Hindu Editorial Analysis : 8-June-2023

Cities play a significant role in the energy transition, as evidenced by the alarming amount of carbon dioxide emissions they contribute to the atmosphere. The adverse effects of these emissions, including extreme weather events and health hazards, emphasize the need for low-carbon cities to mitigate climate change. An energy-system transition holds the potential to reduce urban carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 74%.

Strategies for Low-Carbon Cities
  1. Retrofitting and Repurposing Infrastructure: Established cities can enhance energy efficiency by retrofitting and repurposing existing infrastructure. This includes promoting public and active transport options such as cycling and walking, which can significantly reduce energy demand. Electrifying public transport and establishing renewable-based district cooling and heating networks are also effective measures.
  2. Efficient Urban Planning: Rapidly growing cities can adopt efficient urban planning strategies to reduce transport energy demand. Co-locating housing and jobs by designing the city in a way that brings workplaces closer to residential areas can help minimize energy consumption. Additionally, these cities have the opportunity to embrace low-carbon technologies, including renewables, to leapfrog traditional energy systems.
  3. People-Centric Urban Design: New and emerging cities can prioritize people-centric urban design by incorporating energy-efficient services and infrastructure. This approach ensures sustainability from the outset, maximizing the potential to reduce emissions and enhance quality of life.
Challenges and Concerns
  1. Social and Environmental Justice: Energy systems are intertwined with livelihoods and the well-being of various sectors, making it crucial to ensure a socially and environmentally just transition. A one-size-fits-all approach may disproportionately impact certain communities or sectors that rely on fossil fuels. Addressing concerns such as land dispossession, poverty concentration, gendered impacts, and coal-dependent livelihoods is essential.
Suggestions for a Successful Transition
  1. Supply-Side Mitigation: Phasing out fossil fuels and increasing the share of renewable energy sources are vital on the supply side. Additionally, utilizing carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies can contribute to reducing emissions.
  2. Demand-Side Actions: Adopting the “avoid, shift, improve” framework on the demand side involves reducing the demand for materials and energy while substituting fossil fuel use with renewables. Implementing carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies can address residual emissions in the energy sector.
  3. Strategic Efforts: Achieving a low-carbon transition requires strategic and tailored efforts considering different urbanization stages, national contexts, and institutional capacities. These efforts should focus on governance and planning, behavioral shifts, technological innovation, institutional capacity building, and addressing energy and environmental injustices comprehensively.
Why In News

Cities play a pivotal role as key stakeholders in driving the energy transition, with their diverse ecosystems of industries, residents, and infrastructure providing a dynamic platform for innovation and sustainable development. By embracing renewable energy sources, implementing efficient urban planning, and engaging local communities, cities can lead the way towards a greener future, setting an example for regions and nations to follow.

MCQs about The Crucial Role of Cities in the Energy Transition

  1. Which strategy can help rapidly growing cities reduce transport energy demand?
    A. Retrofitting and repurposing infrastructure
    B. Electrifying public transport
    C. Setting up renewable-based cooling and heating networks
    D. Colocating housing and jobs
    Correct Answer: D. Colocating housing and jobs
    Explanation: Rapidly growing cities can reduce transport energy demand by planning the city in a way that brings places of work closer to residential complexes, thus minimizing the need for transportation.
  2. What is one concern related to the energy transition in cities?
    A. Dependence on coal for livelihoods
    B. Overreliance on renewable energy sources
    C. Decreased energy efficiency
    D. Marginalization of developed economies
    Correct Answer: A. Dependence on coal for livelihoods
    Explanation: one concern is the reliance on coal for certain livelihoods, which could be affected during the transition to low-carbon energy systems.
  3. What is an essential aspect of a successful energy transition in cities?
    A. Promoting technology and innovation
    B. Phasing out all forms of transportation
    C. Increasing fossil fuel usage
    D. Ignoring social and environmental justice
    Correct Answer: A. Promoting technology and innovation
    Explanation: promoting technology and innovation is crucial for a successful energy transition in cities, among other strategic efforts such as governance and planning, behavior change, and building institutional capacity.

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