In recent news, a team of scientists has made an exciting discovery in the field of astronomy. They have identified a new exoplanet that possesses a mass thirteen times greater than that of Jupiter, our largest planet in the solar system. This significant finding was made possible through the utilization of the PARAS telescope, an indigenously built instrument known for its advanced capabilities and precision.

The Discovery: A Jupiter-sized Exoplanet with Unprecedented Density

The newly discovered exoplanet is of particular interest due to its exceptional characteristics. With a mass thirteen times that of Jupiter, it stands out as a substantial celestial body. Moreover, what sets this exoplanet apart is its remarkably high density, which surpasses any previously known exoplanets. This finding opens up new avenues for studying the composition and formation of massive planets beyond our solar system.

The Star TOI4603 or HD 245134: A Potential Host

The exoplanet was found orbiting a star named TOI4603 or HD 245134. Initially, NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) identified TOI4603 as a potential candidate to host an unknown secondary body. Thanks to further observations using the PARAS telescope, scientists were able to confirm the existence of this Jupiter-sized exoplanet, providing valuable insights into the nature of celestial bodies within the star’s vicinity.

Understanding the PARAS Telescope

The PRL Advanced Radial-velocity Abu-sky Search spectrograph (PARAS) is an advanced instrument commissioned in 2012, specifically designed for astronomical observations. It is installed on the Mount Abu 1.2 m telescope in India. PARAS has proven its capabilities in conducting post-commissioning tests, showcasing remarkable velocity precision of better than 2 m/s over several months to years when observing bright RV standard stars.

Key Features of the PARAS Telescope
  1. Spectral Coverage and Resolution: PARAS offers a single-shot spectral coverage spanning 3800–9500 Å, enabling detailed analysis of various wavelengths. It operates at a resolution of approximately 67,000, enhancing the clarity and accuracy of observations.
  2. Efficiency and Performance: With a total efficiency of around 7% in the wavelength region mentioned above, PARAS ensures optimal utilization of its spectrograph, fiber transmission, focal ratio degradation (FRD), and telescope components. This high efficiency is particularly noticeable on clear nights with favorable seeing conditions, contributing to the reliability of the instrument’s results.
  3. Stability and Calibration: The PARAS telescope boasts a stable point-spread function (PSF) and efficient environmental control, ensuring consistent and reliable observations. Additionally, the availability of a simultaneous calibration fiber further enhances the accuracy of measurements and aids in eliminating potential sources of error.
Implications for Exoplanetary and Stellar Astrophysics Projects

PARAS’s exceptional features and capabilities make it highly attractive for a broad range of scientific investigations related to exoplanets and stellar astrophysics. The instrument’s versatility, coupled with its ability to provide high-quality data, opens up numerous opportunities for researchers to delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe. Its availability for observing time further promotes collaborations and studies aimed at understanding the formation, evolution, and characteristics of celestial bodies beyond our solar system.

Important Points:

  • 🪐 Scientists discovered a new exoplanet 🌍
  • 📡 Discovered using the PARAS telescope 🌌
  • 🌟 Exoplanet has a mass 13 times that of Jupiter 🪐
  • 💥 Exoplanet has the highest density ever recorded 🌌
  • 🌟 Exoplanet orbits the star TOI4603 or HD 245134 ☀️
  • 🛰️ NASA’s TESS initially identified the star as a potential host for an unknown secondary body 🔭
  • 🌌 PARAS telescope is the PRL Advanced Radial-velocity Abu-sky Search spectrograph 📡
  • 🔬 PARAS was commissioned in 2012 at the Mount Abu 1.2 m telescope in India 🇮🇳
  • 🌈 PARAS provides single-shot spectral coverage of 3800–9500 Å at a resolution of ∼67000 🌈
  • 💯 PARAS exhibits velocity precision better than 2 m/s over a long observation period 📈
  • 📊 Total efficiency of PARAS is ∼7% in the wavelength region on clear nights with good seeing conditions 🌠
  • 🌟 PARAS offers a stable point-spread function (PSF) and simultaneous calibration fiber for accurate measurements 📏
  • 🚀 PARAS is attractive for exoplanetary and stellar astrophysics projects due to its features and availability of observing time 🌠
Why In News

Recently, the dedicated team of scientists, utilizing the cutting-edge technology of the indigenously built PARAS telescope, made a groundbreaking discovery of a colossal exoplanet. This awe-inspiring celestial body, with a staggering mass 13 times greater than Jupiter, unveiled new frontiers in our quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

MCQs about PARAS Telescope’s Remarkable Discovery

  1. Which instrument was primarily used to discover the new exoplanet?
    A. TESS satellite observations
    B. PARAS telescope observations
    C. Hubble Space Telescope observations
    D. Kepler Space Telescope observations
    Correct Answer: B. PARAS telescope observations
    Explanation: The newly discovered exoplanet was found using the indigenously built PARAS telescope.
  2. What distinguishes the newly discovered exoplanet from others?
    A. Larger size compared to Jupiter
    B. Lower density than other exoplanets
    C. Unprecedented density and mass
    D. Closer proximity to its host star
    Correct Answer: C. Unprecedented density and mass
    Explanation: The exoplanet has the highest density known to date and a mass thirteen times that of Jupiter, making it unique among other exoplanets.
  3. Where is the PARAS telescope located?
    A. Mount Everest, Nepal
    B. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
    C. Mount Abu, India
    D. Mount Fuji, Japan
    Correct Answer: C. Mount Abu, India
    Explanation: The PARAS telescope was commissioned at the Mount Abu 1.2 m telescope in India.
  4. What makes the PARAS telescope attractive for exoplanetary and stellar astrophysics projects?
    A. High resolution imaging capabilities
    B. Ability to detect radio signals from exoplanets
    C. Availability of observing time and stable performance
    D. Remote sensing capabilities for studying atmospheric compositions
    Correct Answer: C. Availability of observing time and stable performance
    Explanation: The PARAS telescope’s availability for observing time, along with its stable point-spread function and simultaneous calibration fiber, makes it attractive for a variety of exoplanetary and stellar astrophysics projects.

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