Daily Current Affairs : 21-September-2023

A recent study published in the journal Science Advances has sent a clear and alarming message: Earth is at a crossroads, facing severe environmental challenges. This study has shed light on the fact that humanity has crossed the line on six out of the nine planetary boundaries identified by scientists as essential for the stability and resilience of our planet. In this essay, we will delve into the concept of planetary boundaries, discuss the key findings of the study, and explore the path forward to address these pressing challenges.

Planetary Boundaries: A Framework for Earth’s Safety

In 2009, Johan Rockström and 28 prominent scientists introduced the concept of planetary boundaries. This framework aimed to establish safe limits within which human activities should operate to ensure the long-term well-being of our planet. These boundaries cover various aspects of Earth’s environment:

  1. Climate Change: This boundary is defined by safe levels of atmospheric CO2 concentration and radiative forcing. Scientists set the safe limit at 350 ppm and 1 Wm−2, but currently, we are at 417 ppm and 2.91 W m−2.
  2. Biosphere Integrity: Involves preventing biodiversity loss and species extinction. Alarmingly, we are experiencing a rate of extinctions that far exceeds the safe boundary.
  3. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Aerosol Loading, and Ocean Acidification: These boundaries are still within safe limits, offering a glimmer of hope amid the crisis.
  4. Biogeochemical Flows: Concerning phosphorus and nitrogen cycles, these boundaries are significantly breached, endangering ecosystems.
  5. Land-System Change: Forested land area is a critical parameter, and the current state falls short of the safe boundary.
  6. Freshwater Use: The alteration of land water cycles, encompassing blue and green water, has surpassed safe boundaries.
  7. Atmospheric Aerosol Loading: Microscopic atmospheric particles impacting climate and living organisms are within safe limits.
  8. Introduction of Novel Entities: This includes substances like microplastics, endocrine disruptors, and organic pollutants, all of which have exceeded the zero boundary.
Consequences of Boundary Breach

The breach of these boundaries does not mean immediate catastrophe. However, it significantly increases the risk of irreversible environmental changes. These changes threaten our planet’s ability to sustain our current way of life and may lead to severe disruptions in ecosystems, agriculture, and human societies.

Key Highlights of the Study: Breached Planetary Boundaries
  • Climate Change: CO2 levels and radiative forcing are far above safe limits.
  • Biosphere Integrity: Extinction rates and loss of genetic diversity are critically high.
  • Land System Change: Global forested land area is below the safe threshold.
  • Freshwater Change: Both blue and green water alterations exceed safe boundaries.
  • Biogeochemical Flows: Phosphorus and nitrogen cycles are disrupted beyond safety.
  • Novel Entities: Human impact on substances like microplastics and endocrine disruptors has exceeded the zero boundary.
Way Forward to Address Planetary Boundary Challenges
  1. Biodiversity Conservation: Implement conservation programs that focus on preserving biodiversity, restoring ecosystems, and protecting endangered species and genetic diversity.
  2. Circular Economy: Embrace circularity principles to promote resource regeneration, minimize waste, and continually repurpose valuable materials instead of discarding them.
  3. Waste Management and Pollution Control: Enforce strict regulations on waste disposal, encourage recycling, and reduce pollution from novel entities like microplastics.
  4. Community Empowerment: Empower communities to actively engage in sustainable practices, fostering a collective sense of responsibility for environmental stewardship.
  5. Climate Mitigation: Prioritize strategies to mitigate climate change, limiting temperature rise and preventing further breaches of planetary boundaries related to climate.
  6. Clean Technologies and Sustainable Transportation: Promote zero-emission technologies and reduce carbon footprints through incentives for clean energy adoption and sustainable transportation methods.

Important Points:

Planetary Boundaries:

  • Nine crucial planetary boundaries were proposed in 2009 to establish safe environmental limits for human activity.
  • These boundaries cover various aspects of Earth’s environment, including climate change, biosphere integrity, and more.

Breached Planetary Boundaries:

  • Humanity has exceeded safe limits on six out of nine planetary boundaries.
  • Notably breached boundaries include climate change, biodiversity loss, and freshwater use.
  • Consequences of breaching these boundaries increase the risk of irreversible environmental changes.

Climate Change:

  • Safe CO2 levels and radiative forcing are far above current levels, indicating a critical breach.

Biosphere Integrity:

  • Extinction rates and loss of genetic diversity are critically high, endangering ecosystems and species.

Land System Change:

  • Global forested land area falls below the safe threshold, contributing to habitat loss.

Freshwater Change:

  • Alterations in both blue and green water exceed safe boundaries, affecting water availability.

Biogeochemical Flows:

  • Phosphorus and nitrogen cycles are disrupted beyond safe levels, impacting ecosystems.

Novel Entities:

  • Human impact on substances like microplastics and endocrine disruptors has exceeded the zero boundary, posing environmental risks.

Way Forward to Address Planetary Boundary Challenges:

  • Biodiversity Conservation: Preserve biodiversity, restore ecosystems, and protect endangered species.
  • Circular Economy: Promote resource regeneration and minimize waste.
  • Waste Management and Pollution Control: Enforce strict waste disposal regulations and reduce pollution.
  • Community Empowerment: Engage communities in sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.
  • Climate Mitigation: Prioritize strategies to mitigate climate change.
  • Clean Technologies and Sustainable Transportation: Promote zero-emission technologies and sustainable transportation methods.
Why In News

A recent study published in the journal Science Advances has sent shockwaves through the scientific community, as it unveils that the world has dangerously surpassed six of the nine crucial planetary boundaries vital for safeguarding Earth’s stability and resilience. This alarming revelation underscores the urgent need for global cooperation and immediate action to address these critical environmental challenges.

MCQs about Planetary Boundaries

  1. Which of the following planetary boundaries is currently within safe limits?
    A. Climate Change
    B. Biosphere Integrity
    C. Biogeochemical Flows
    D. Novel Entities
    Correct Answer: D. Novel Entities
    Explanation: The boundaries related to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Atmospheric Aerosol Loading, and Ocean Acidification remain within the planetary boundaries. Novel Entities include substances like microplastics and endocrine disruptors, which have exceeded the zero boundary.
  2. What are the consequences of breaching planetary boundaries?
    A. Immediate catastrophe and irreversible damage.
    B. A temporary disruption in environmental processes.
    C. No significant impact on the Earth’s ecosystems.
    D. Increased sustainability of human activities.
    Correct Answer: A. Immediate catastrophe and irreversible damage.
    Explanation: Breaching planetary boundaries significantly increases the risk of irreversible environmental changes, which, in turn, threatens the Earth’s ability to sustain our current way of life. It does not lead to immediate catastrophe but escalates the risk of severe and lasting damage.
  3. Which action is NOT suggested as a way forward to address planetary boundary challenges ?
    A. Biodiversity Conservation
    B. Community Empowerment
    C. Expansion of industries causing boundary breaches
    D. Circular Economy
    Correct Answer: C. Expansion of industries causing boundary breaches
    Explanation: It can be address planetary boundary challenges, including biodiversity conservation, community empowerment, and promoting the circular economy. However, it does not suggest the expansion of industries causing boundary breaches; instead, it emphasizes the need to mitigate environmental impacts.

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