The Genome India Project (GIP) is a national genome sequencing project to sequence 10,000 Indian genomes and create a database. The initiative is led by the Indian Institute of Science’s Centre for Brain Research and involves 20 national institutes in an effort to gather samples, compile data, conduct research and create an Indian reference genome grid. The project is funded by the Department of Biotechnology, GoI. Currently, the project has sequenced about 7000 Indian genomes and the data of 3000 genomes is available for public access by researchers.

Importance of Genome India Project

The genome sequencing of Indian populations has been neglected so far, and the project aims to identify genes and genetic variations for common diseases, treat Mendelian disorders, and transform the precision medicine landscape in India, ultimately improving healthcare for the general population. Currently, India has a high burden of genetic disorders, but there is limited understanding of the genes responsible for these disorders. The creation of a catalogue of genetic variations for Indians and their categorization into disease/non-disease-causing variations will enable better research on genetic disorders and provide accurate diagnoses of these disorders.

Human Genome Project

The Genome India Project is inspired by the Human Genome Project (HGP 1990-2003), an international programme that led to the decoding of the entire human genome. HGP took 13 years to produce a blueprint of the sequence of genes and spaces between genes that make up a typical human genome. The HGP generated 92% of the Human Genome sequence in 2003, and the latest version of the complete human genome was released in 2023 with a 0.3% error margin. The Genome India Project is based on the Next-Generation Sequencing platform, the latest and the best in sequencing technologies to sequence the genomes of thousands of Indians.

The Genome India Project and its Significance for Precision Medicine
Genome Sequencing

The human genome is the entire set of DNA present in the nucleus of every cell of each human body and carries the complete genetic information of the organism. DNA is a double-stranded molecule, composed of a sugar-phosphate backbone and nucleotide bases (Adenine – A, Thiamine -T, Guanine -T and Cytosine -C). Every base on one strand pairs with a complementary base on the other strand, A with T and G with C. A genome is made up of approximately 3.05 billion such base pairs. Genome sequencing is the process of deciphering the order of base pairs to decode the genetic fingerprint of a human.

Applications of Genome Sequencing

Genome sequencing is used to evaluate rare disorders, pre-conditions for disorders, and even cancer from the viewpoint of genetics rather than as a disease of certain organs. Gene sequencing has been used to investigate genetic disorders/anomalies in fetuses. Screening has been used to read the codes of viruses. In 2014, a group of scientists sequenced samples of Ebola from infected African patients to show how genomic data of viruses could reveal hidden pathways of transmission, which might be missed by standard epidemiological investigations.

Important Points:

🧬 The Genome India Project is a national genome sequencing project to sequence 10,000 Indian genomes and create a database.

🔬 The initiative is funded by the Department of Biotechnology, GoI and involves 20 national institutes.

🧬 The project aims to arrive at a representative Indian genome and pave the way for identifying genes and genetic variations for common diseases, treating Mendelian disorders (genetic disorders), and enabling the transformation of the Precision Medicine landscape in India.

🔬 The project is two-thirds complete with about 7000 Indian human genomes sequenced of which 3000 are available for public access by researchers.

🧬 The Genome India Project is important because it will help to identify genes and genetic variations that are causes of many common diseases in the Indian population and will enable physicians to provide accurate diagnosis of genetic disorders at a much cheaper price in the near future.

🔬 The Genome India Project is inspired by the Human Genome Project (HGP 1990-2003) which led to the decoding of the entire human genome.

🧬 The Genome India Project is based on the Next-Generation Sequencing platform which allows for rapid, accurate, and cost-effective sequencing of large amounts of DNA.

🔬 Genome sequencing is used to evaluate rare disorders, pre-conditions for disorders, and even cancer from the viewpoint of genetics rather than as a disease of certain organs.

🧬 Genome sequencing has several applications, including investigating genetic disorders/anomalies in foetuses (prenatal screening), repairing disease-causing mutations in genomes using the technology Crispr, and reading the codes of viruses to reveal hidden pathways of transmission.

🔬 The Genome India Project is an important topic for the IAS exam science and technology segment, and it has the potential to improve the healthcare of the general population in India.

Why In News

In this article, discover the Genome India Project – an ambitious national genome sequencing project approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2020, aimed at sequencing 10,000 Indian genomes and creating a database, and its significance for the IAS exam science and technology segment.

  1. What is the aim of the Genome India Project (GIP)?
    A. To sequence 10,000 Indian genomes and create a database.
    B. To sequence 1,00,000 Indian genomes and create a database.
    C. To sequence 10,000 genomes of Indian origin living abroad.
    D. To create a database of Indian genomes without sequencing.
    Correct Answer: A. To sequence 10,000 Indian genomes and create a database.
    Explanation: The Genome India Project aims to sequence 10,000 Indian genomes and create a database.
  2. Which ministry approved the Genome India Project in 2020?
    A. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
    B. Ministry of Science and Technology
    C. Ministry of Home Affairs
    D. Ministry of External Affairs
    Correct Answer: B. Ministry of Science and Technology
    Explanation: The Genome India Project was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2020.
  3. What is the primary objective of genome sequencing projects?
    A. To cure diseases in the population
    B. To create a database of genetic information
    C. To identify the ancestors of the population
    D. To develop new medicines
    Correct Answer: B. To create a database of genetic information
    Explanation: The primary objective of genome sequencing projects is to create a database of genetic information.
  4. Which countries have launched similar genome sequencing projects?
    A. United States, United Kingdom, and China
    B. Russia, Japan, and India
    C. France, Germany, and Brazil
    D. South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya
    Correct Answer: A. United States, United Kingdom, and China
    Explanation: Countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and China have launched similar genome sequencing projects to sequence at least 100,000 of their populations’ genomes.

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