Daily Current Affairs : 20-September-2023

The Indian Coast Guard recently executed a coastal security drill called ‘Operation Sajag’ along the west coast of India. This comprehensive exercise was designed to bring together all stakeholders in the coastal security system, reassert the efficiency of existing coastal security measures, and educate fishermen about the importance of their role in safeguarding our coastlines.

Coastal Security Measures Implemented

Issuance of Biometric Cards for Fishermen

One vital step towards enhancing coastal security is the issuance of biometric cards for fishermen. These cards serve as identification and tracking tools, making it easier to keep tabs on the movements of fishermen along the coast.

Color-Coding of Fishing Boats

Another noteworthy measure is the color-coding of fishing boats according to each state. This helps authorities identify the origin of any fishing vessel at a glance, aiding in quick response and reducing the risk of unauthorized incursions.

Manned Fish Landing Centers

To maintain a vigilant eye on activities at sea, manned fish landing centers have been established. These centers act as hubs for monitoring and regulating fishing activities, ensuring that nothing suspicious goes unnoticed.

Access Control at Entry/Exit Points

Stringent access control measures have been implemented at entry and exit points along the coast. This is crucial in preventing unauthorized vessels from entering or leaving Indian waters undetected.

Coastal Mapping

Detailed coastal mapping has been undertaken, providing authorities with precise information about the coastal landscape. This data helps in the planning and execution of security operations.

Allocation of Specific Marine Band Frequencies

Allocating specific marine band frequencies for security agencies ensures clear communication during emergencies and operational activities. This measure improves coordination among security personnel.

Training of Marine Police Personnel

The Indian Coast Guard has also taken steps to enhance the capabilities of marine police personnel. Through specialized training programs, these officers are better equipped to respond effectively to security threats along the coast.

Operation Sajag: A Game-Changer

Operation Sajag, with its multi-faceted approach, has brought about a significant shift in coastal security:

Biometric Card Readers for Security Agencies

Equipping security agencies with biometric card readers is a substantial enhancement. These readers enable real-time verification of fishermen’s identities, reducing the chances of unauthorized individuals infiltrating the coastline.

Monitoring Dhows

The operation includes a strong focus on monitoring dhows, which are often used for illegal activities. This surveillance helps intercept any suspicious cargo or individuals.

Enhanced Island Security

Island territories often pose unique security challenges. Operation Sajag places a strong emphasis on improving security measures on these islands, minimizing the risk of breaches.

Community Interaction Programs

One of the most commendable aspects of the coastal security framework is the introduction of community interaction programs. These initiatives aim to raise awareness among fishermen and coastal communities about the importance of their role in security efforts.

Important Points:

Operation Sajag and its Objectives:

  • Indian Coast Guard conducted ‘Operation Sajag’ on the west coast.
  • Aims to involve all coastal security stakeholders.
  • Reaffirms the effectiveness of coastal security measures.
  • Educates fishermen about their role in coastal security.

Key Coastal Security Measures Implemented:

  • Issuance of biometric cards for fishermen.
  • Color-coding of fishing boats by state.
  • Manned fish landing centers for monitoring.
  • Access control at entry/exit points.
  • Detailed coastal mapping.
  • Allocation of marine band frequencies for security agencies.
  • Training programs for marine police personnel.

Operation Sajag’s Impact:

  • Biometric card readers for security agencies.
  • Monitoring of dhows to intercept illegal activities.
  • Enhanced security for island territories.
  • Introduction of community interaction programs.
Why In News

The Indian Coast Guard, in a concerted effort to enhance coastal security awareness, recently executed ‘Operation Sajag’ along the west coast. This large-scale coastal security drill involved extensive coordination among multiple agencies, ensuring readiness for any potential maritime threats in the region.

MCQs about Operation Sajag on India’s West Coast

  1. What is the primary objective of ‘Operation Sajag’ conducted by the Indian Coast Guard along the west coast of India?
    A) To promote tourism along the coast
    B) To assess the health of marine ecosystems
    C) To enhance coastal security measures
    D) To monitor weather patterns in the region
    Correct Answer: C) To enhance coastal security measures
    Explanation: The primary aim of ‘Operation Sajag’ is to enhance coastal security measures.
  2. What is the significance of the color-coding of fishing boats according to each state in coastal security?
    A) It helps fishermen identify each other easily.
    B) It improves the aesthetics of fishing boats.
    C) It assists authorities in identifying the origin of fishing vessels.
    D) It enhances fishing techniques.
    Correct Answer: C) It assists authorities in identifying the origin of fishing vessels.
    Explanation: Color-coding of fishing boats according to each state helps authorities quickly identify the origin of any fishing vessel, aiding in quick response and reducing the risk of unauthorized incursions.
  3. Which measure from the essay focuses on monitoring dhows for potential illegal activities?
    A) Biometric card issuance for fishermen
    B) Manned fish landing centers
    C) Access control at entry/exit points
    D) Training programs for marine police personnel
    Correct Answer: A) Biometric card issuance for fishermen
    Explanation: The monitoring dhows is part of the effort to enhance coastal security, and biometric card issuance for fishermen is one of the measures aimed at achieving this.
  4. What is one of the commendable aspects of the coastal security framework ?
    A) Implementation of complex surveillance drones
    B) Use of advanced underwater robots
    C) Introduction of community interaction programs
    D) Development of a nuclear-powered coastguard fleet
    Correct Answer: C) Introduction of community interaction programs
    Explanation: The introduction of community interaction programs as a commendable aspect of the coastal security framework, aimed at raising awareness among fishermen and coastal communities about their role in security efforts.

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