Daily Current Affairs : 25-September-2023

In the vast tapestry of Earth’s history, some species have demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. Among these tenacious survivors is the Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus), a jawless fish that has not only endured but thrived through four mass extinctions.

Name and Classification

The Pacific lamprey, scientifically known as Entosphenus tridentatus, belongs to a group of ancient, jawless fish that first emerged more than 450 million years ago during the Ordovician period. This period, occurring between 485 to 444 million years ago, was a time when life in the oceans was flourishing, and early marine organisms were diversifying rapidly.


Pacific lampreys make their homes in both freshwater and marine ecosystems within the North Pacific region. These remarkable creatures are not confined to a single environment, demonstrating their adaptability to varying ecological conditions.

Evolutionary Tale

The Pacific lamprey’s survival story spans millions of years and encompasses multiple mass extinctions. Here’s a glimpse into its enduring journey:

  1. Ordovician Survival: During the Ordovician period, the Pacific lamprey’s ancestors faced the first mass extinction event. Remarkably, they persevered, adapting to the changing environment and evolving into the lampreys we know today.
  2. Devonian Era: The Devonian era (around 360 million years ago) witnessed another mass extinction event. Once again, Pacific lampreys proved their mettle by surviving this challenging period.
  3. Triassic-Jurassic Extinction: As the Triassic-Jurassic extinction event unfolded around 200 million years ago, many species vanished from the Earth. However, the Pacific lamprey persisted, showcasing their ability to endure even in the face of catastrophic events.
  4. Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction: The extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period approximately 66 million years ago was a defining moment in Earth’s history. Surprisingly, the Pacific lamprey continued to exist, defying the odds once more.
Unique Skeletal Structure

One of the key features that sets Pacific lampreys apart is their boneless anatomy. Unlike most vertebrates, their skeletons are entirely composed of cartilage. This distinctive characteristic allows for flexibility and maneuverability, making them well-suited to their unique lifestyle.

Important Points:

  • Name and Classification
    • Scientific name: Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus)
    • Belongs to an ancient group of jawless fish.
    • Originated over 450 million years ago during the Ordovician period.
  • Habitat
    • Thrives in both freshwater and marine ecosystems in the North Pacific.
    • Demonstrates adaptability to varying environmental conditions.
  • Evolutionary Tale
    • Survived four mass extinction events:
      1. Ordovician mass extinction
      2. Devonian era challenges
      3. Triassic-Jurassic extinction
      4. Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction
  • Unique Skeletal Structure
    • Skeleton entirely made of cartilage.
    • Offers flexibility and maneuverability.
    • Distinctive feature setting Pacific lampreys apart from most vertebrates.

Why In News

The Pacific lamprey has recently captured the attention of scientists and conservationists due to its exceptional ability to persist through mass extinctions. Understanding the mechanisms behind its survival can provide valuable insights into the resilience of ancient species in our rapidly changing world.

MCQs about The Resilience of Pacific Lampreys

  1. In which geological period did the Pacific lamprey’s ancestors first evolve?
    A. Jurassic
    B. Ordovician
    C. Cretaceous
    D. Devonian
    Correct Answer: B. Ordovician
    Explanation: The Pacific lamprey’s ancestors first emerged over 450 million years ago during the Ordovician period.
  2. How many mass extinctions have Pacific lampreys survived ?
    A. 1
    B. 2
    C. 3
    D. 4
    Correct Answer: D. 4
    Explanation: The Pacific lampreys have endured four mass extinction events throughout their evolutionary history.
  3. Why is the Pacific lamprey currently in the news?
    A. Due to its role as a predator in marine ecosystems.
    B. Because it is a newly discovered species.
    C. Scientists are studying it to understand resilience in ancient species.
    D. It is facing an imminent threat of extinction.
    Correct Answer: C. Scientists are studying it to understand resilience in ancient species.
    Explanation: The Pacific lamprey has recently captured the attention of scientists and conservationists because it offers valuable insights into the resilience of ancient species in a changing world.

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