Daily Current Affairs : 9-January-2024
The warming oceans in Zanzibar have compelled women to transition from traditional seaweed farming to a more climate-resilient and sustainable business venture: sponge farming. This shift is not just a survival strategy but also an emerging environmentally friendly opportunity with global implications.
Physiological Features: The Living Marvels
Sponges, often mistaken as inanimate objects, are living animals characterized by loosely arranged cells surrounding a fibrous skeleton. These organisms possess specialized cells with whip-like tails, acting as microscopic pumps that draw water into their bodies. Beyond their intriguing physiology, sponges create habitats for various marine life, fostering mutual symbiotic relationships.
Global Presence: Ocean Guardians
Sea sponges, constituting 20% of the global silicon biological sink, play a crucial role in maintaining ocean health. Their unique pumping mechanism not only purifies ocean water by removing impurities, including sewage, but also supports diverse ecosystems. The global presence of sea sponges highlights their importance in preserving marine biodiversity.
Unique Characteristics: Climate Resilience and Economic Viability
Sponges exhibit resilience to climate change, requiring minimal maintenance compared to traditional seaweed farming. This resilience contributes to their economic viability, commanding premium market prices. The economic potential of sponge farming becomes evident as it addresses climate challenges while offering sustainable livelihoods.
Reproduction and Regeneration: Nature’s Efficiency
Most sponges are hermaphrodites, facilitating self-propagation. Their reproductive efficiency is evident as new sponges emerge from small buds, ensuring independent growth. Furthermore, damaged or fragmented sponges display remarkable regenerative abilities, adding to their ecological significance.
Commercial Applications: Beyond Climate Resilience
Sponges are not only environmentally beneficial but also commercially valuable. With natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, they find applications in bathing and hygiene products, resisting odors. Moreover, sponges contribute significantly to combating climate change by participating in the carbon cycle. Their skeletons break down into silicon particles, supporting diatom growth, which absorbs CO2 through photosynthesis.
Important Points:
- Physiological Features: The Living Marvels
- Sponges are living animals with a fibrous skeleton and specialized cells with whip-like tails.
- Microscopic pumps in sponges draw water into their bodies.
- Sponges create habitats for marine life, fostering symbiotic relationships.
- Global Presence: Ocean Guardians
- Sea sponges constitute 20% of the global silicon biological sink.
- Unique pumping mechanism purifies ocean water, removing impurities, including sewage.
- Importance of sea sponges in preserving marine biodiversity.
- Unique Characteristics: Climate Resilience and Economic Viability
- Sponges exhibit resilience to climate change, requiring minimal maintenance.
- Sponge farming commands premium market prices compared to seaweed.
- Economic potential of sponge farming in addressing climate challenges.
- Reproduction and Regeneration: Nature’s Efficiency
- Most sponges are hermaphrodites, facilitating self-propagation.
- New sponges emerge from small buds, ensuring independent growth.
- Remarkable regenerative abilities in damaged or fragmented sponges.
- Commercial Applications: Beyond Climate Resilience
- Sponges used for bathing and hygiene due to natural antibacterial and antifungal properties.
- Contribution of sponges to combating climate change through the carbon cycle.
- Sponge skeletons break down into silicon particles, supporting diatom growth for CO2 absorption.
Why In News
Warming oceans forced women in Zanzibar to switch from seaweed to climate-resilient sponge farming to stay afloat, showcasing their resilience and innovative adaptation strategies in the face of environmental challenges.
MCQs about Sponge Farming
What prompted the transition from seaweed to sponge farming in Zanzibar?
A. Increased demand for seaweed products
B. Warming oceans
C. Government regulations on seaweed cultivation
D. Decline in seaweed market prices
What is a key physiological feature of sponges contributing to their unique characteristics?
A. Solid, inanimate structure
B. Fibrous exoskeleton
C. Specialized cells with whip-like tails
D. Shell-like protective covering
What role do sea sponges play in maintaining ocean health globally?
A. They contribute to global warming
B. They purify ocean water by removing impurities
C. They accelerate coral reef degradation
D. They deplete marine biodiversity
Why does sponge farming command premium market prices compared to seaweed farming?
A. Sponges have a unique taste preferred by consumers
B. Sponge farming requires less effort
C. Sponges are resilient to climate change
D. Seaweed has become less popular in the market
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