Daily Current Affairs : 17-August-2023

In recent times, the world has been grappling with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and amidst this, a new COVID variant has emerged, namely EG.5, also referred to as Eris. The World Health Organization (WHO) has labeled this variant as a Variant of Interest (VOI), signifying its potential impact on the course of the pandemic. This essay aims to provide an understanding of the EG.5 variant and its significance in the current scenario.

Classification and Significance

The EG.5 variant has garnered attention due to its classification as a Variant of Interest by the WHO. It’s important to note that at present, it has not been deemed a Variant of Concern (VOC), which is a higher level of classification indicating a more substantial impact on the spread and severity of the virus. VOCs are characterized by heightened transmissibility, increased infection rates, a surge in severe cases, and higher COVID-related mortality rates.

Variants on the WHO’s Watchlist

Among the various COVID variants, EG.5 stands out as one of three variants currently on the WHO’s watchlist. The other two variants are XBB.1.5, predominantly found in Europe and the Americas, and XBB.1.16, which has a significant presence in Asia. The classification of EG.5 as a VOI is rooted in several key factors, namely its escalating infection rates, rapid transmissibility, and the concerning ability to evade the immune response.

Rising Infection Rates and Transmissibility

One of the primary reasons behind the classification of EG.5 as a Variant of Interest is the notable increase in infection rates associated with this variant. It has been observed that regions where EG.5 is prevalent are experiencing a surge in COVID cases, indicating the potential for enhanced transmission. The ability of the variant to spread rapidly raises concerns about its impact on public health and healthcare systems.

Immune Escape: A Disturbing Trait

Another critical aspect contributing to the classification of EG.5 as a VOI is its capacity for immune escape. This means that the variant might possess changes in its genetic makeup that allow it to partially evade the immunity acquired through previous infections or vaccination. Such a characteristic has the potential to hinder efforts to achieve widespread immunity and control the pandemic’s trajectory.

Important Points:

  • A new COVID variant, EG.5 (Eris), has emerged in the midst of the ongoing pandemic.
  • The WHO classifies EG.5 as a Variant of Interest (VOI).
  • EG.5 is not classified as a Variant of Concern (VOC) at this time.
  • VOCs have a more significant impact on virus spread, including higher transmissibility, infection rates, severe cases, and mortality.
  • EG.5 is one of three variants on the WHO’s watchlist, alongside XBB.1.5 and XBB.1.16.
  • EG.5’s classification as a VOI is due to:
    • Rising infection rates linked to the variant.
    • Rapid transmissibility, leading to increased cases.
    • Concerning potential for immune escape.
  • Immune escape refers to the variant evading immunity from past infections or vaccinations.
  • EG.5’s spread raises concerns about public health and healthcare systems.
  • Continued research and vigilance are essential to understand the variant’s implications.
  • Global collaboration and informed decision-making are crucial to manage the impact of EG.5 and other variants in the ongoing fight against COVID-19.
Why In News

A new COVID variant, EG.5, also referred to as Eris, has emerged, causing concerns among health officials worldwide. As researchers work to understand its characteristics and potential impact, global efforts are underway to monitor and mitigate the spread of this variant.

MCQs about The EG.5 Variant

  1. What is the classification of the EG.5 COVID variant by the WHO?
    A. Variant of Concern (VOC)
    B. Variant of Interest (VOI)
    C. Variant of Distinction (VOD)
    D. Variant of Negligence (VON)
    Correct Answer: B. Variant of Interest (VOI)
    Explanation: The WHO classifies the EG.5 variant as a Variant of Interest (VOI). It is not yet considered a Variant of Concern (VOC).
  2. What distinguishes a Variant of Concern (VOC) from a Variant of Interest (VOI)?
    A. Higher rates of contagion and severe cases
    B. Only geographical location of spread
    C. Similar transmissibility as original strain
    D. No impact on infection rates
    Correct Answer: A. Higher rates of contagion and severe cases
    Explanation: The Variants of Concern (VOCs) exhibit characteristics such as higher rates of contagion, rising infection rates, increased severe cases of illness, and higher COVID mortality rates. This differentiates them from Variants of Interest (VOIs).
  3. What is the primary reason for classifying EG.5 as a Variant of Interest?
    A. Geographical distribution
    B. Similarity to previous variants
    C. Immune escape potential and rapid spread
    D. Low infection rates
    Correct Answer: C. Immune escape potential and rapid spread
    Explanation: The classification of EG.5 as a Variant of Interest is due to its potential for immune escape (genetic changes that evade immunity) and its rapid transmissibility leading to increased infection rates.
  4. What is the significance of EG.5’s classification as a VOI for public health?
    A. No impact on healthcare systems
    B. Lesser transmission compared to original strain
    C. Potential challenges for healthcare systems
    D. Immunity against all variants
    Correct Answer: C. Potential challenges for healthcare systems
    Explanation: The EG.5’s rapid spread raises concerns about its impact on public health and healthcare systems, suggesting potential challenges in managing increased cases due to the variant’s transmissibility.

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