Daily Current Affairs : 5-September-2023

In the heart of Gandhinagar, Gujarat, a significant event recently took place that holds immense promise for the world of healthcare. The two-day WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit 2023 brought together experts, policymakers, and healthcare practitioners to discuss the integration of traditional medicine into national health systems. This monumental gathering culminated in the release of the “Gujarat Declaration,” which outlines key initiatives and commitments to harness the potential of traditional medicine through scientific advancements.

The Gujarat Declaration: A Path to Integration

The Gujarat Declaration is more than just a document; it represents a beacon of hope for those who believe in the value of traditional medicine. Let’s delve into the key outcomes and commitments outlined in this historic declaration:

  1. Reaffirming Commitments: The declaration reiterates global commitments to indigenous knowledge, biodiversity, and traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine (TCIM). This reaffirmation underscores the significance of preserving and utilizing age-old healing practices.
  2. Scientific Validation: To harness the full potential of traditional medicine, the declaration calls for the acceleration of the production, regulation, and formal utilization of scientifically proven TCIM products and practices. This emphasizes the importance of rigorous scientific research to validate the efficacy and safety of traditional remedies.
  3. Standardization: Standardization is a cornerstone of the Gujarat Declaration. Policymakers and healthcare stakeholders are urged to advance policies that promote standardized TCIM documentation. This includes the expanded use of the WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) to facilitate the integration of evidence and data collection on TCIM into routine health information systems.
  4. Global Network of Clinical Centers: A global network of TCIM reference clinical centers is proposed. These centers would be tasked with standardized data collection and monitoring based on the WHO ICD-11 coding. Such a network could revolutionize the way TCIM is integrated into healthcare systems worldwide.
  5. Digital Health and AI: Embracing modern technology is pivotal. The declaration encourages the development and application of digital health technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) to advance digital health resources related to TCIM. This move aligns traditional medicine with the digital age, making it more accessible and efficient.
  6. Biodiversity Preservation: The declaration emphasizes the need to safeguard, restore, and sustainably manage biodiversity. It calls for actions at all levels to ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from biodiversity resources and Indigenous knowledge. This commitment underscores the intertwined relationship between traditional medicine and the environment.
  7. Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Lastly, the declaration underscores the importance of fully recognizing, respecting, and protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples, as outlined in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This acknowledgment is vital in preserving traditional healing knowledge and promoting cultural diversity.

Important Points:

  • WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit 2023 held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
  • Outcome document called “Gujarat Declaration” released.
  • Focus on integrating traditional medicine into national health systems.
  • Key commitments from the Gujarat Declaration:
    • Reaffirmation of global commitments to indigenous knowledge, biodiversity, and TCIM.
    • Accelerate production, regulation, and utilization of scientifically proven TCIM.
    • Promote standardized TCIM documentation using WHO ICD-11.
    • Establish a global network of TCIM reference clinical centers.
    • Embrace digital health technologies and AI for TCIM resources.
    • Actions to safeguard biodiversity and ensure fair benefits sharing.
    • Full recognition and protection of Indigenous Peoples’ rights.
Why In News

Recently, the vibrant city of Gandhinagar, Gujarat, hosted the prestigious two-day WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit 2023. This global summit brought together experts and practitioners from around the world to explore the integration of traditional medicine into modern healthcare systems, fostering meaningful discussions on the future of holistic healthcare practices.

MCQs about The Gujarat Declaration

  1. What document was released as the outcome of the WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit 2023?
    A. Gandhinagar Accord
    B. Gujarat Declaration
    C. WHO Health Resolution
    D. Gandhinagar Manifesto
    Correct Answer: B. Gujarat Declaration
    Explanation: The outcome document of the WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit 2023 was called the “Gujarat Declaration.”
  2. What does the Gujarat Declaration emphasize regarding biodiversity?
    A. The need to exploit biodiversity for TCIM
    B. Actions to safeguard, restore, and sustainably manage biodiversity
    C. Using biodiversity solely for modern medicine
    D. Ignoring the importance of biodiversity
    Correct Answer: B. Actions to safeguard, restore, and sustainably manage biodiversity
    Explanation: The Gujarat Declaration emphasizes the need to take actions to safeguard, restore, and sustainably manage biodiversity, ensuring fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from it.
  3. Which key initiative does the Gujarat Declaration propose for TCIM integration into healthcare systems?
    A. Promoting non-scientific TCIM practices
    B. Expanding the use of WHO ICD-11
    C. Ignoring digital health technologies
    D. Reducing the role of Indigenous Peoples
    Correct Answer: B. Expanding the use of WHO ICD-11
    Explanation: The Gujarat Declaration proposes expanding the use of WHO ICD-11 for standardized TCIM documentation as a key initiative for integration into healthcare systems.

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