Muons to Examine the Fortress Wall of Xi’an City

Scientists are using muons, which are subatomic particles from outer space, to examine the fortress wall of Xi’an city, an ancient city in China. Muons are created when particles in Earth’s atmosphere collide with cosmic rays. Muons are similar to electrons but weigh more and can travel through hundreds of meters of rock or other matter.

What are Muons?

Muons are subatomic particles that are created when particles in Earth’s atmosphere collide with cosmic rays. They are similar to electrons but weigh more and can penetrate through larger structures.

How Does Muography Work?

Muography, or muon radiography, is a technique that uses muons to image the inner structure of large bodies. It is similar to X-ray but can scan much larger and wider structures. Muons are naturally produced and ubiquitous, so all one needs to do is place a muon detector underneath, within, or near the object of interest.

Applications of Muography

Muography has several applications in various fields such as archaeology, detecting volcanic eruptions, nuclear plants, and studies of superconductors, molecular systems, chemical reactions, novel battery materials, and organic systems.

  1. Archaeology: Muography was first used in the late 1960s to search for hidden chambers in the Pyramid of Khafre, Giza. In 2017, modern archaeologists discovered a previously unknown chamber at least 30 meters long in the same pyramid.
  2. Detecting Volcanic Eruptions: Researchers are using muography to understand the internal structure of volcanoes, which will play a crucial role in predicting potential hazards in an eventual eruption.
  3. Nuclear Plants: Muons can help detect dangerous nuclear material and see inside damaged nuclear power plants. Scientists used the technique to look inside the Fukushima nuclear reactors after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
  4. Various Studies: Muons have several applications in studies of superconductors, molecular systems, chemical reactions, novel battery materials, and organic systems.

MCQs on Muons and Muography

  1. What are muons?
    A. High-energy particles created when Earth’s atmosphere collides with cosmic rays
    B. Small subatomic particles that make up atoms
    C. Particles that move through space faster than light
    D. Particles that are produced only in nuclear reactors
    Correct Answer: A. High-energy particles created when Earth’s atmosphere collides with cosmic rays
    Explanation: Muons are created when the particles in Earth’s atmosphere collide with cosmic rays, which are clusters of high-energy particles that move through space at just below the speed of light.
  2. What is muography?
    A. A technique that exploits the penetration capability of muons to image the inner structure of large bodies
    B. A process that creates muons in nuclear reactors
    C. A technology that uses electrons to scan the inside of objects
    D. A technique that utilizes X-rays to scan large and wide structures
    Correct Answer: A. A technique that exploits the penetration capability of muons to image the inner structure of large bodies
    Explanation: Muography is a technique that exploits the penetration capability of muons to image the inner structure of large bodies. By measuring their absorption in matter, it allows the imaging of the inner structure of large bodies.
  3. What are some applications of muons?
    A. Archaeology, detecting volcanic eruptions, and studying superconductors
    B. Detecting dangerous nuclear material and looking inside damaged nuclear power plants
    C. Imaging the inner structure of atoms and subatomic particles
    D. Muons have no practical applications
    Correct Answer: A. Archaeology, detecting volcanic eruptions, and studying superconductors
    Explanation: Muons have many practical applications including, but not limited to, archaeology, detecting volcanic eruptions, and studying superconductors. Muons can be used to see through dense objects, including large structures like volcanoes or the human body, and can help scientists detect dangerous nuclear material and see inside damaged nuclear power plants.
