Daily Current Affairs : 20-September-2023

In a significant development, the Union government of India has recently announced its plan to establish the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP), a set of prestigious awards aimed at honoring outstanding scientists, technologists, and innovators in the country. This initiative, somewhat akin to the renowned Padma awards, carries its unique significance in recognizing and celebrating the contributions of individuals who have excelled in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. This essay delves into the key details, significance, and implications of the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar.

Understanding the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar

The Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP) is a set of 56 awards established by the Union government to commend the achievements of scientists, technologists, and innovators in India. Unlike other awards, these prizes will not include any cash component. Instead, the awardees will receive a certificate and a medallion, symbolizing their remarkable contributions to their respective fields.

Categories of the RVP

The RVP is structured into various categories, with a total of 56 awards distributed annually. The categories include:

  1. Vigyan Ratna (3 awards)
  2. Vigyan Shri (25 awards)
  3. Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (25 awards)
  4. Vigyan Team (3 awards)

These awards encompass a wide spectrum of scientific domains, ranging from physics, chemistry, biological sciences, mathematics, and computer science to earth science, medicine, engineering science, agricultural science, environmental science, technology and innovation, atomic energy, space science and technology, and a 13th category, simply referred to as “others.”

Significant Reduction in Science Prizes

It’s worth noting that the 56 proposed RVP awards represent a significant reduction compared to the nearly 300 science prizes previously offered by various Union Ministries. This streamlined approach aims to elevate the prestige and significance of each award, emphasizing quality over quantity.

Inclusivity of Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs)

One notable aspect of the RVP awards is their inclusivity. The awards will also be open to individuals of Indian origin (PIOs), recognizing the global reach and influence of Indian scientists and innovators. However, the eligibility criteria differ for PIOs:

  • One PIO may be awarded the Vigyan Ratna.
  • Three PIOs may be selected for the Vigyan Shri and the Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar awards.
  • PIOs will not be eligible for the Vigyan Team awards.
Age Limits and Announcement Dates

There are no age restrictions for most RVP prizes, except for the Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar awards, for which recipients must be 45 years or younger. The RVP awards will be announced annually on May 11, celebrated as National Technology Day, and will be conferred on National Space Day, August 23. These dates commemorate India’s historic achievements in nuclear testing and lunar exploration.

Administration and Oversight

The administration of the RVP awards will be coordinated by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for the initial two years. Afterward, the proposed National Research Foundation will take over the administration. A committee comprising the Secretaries of six Science Ministries, up to four presidents of science and engineering academies, and six distinguished scientists and technologists from various fields will oversee the selection process.

Important Points:

  • The RVP is a set of 56 awards by the Union government to honor scientists, technologists, and innovators.
  • Unlike other awards, it does not include any cash component but offers a certificate and a medallion.
  • Categories include Vigyan Ratna (3), Vigyan Shri (25), Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (25), and Vigyan Team (3).
  • Awards span 13 categories, covering a wide range of scientific domains.
  • The 56 RVP awards replace the previous almost 300 science prizes, emphasizing quality over quantity.
  • The awards are open to persons of Indian origin (PIOs) with specific criteria.
  • There are no age limits for most awards except Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar.
  • Announcement on May 11 (National Technology Day), presentation on August 23 (National Space Day).


  • PIOs are eligible for various RVP awards, promoting global recognition of Indian talent.
  • PIOs can receive Vigyan Ratna (1), Vigyan Shri (3), and Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (3) awards.
  • PIOs are not eligible for Vigyan Team awards.

Administration and Oversight:

  • Initial coordination of RVP awards by CSIR for two years.
  • Subsequently, administration taken over by the proposed National Research Foundation.
  • A committee oversees the selection process, including Secretaries of six Science Ministries, presidents of science academies, and distinguished scientists.


  • RVP emphasizes recognition and celebration of excellence in science, technology, and innovation.
  • Focuses on elevating the prestige of awards rather than cash incentives.
  • Aims to inspire and promote a culture of scientific excellence in India.
  • Commences in 2024, potentially influencing a new generation of scientists and innovators.
Why In News

The Union government is gearing up to establish the prestigious Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar, a commendation that will encompass 56 awards, with the aim of honoring the outstanding contributions made by scientists, technologists, and innovators. This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to celebrating and encouraging excellence in the fields of science and technology, while also inspiring future generations to pursue innovation and discovery.

MCQs about Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar

  1. What is the primary focus of the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP)?
    A. Monetary rewards for scientists and innovators.
    B. Recognizing and celebrating excellence in science, technology, and innovation.
    C. Promoting global collaboration in the field of science.
    D. Encouraging scientific research among youth.
    Correct Answer: B. Recognizing and celebrating excellence in science, technology, and innovation.
    Explanation: The RVP primarily aims to recognize and celebrate outstanding contributions in the fields of science, technology, and innovation.
  2. Which of the following categories is open to persons of Indian origin (PIOs) for the RVP awards?
    A. Vigyan Ratna.
    B. Vigyan Shri.
    C. Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar.
    D. Vigyan Team.
    Correct Answer: A. Vigyan Ratna.
    Explanation: PIOs are eligible for the Vigyan Ratna category of the RVP awards, as per the essay. They have specific eligibility criteria for other categories.
  3. When will the RVP awards be announced and presented?
    A. Announced on National Space Day, presented on National Technology Day.
    B. Announced on National Technology Day, presented on National Science Day.
    C. Announced on Independence Day, presented on Republic Day.
    D. Announced on World Environment Day, presented on Earth Day.
    Correct Answer: A. Announced on National Space Day, presented on National Technology Day.
    Explanation: According to the essay, the RVP awards are announced on May 11 (National Technology Day) and presented on August 23 (National Space Day).

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