The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an intergovernmental military alliance that was formed in 1949. Its members pledge to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. NATO is open to countries that share the organization’s values and are committed to its mission of collective defense. Sweden has expressed its desire to join NATO, but its membership is blocked by Turkey and Hungary. Finland joined the alliance in April 2023.

Membership Procedure of NATO

The membership process of NATO is a lengthy one. A country that wants to join NATO must first express its desire to do so and undergo a period of dialogue and consultation with the alliance. The decision to invite a country to join NATO is made by the existing member countries based on a consensus agreement. Once invited to join, the candidate country must ratify the North Atlantic Treaty and other related agreements. The membership process can take several years, as the candidate country must complete a series of reforms and meet the standards required of NATO members.

Why is Sweden’s Membership in NATO Blocked?

Sweden’s membership in NATO is blocked due to non-agreement by Turkey and Hungary. Both countries have expressed their concerns about Sweden’s candidacy.

Turkey’s Objection

Turkey has objected to Sweden’s membership in NATO on several grounds. Turkey believes that Sweden has not addressed concerns over human rights and democratic standards. It has also accused Sweden of harbouring members of what it considers to be terrorist groups and has demanded their extradition as a condition for ratifying Swedish membership in NATO. Sweden’s courts have blocked some expulsions of individuals sought by Turkey, which has further complicated the issue. Turkey has also taken issue with recent protests in Stockholm where the Quran was burned and an effigy of Turkish President Erdogan was hanged upside down.

The issue has been complicated by Turkey’s upcoming election, with President Erdogan facing his biggest political challenge in two decades. Turkey may be using the NATO issue to divert attention away from domestic issues, and the outcome of the election could have an impact on whether Sweden’s membership is ratified.

Hungary’s Objection

Hungary has also objected to Sweden’s membership in NATO. It accuses Sweden of having a hostile attitude towards Budapest for years. Hungary is angry about Swedish criticism of Prime Minister Viktor Orban over the perceived erosion of the rule of law. Orban denies such erosion. Unlike Turkey, Hungary does not have a list of demands but says that grievances need to be addressed before it can ratify Sweden’s accession to NATO.

Why In News

Turkey and Hungary’s objections have hindered Sweden’s aspirations to join NATO, while Finland has recently become a member of the alliance, having joined in April 2023.

MCQs about The Membership Process of NATO and Its Criteria

  1. What is the primary requirement for a country to become a member of NATO?
    A. A functioning democratic political system, a market economy, and the capability to contribute to the organization’s collective defense efforts.
    B. A stable monarchy and a strong defense system.
    C. A socialist government and a history of anti-imperialism.
    D. A military dictatorship and a nuclear arsenal.
    Correct Answer: A. A functioning democratic political system, a market economy, and the capability to contribute to the organization’s collective defense efforts.
    Explanation: According to the essay, a prospective member country must demonstrate that it has a functioning democratic political system, a market economy, and the capability to contribute to the organization’s collective defense efforts.
  2. What is the reason for Turkey’s objection to Sweden joining NATO?
    A. Concerns over human rights and democratic standards in Sweden.
    B. A history of religious conflicts between the two nations.
    C. Allegations of espionage and sabotage against Turkish interests.
    D. A dispute over territorial claims in the Aegean Sea.
    Correct Answer: A. Concerns over human rights and democratic standards in Sweden.
    Explanation: According to the essay, Turkey has objected to Sweden’s membership in NATO due to concerns over human rights and democratic standards in Sweden. Turkey has also accused Sweden of harbouring members of what it considers to be terrorist groups and has demanded their extradition as a condition for ratifying Swedish membership in NATO.
  3. Why does Hungary object to Sweden joining NATO?
    A. Hostile attitude towards Hungary for years.
    B. Criticism of Prime Minister Viktor Orban over the perceived erosion of the rule of law.
    C. Refusal to pay its fair share of NATO’s budget.
    D. A history of territorial disputes with Hungary.
    Correct Answer: B. Criticism of Prime Minister Viktor Orban over the perceived erosion of the rule of law.
    Explanation: According to the essay, Hungary is objecting to Sweden joining NATO due to Swedish criticism of Prime Minister Viktor Orban over the perceived erosion of the rule of law. Hungary accuses Sweden of having a hostile attitude towards Budapest for years, and says that grievances need to be addressed before it can ratify Sweden’s accession to NATO.
  4. Which country recently joined NATO in April 2023?
    A. Sweden
    B. Turkey
    C. Hungary
    D. Finland
    Correct Answer: D. Finland
    Explanation: According to the essay, Finland joined NATO in April 2023, while Turkey and Hungary are blocking Sweden’s path to NATO membership.

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