Daily Current Affairs : 18-December-2023
The European wood bison, scientifically known as Bison bonasus or Wisent, is facing a precarious situation due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. This conflict poses a significant threat to the conservation efforts aimed at saving the last remnants of this mega-fauna species.
- The Wisent is the largest and heaviest land mammal in Europe, playing a crucial role as an ecosystem engineer.
- Once thriving in grasslands, deciduous, and mixed forests, the Wisent faced near extinction by 1927, with only one subspecies remaining.
Historical Significance:
- The European wood bison has a rich history, having originally consisted of three subspecies.
- At the end of the last ice age, these majestic creatures roamed in large herds across Europe, contributing to the balance of the ecosystem.
Threats to Survival:
- The main drivers of the Wisent’s historical decline were rapid environmental changes and human hunting.
- Human activities, including hunting and land use changes, led to the loss of their range, particularly in the north, east, west, and south.
Ecological Role:
- The Wisent serves as an essential ecosystem engineer, contributing significantly to the restoration of grassland habitats.
- Its presence helps maintain the delicate balance within the ecosystem by shaping its surroundings.
Conservation Status:
- Currently listed as “Near Threatened” on the IUCN Red List, the European wood bison faces an uphill battle for survival.
- The ongoing conflict in Ukraine poses an additional challenge, jeopardizing the dedicated efforts to protect and conserve this endangered species.
Important Points:
- Background:
- Wisent, largest and heaviest land mammal in Europe.
- Once thriving in grasslands, deciduous, and mixed forests.
- Near extinction by 1927, with only one subspecies remaining.
- Historical Significance:
- Originally three subspecies.
- Roamed across Europe in large herds at the end of the last ice age.
- Threats to Survival:
- Main drivers of decline: rapid environmental changes and human hunting.
- Human activities, including hunting and land use changes, led to range loss.
- Ecological Role:
- Essential ecosystem engineer.
- Contributes significantly to the restoration of grassland habitats.
- Conservation Status:
- Currently listed as “Near Threatened” on the IUCN Red List.
- Ongoing conflict in Ukraine adds a significant challenge to conservation efforts.
Why In News
A new study has warned that the ongoing war in Ukraine could act as a spanner in the works for efforts to save the last remnant of the mega-fauna European wood bison, jeopardizing crucial conservation initiatives and exacerbating the already precarious situation for this endangered species.
MCQs about European Wood Bison’s Survival
What is the current conservation status of the European wood bison (Wisent)?
A. Endangered
B. Critically Endangered
C. Near Threatened
D. Least Concern
What played a significant role in the historical decline of the European wood bison?
A. Disease outbreak
B. Climate change
C. Human hunting
D. Natural disasters
What is the ecological role of the European wood bison?
A. Predator
B. Prey
C. Ecosystem engineer
D. Pollinator
What is the main threat posed to the European wood bison ?
A. Climate change
B. Habitat loss
C. Invasive species
D. Ongoing war in Ukraine
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