Daily Current Affairs : 25-September-2023

In recent news, Swati Nayak, an accomplished agriculture scientist, achieved a remarkable feat by becoming only the third Indian to receive the prestigious Norman E. Borlaug Award in 2023. Her extraordinary contributions to the field of agriculture, particularly in the state of Odisha, have garnered her this well-deserved recognition.

Who is Swati Nayak?

Swati Nayak, affectionately known as “Bihana Didi” or the “Seed Lady” by the local communities in Odisha, is a remarkable figure in the realm of agriculture. Her dedication and innovative spirit have made her a beacon of hope for smallholder farmers in the region. Let’s delve deeper into her achievements and her groundbreaking work.

Revolutionizing Agriculture with Sahbhagi Dhan Rice

One of Swati Nayak’s most notable achievements is her pivotal role in introducing the drought-tolerant Sahbhagi Dhan rice variety in Odisha. This rice variety, known for its ability to thrive in challenging climatic conditions, has had a profound impact on the lives of farmers in eastern states, including Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and, of course, Odisha.

Sahbhagi Dhan’s Key Features:

  • Highly drought-tolerant, suitable for rainfed upland and lowland areas.
  • Matures in 105-110 days in plain areas and 110-115 days in upland.
  • Remarkably resistant to leaf blast and moderately resistant to brown spot and sheath blight.

The introduction of Sahbhagi Dhan brought about a transformative change in rain-fed areas. It swiftly became an essential component of every farmer’s diet and crop rotation, offering resilience in the face of climate challenges and boosting agricultural productivity.

The Norman E. Borlaug Award

The Norman E. Borlaug Award for Field Research and Application, generously endowed by the Rockefeller Foundation, is a prestigious accolade presented annually in Des Moines, Iowa, by the World Food Prize Foundation. This award, accompanied by a $10,000 prize, is dedicated to recognizing outstanding achievements in international agriculture and food production by individuals under the age of 40.

Selection Process:

  • Recipients are chosen by an anonymous international jury composed of experts in the field.
  • The jury is chaired by Dr. W. Ronnie Coffman, a distinguished academic from Cornell University and the only doctoral student of Dr. Norman E. Borlaug himself.
  • Dr. Coffman also serves as a member of the World Food Prize Council of Advisors, further emphasizing the award’s credibility and prestige.

Important Points:

Swati Nayak:

  • An agriculture scientist from Odisha.
  • Known as “Bihana Didi” or the “Seed Lady” by local communities.
  • Recognized for her innovative approach in engaging smallholder farmers.

Sahbhagi Dhan Rice:

  • Drought-tolerant rice variety introduced in Odisha.
  • Suitable for rainfed upland and lowland areas, especially in eastern states.
  • Matures in 105-115 days, with resistance to various diseases.
  • Integral part of farmers’ diets and crop rotation in rain-fed areas.

Norman E. Borlaug Award:

  • Award for Field Research and Application.
  • Endowed by the Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Presented by the World Food Prize Foundation in Iowa.
  • Recognizes outstanding achievements in international agriculture by individuals under 40.
  • Recipients selected by an anonymous international jury.
  • Chaired by Dr. W. Ronnie Coffman, Dr. Borlaug’s only doctoral student.
  • Dr. Coffman also serves on the World Food Prize Council of Advisors.
Why In News

In a historic achievement, Swati Nayak proudly emerged as the third Indian agriculture scientist to claim the highly esteemed Norman E. Borlaug Award for 2023, showcasing her exceptional dedication and contributions to the field. Her outstanding work serves as an inspiration for aspiring agricultural researchers nationwide, reinforcing India’s prowess in agricultural innovation and excellence.

MCQs about Swati Nayak

  1. Swati Nayak is best known as:
    A. A renowned Indian chef
    B. An agriculture scientist from Odisha
    C. A famous Bollywood actress
    D. A wildlife conservationist
    Correct Answer: B. An agriculture scientist from Odisha
    Explanation: Swati Nayak as an agriculture scientist known for her innovative work in agriculture.
  2. What is the key feature of Sahbhagi Dhan rice variety mentioned in the essay?
    A. Fast maturity in 90 days
    B. High resistance to leaf blast
    C. Recommended for cultivation in arid regions
    D. Suitable for mountainous areas
    Correct Answer: B. High resistance to leaf blast
    Explanation: The Sahbhagi Dhan is highly resistant to leaf blast among other qualities.
  3. Which award did Swati Nayak receive for her contributions to agriculture?
    A. Nobel Prize in Medicine
    B. Grammy Award for Best New Artist
    C. Norman E. Borlaug Award
    D. Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
    Correct Answer: C. Norman E. Borlaug Award
    Explanation: The Swati Nayak received this prestigious award for her achievements in agriculture.
  4. Who chairs the anonymous international jury responsible for selecting recipients of the Norman E. Borlaug Award?
    A. Dr. W. Ronnie Coffman
    B. Dr. Norman E. Borlaug
    C. Swati Nayak
    D. Dr. Rockefeller
    Correct Answer: A. Dr. W. Ronnie Coffman
    Explanation: Dr. Coffman, who was Dr. Borlaug’s only doctoral student, chairs the jury responsible for selecting award recipients.

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