival of the monsoon season, with their vibrant blooms held in reserve until the rains finally grace the landscape. When the first raindrops fall, these plants burst into a symphony of colors, transforming the arid terrain into a breathtaking spectacle of nature’s resilience and beauty.

MCQs about Monsoon Ephemerals

  1. What are the two main types of monsoon ephemerals ?
    A. Spring and Summer ephemerals
    B. Annual and Perennial ephemerals
    C. Herbaceous and Woody ephemerals
    D. Coastal and Inland ephemerals
    Correct Answer: B. Annual and Perennial ephemerals
    Explanation: These two types of monsoon ephemerals, highlighting their different life cycles and growth patterns.
  2. Which part of the monsoon ephemerals often appears first before flowering in some plants, such as Nervilia and wild yam?
    A. Flowers
    B. Leaves
    C. Stems
    D. Bulbs
    Correct Answer: A. Flowers
    Explanation: In certain monsoon ephemerals like Nervilia and wild yam, flowers appear before the leaves.
  3. What critical role do monsoon ephemerals play in the ecosystem?
    A. Providing shade to other plants
    B. Acting as habitat for wildlife
    C. Offering a source of nectar and pollen for pollinators
    D. Preventing soil erosion
    Correct Answer: C. Offering a source of nectar and pollen for pollinators
    Explanation: The emphasizes that monsoon ephemerals serve as an essential source of nectar and pollen for native pollinators.
  4. What are some of the threats faced by monsoon ephemerals?
    A. Climate change and invasive species
    B. Land use change and roadway expansion
    C. Overgrazing by herbivores and pollution
    D. Soil erosion and drought
    Correct Answer: B. Land use change and roadway expansion
    Explanation: Some monsoon ephemerals are threatened due to factors like land use changes and the expansion of roadways and infrastructure.

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