Daily Current Affairs : 11-August-2023

In a recent development, the Department of Space (DoS) has revealed its plans to integrate the Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC) into Aadhaar enrolment devices. This move is set to usher in a new era of accuracy and efficiency in the Aadhaar enrolment process, marking a significant advancement in technology. Let’s delve into the details of this integration and understand the implications it holds.

The Success of Field Trials and Procurement Expertise

The Department of Space has been instrumental in orchestrating successful field trials for the integration of NavIC into Aadhaar enrolment devices. Additionally, they are lending their technical expertise to finalize the procurement specifications for these devices. This collaboration highlights the convergence of two key government initiatives, promising a streamlined and technologically robust enrolment process.

From GPS to NavIC: A Leap in Navigation

Currently, Aadhaar enrolment kits rely on GPS for collecting and verifying personal details. However, with the integration of NavIC, the navigation accuracy and reliability are expected to improve significantly. NavIC, an acronym for Navigation with Indian Constellation, is a regional navigation satellite system developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

Understanding NavIC’s Architecture and Functionality

NavIC comprises a constellation of seven satellites and a network of ground stations that operate around the clock. Among the satellites, three are positioned in geostationary orbit, while the remaining four occupy inclined geosynchronous orbits. The ground network includes a control center, precise timing facility, integrity monitoring stations, two-way ranging stations, and more.

The system offers two main services: the Standard Position Service (SPS) for civilian users and the Restricted Service (RS) for strategic applications. These services are accessible via two frequency bands, L5 (1176.45 MHz) and S band (2498.028 MHz). The coverage area spans India and extends up to 1,500 km beyond its borders. The newer satellites are anticipated to introduce an additional L1 band, enhancing compatibility for civilian use.

Interestingly, NavIC SPS signals can be harmoniously used alongside signals from other global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) such as GPS, Glonass, Galileo, and BeiDou. This interoperability enhances the accuracy and robustness of navigation services across various applications.

Applications that Flourish with NavIC

The integration of NavIC into Aadhaar enrolment devices holds immense potential for a range of applications:

  • Transportation: Facilitates navigation for terrestrial, aerial, and marine transportation.
  • Location-based Services: Empowers services that rely on precise location information, such as ride-sharing and food delivery.
  • Personal Mobility: Enhances navigation capabilities for individuals, fostering personal mobility solutions.
  • Resource Monitoring: Aids in efficient monitoring of resources, contributing to sectors like agriculture and forestry.
  • Surveying and Geodesy: Supports accurate surveying and geodetic activities, crucial for construction and infrastructure development.
  • Scientific Research: Provides reliable positioning data for scientific expeditions and research endeavors.
  • Time Dissemination and Synchronization: Contributes to precise timekeeping and synchronization across various domains.
  • Safety-of-life Alert Dissemination: Empowers disaster management agencies to swiftly disseminate alerts for natural disasters, ensuring timely evacuation and preparedness.
NavIC’s Role in Disaster Management and Ocean Information

NavIC’s impact extends to critical sectors. The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) employs NavIC as an alert dissemination system for major natural disasters such as landslides, earthquakes, floods, and avalanches. The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information System (INCOIS) relies on NavIC to broadcast alerts about cyclones, high waves, and tsunamis to fishermen navigating the deep sea.

NavIC and Mobile Phone Compatibility

The Indian government has been actively encouraging cell phone manufacturers to make their devices compatible with NavIC. This transition involves hardware alterations, ensuring that NavIC’s benefits can be harnessed by a wider range of users.

GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN): Enhancing Aviation Navigation

In the realm of aviation, India has taken significant strides with the GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) system. Developed collaboratively by ISRO and the Airports Authority of India (AAI), GAGAN serves as a satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) for Indian airspace. This system interoperates with other international SBAS systems like US WAAS, European EGNOS, and Japanese MSAS. GAGAN enhances navigation accuracy, availability, and integrity for various flight phases, offering invaluable support to qualified airports within its service volume.

Important Points:

Integration of NavIC into Aadhaar Enrolment Devices

  • The Department of Space (DoS) plans to integrate Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC) into Aadhaar enrolment devices.
  • Successful field trials have been conducted, and the DoS is providing technical expertise for device procurement specifications.

Understanding NavIC: A Technological Leap

  • NavIC is a regional navigation satellite system by ISRO, designed with 7 satellites and ground stations.
  • It replaces GPS in Aadhaar enrolment kits for enhanced accuracy and reliability.
  • It offers Standard Position Service (SPS) and Restricted Service (RS) for various users.
  • The coverage area includes India and extends 1,500 km beyond its borders.
  • NavIC SPS signals work alongside other GNSS systems like GPS and Glonass.

Applications and Benefits of NavIC Integration

  • Facilitates navigation in transportation (terrestrial, aerial, marine).
  • Empowers location-based services, personal mobility, and resource monitoring.
  • Supports accurate surveying, geodesy, scientific research, and time synchronization.
  • Enhances disaster management with safety-of-life alerts and ocean information.

GAGAN System: Elevating Aviation Navigation

  • GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) enhances aviation navigation.
  • Developed by ISRO and AAI, it’s a satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS).
  • Interoperates with international SBAS systems like US WAAS, European EGNOS, and Japanese MSAS.
  • Offers improved navigation accuracy, availability, and integrity for flight phases.
Why In News

The Department of Space (DoS) informed the Parliamentary Committee of Science and Technology that the integration of the Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC) into Aadhaar enrolment devices is in the pipeline. This strategic move aims to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of location services, further bolstering the technological landscape of India.

MCQs about NavIC Integration in Aadhaar Enrolment Devices

  1. What is NavIC?
    A. An international satellite navigation system
    B. A regional navigation satellite system by ISRO
    C. An advanced weather forecasting system
    D. A communication network for remote areas
    Correct Answer: B. A regional navigation satellite system by ISRO
    Explanation: The NavIC as the Navigation with Indian Constellation, developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
  2. What services does NavIC offer?
    A. Only Standard Position Service (SPS)
    B. Only Restricted Service (RS)
    C. Both Standard Position Service (SPS) and Restricted Service (RS)
    D. Emergency alert service
    Correct Answer: C. Both Standard Position Service (SPS) and Restricted Service (RS)
    Explanation: The NavIC offers these two services to various types of users.
  3. How does NavIC enhance safety in disaster management?
    A. By providing real-time traffic updates
    B. By alerting about upcoming rainfall
    C. By disseminating alerts for natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis
    D. By offering emergency medical assistance
    Correct Answer: C. By disseminating alerts for natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis
    Explanation: The NavIC is utilized for safety-of-life alert dissemination during major natural disasters.
  4. What is the purpose of the GAGAN system?
    A. To provide high-speed internet connectivity
    B. To enhance navigation accuracy in aviation
    C. To monitor climate change
    D. To study ocean currents
    Correct Answer: B. To enhance navigation accuracy in aviation
    Explanation: The GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) system is used to improve navigation in aviation.

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