The Rajasthan government has recently introduced the Rajasthan Advocates Protection Bill, 2023 in the state legislative assembly. The bill aims to protect advocates from offenses such as assault, grievous hurt, criminal force, and criminal intimidation. It also provides for compensation and damages to advocates and punishment for offenders.

Aims of the Bill:

The main objective of the bill is to prevent violence and false implications against advocates in the state of Rajasthan. The bill provides for the prevention of offenses against advocates and damage or loss to their property. The Act also deems these offenses as cognizable, indicating that arrests can be made without a warrant.

Police Protection:

The bill aims to provide police protection to an advocate who reports an offense committed against him. However, the police can provide protection only if they deem it necessary and in accordance with the rules prescribed.


The punishment for offenses under this act ranges from fines to imprisonment or both, depending on the severity of the offense committed. The aggrieved person can compound every offense punishable under this Act with the permission of the court. Compoundable offenses are those which can be conciliated by the parties under dispute without requiring the permission of the court.

Compensation and Damages:

The bill seeks to provide compensation to advocates for any loss or damage caused to their property. The offender will also be liable to reimburse the medical expenses incurred by an advocate. The court will determine the amount of compensation and damages that the offender has to pay.

Prosecution of Advocates:

The bill provides for the prosecution of advocates themselves if a report of cognizable offense is received from their client or opposing client against an act done by the advocate, during the discharge of their professional duties. However, the complaint may be registered only after an inquiry has been conducted by a police officer. If an advocate misuses the provisions of this Act or uses them for malicious purposes or makes a false complaint under the Act, they can face imprisonment for up to 3 years, with or without a fine.

Why In News

The Indian Prime Minister has announced the PM MITRA mega textile parks to be set up in various states, with the aim of boosting the textiles sector in alignment with the 5F vision – Farm to Fibre to Factory to Fashion to Foreign. This initiative is expected to create employment opportunities, promote exports, and attract investment in the textile industry.

MCQs aboutThe Rajasthan Advocates Protection Bill

  1. What is the objective of the Rajasthan Advocates Protection Bill, 2023?
    A. To prevent violence against advocates in the state of Rajasthan.
    B. To increase violence and false implications against advocates in the state of Rajasthan.
    C. To provide police protection to the general public in Rajasthan.
    D. To reduce compensation and damages for advocates.
    Correct Answer: A. To prevent violence against advocates in the state of Rajasthan.
    Explanation: The objective of the Rajasthan Advocates Protection Bill, 2023 is to prevent offenses against advocates and to provide police protection to them.
  2. What punishment can an offender face under the Advocates Protection Bill, 2023?
    A. Monetary compensation only.
    B. Imprisonment only.
    C. Both imprisonment and fines.
    D. No punishment.
    Correct Answer: C. Both imprisonment and fines.
    Explanation: The punishment for offenses under this act ranges from fines to imprisonment or both, depending on the severity of the offense committed.
  3. What is the main objective of setting up PM MITRA mega textile parks in India?
    A. To boost the textiles sector in alignment with the 5F vision.
    B. To reduce employment opportunities in the textiles industry.
    C. To reduce exports in the textiles industry.
    D. To reduce investment in the textiles industry.
    Correct Answer: A. To boost the textiles sector in alignment with the 5F vision.
    Explanation: The main objective of setting up PM MITRA mega textile parks in India is to boost the textiles sector in alignment with the 5F vision – Farm to Fibre to Factory to Fashion to Foreign. This initiative is expected to create employment opportunities, promote exports, and attract investment in the textile industry.

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