Hindu Editorial Analysis : 2-September-2023

The world is witnessing an alarming rise in natural disasters that are wreaking havoc on lives and landscapes. Climate change has brought these calamities to our doorstep, with heatwaves scorching three continents, massive forest fires engulfing Greece and Canada, and floods inundating parts of Delhi. These events are not isolated incidents but are interconnected with human actions that amplify their impact.

Man-Made Causes of Natural Disasters

Anthropogenic Climate Change

  • The frequency and intensity of natural hazards have surged due to human-induced climate change.
  • Rising global temperatures, attributed to greenhouse gas emissions, fuel extreme weather events.

Unsustainability of Development Planning

  • Sustainability should encompass not just economics but also society and the environment.
  • Development often prioritizes infrastructure growth without considering its long-term environmental impact.
  • Construction in floodplains, encroachment on water bodies, and unplanned urbanization contribute to disaster vulnerability.

Changing Landscape of Disasters

  • Some regions have exceeded their carrying capacity, exacerbating the extent of loss and damage.
  • Rapid urbanization and population growth strain fragile ecosystems, leading to deforestation, soil erosion, and land pressure.
  • The conversion of forests for agriculture and resource exploitation threatens biodiversity.
Disaster Management in India

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)

  • Established through the Disaster Management Act, 2005, NDMA is India’s apex body for disaster management.
  • The Prime Minister heads NDMA, while State Disaster Management Authorities, led by Chief Ministers, coordinate disaster response at the state level.

National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)

  • Formed in 2006, NDRF is the world’s largest force dedicated to disaster response, under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • Comprising 15 battalions from various paramilitary forces, NDRF effectively handles natural and man-made disasters.
Initiatives by India

Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)

  • CDRI was proposed by India in 2016, offering disaster-resilient infrastructure expertise to friendly nations.
  • India’s leadership role in disaster risk reduction is commendable.

G20 Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group

  • India established the first G20 Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group, recognizing the economic impact of disasters.
  • G20 nations, with their significant GDP and population, can pioneer risk-informed decision-making.
Suggestions & Way Ahead

The Cost of Disasters

  • Shifting from reactive responses to proactive prevention measures can save billions.
  • Investing in long-term risk assessments and vulnerability studies is essential.

Analysing Implications

  • Balancing infrastructure development with environmental preservation is crucial.
  • We must prioritize ecosystems and carrying capacity over urbanization.

Transparency Mechanisms

  • Standardizing transparency boards for relief operations can enhance accountability.
  • Cost, quality, and quantity of relief items should be openly disclosed.

Rural Infrastructure and Traditional Knowledge

  • Building climate-resilient rural infrastructure without jeopardizing livelihoods is essential.
  • Traditional technologies adopted by tribal communities offer valuable disaster mitigation strategies.

Environmental Protection

  • Governments must enforce environmental protection laws and international conventions rigorously.
  • Preserving the environment is paramount to mitigating natural disasters.
Why In News

Human activities have significantly amplified the vulnerability to climate hazards, underscoring the urgent need for proactive mitigation efforts. With the exponential growth of industries and carbon emissions, our influence on exacerbating climate-related risks has never been more pronounced, highlighting the imperative for swift and sustainable action

MCQs about Natural Disasters and Human Influence

  1. What organization in India is responsible for coordinating disaster management at the national level?
    A. National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)
    B. Ministry of Home Affairs
    C. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
    D. State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs)
    Correct Answer: C. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
    Explanation: NDMA is the apex body for disaster management in India.
  2. What is the primary focus of the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)?
    A. Disaster response coordination
    B. Disaster-resilient infrastructure expertise
    C. Climate change mitigation
    D. Wildlife conservation
    Correct Answer: B. Disaster-resilient infrastructure expertise
    Explanation: CDRI offers disaster-resilient infrastructure expertise to friendly nations.
  3. What is the recommended approach for mitigating the impact of natural disasters?
    A. Reactive response and quick fixes
    B. Long-term risk assessments and vulnerability studies
    C. Expanding urbanization without limits
    D. Neglecting environmental preservation
    Correct Answer: B. Long-term risk assessments and vulnerability studies
    Explanation: It can be shifting from reactive responses to proactive measures, including long-term risk assessments and vulnerability studies, to mitigate the impact of natural disasters.

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